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Keith Olbermann - America's
Most Relevant Journalist

By Ted Lang

There are some good individuals and professional journalists in the true news business, but most of them write for the alternative [real] American media [AM], such as Jeff Rense and Alex Jones. But their efforts on the Internet are overshadowed by the pro-New World Order propaganda of the corporate mainstream media which deliberately and blindly supports the Bush regime and the GOP because of the latter's commitment to global government. And the recent evidenced bipartisan cooperation would be laudable, except that these political partnerships in "lawmaking" have served only to create legalized crimes, thereby converting lawmaking to lawbreaking. 
Democrat and GOP "congroids" have joined forces to torpedo America and Americans by proposing legislation establishing FDA, Inc., the Alien Seduction Act, and now, to show their concern for the troops, their bi-partisan support in funding and allowing the failed Iraqi war to continue on indefinitely along with the Bush regime's destruction of our military. I have often offered in this space that it takes a famous person to get up in front of the American people and tell it like it really is. 
A while back, Rosie O'Donnell looked like she might help America to save itself by exposing the truth about 9/11. Many in the AM, the "honest" AM, offered that Rosie had the resolve to pull it off; but not me. Oh she has the resolve all right, but I predicted and wrote at the time that the broadcast criminals at ABC would find a way to block her and silence her. Some of my fellow observers voiced how out of touch my comments were, comments that were never critical of Ms. O'Donnell herself, but rather, critical instead of so-called "American" Broadcasting Company. There isn't a damned thing that is "American" about that entire communist operation, including Limbaugh who has vociferously supported the GOP and its treason in stabbing the American people and their Constitution in the back.
More proof of their role as "anti-American Broadcasting Communists" is their horrific spike of the DC Madam blockbuster story. The smugness, the arrogance, the phony uppityness of our corrupt, low-class criminal politicians could be smashed if only their immoral dalliances could be exposed and put on display for all to see. Wayne Madsen reports that a high-level Bush regime defense minister was on DC Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey's client list, along with a lot of other DC notorious notables. Perhaps their haughty attitudes could be brought back down to Earth thereby forcing them to do what is right and what 70 percent of the American people want them to do; namely, get US the hell out of Iraq! 
But no, the anti-American Zionist-Communist traitors at ABC cover-up and spike the news, the facts and the truth. And of course, the bipartisan nature of the required suppression of Madam Palfrey's escort service list must by all means be considered, protected, and kept confidential. The dignity of these "honorables" must never be compromised lest the American people become informed as to the precise immoral nature of these rat-bastards! The bipartisan partnership that creates unconstitutional "laws" destroying our sovereignty for the NWO must be supported, continued and celebrated.
What a refreshing breath of fresh air it was, therefore, to behold the anger, the outrage, the disgust and podium-pounding indignity displayed by the highly articulate, well-written commentary ofjournalist Keith Olbermann on CNN. Have you seen it? By all means, track it down. It's right here on Rense and makes just as good viewing as the Rense-Jones MP3 sound bytes make good listening. Their combined honest assessments of the facts and the truth about our increasingly dangerous criminal government are of course disquieting, but they bring into focus the real threat toAmerica: the bliss and lethargy of ignorance.
We can no longer be blissful. Here's Tom Jefferson again: "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." And then: "A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference. And just one more: "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."
Consider just these three, succinct, to-the-point, simple statements articulating the objectives of our people-created American government in service to the American people. It is for this reason that Thomas Jefferson is my all-time favorite American patriot, a patriot I hold in even higher esteem than that greatest American, General and President George Washington. For the indefatigable loyalty and service to his country, George Washington cannot be matched by any other American in the short-lived experiment of this formerly free republic. He is indeedAmerica's greatest President of all time. But it is Jefferson who conjured up the "Jeffersonian Utopia." It is Jefferson who was so succinct and to the point enabling quick and ready reference to support and articulate the arguments of Rense, Jones and Olbermann. Jefferson; an "American Sphinx" indeed!
Of course, Rense and Jones are extremely relevant for me, as they should be for all true American patriots. But Olbermann's got the audience. If I had to point to only one weapon that the international bankers of our shadow government have as their foremost device to convert US to the global gulag of a New World Order, it's that satanic electronic contraption in everyone's living rooms, bedrooms and family rooms: the TV set. Alex Jones is right: shut the damned thing off and get your kids away from it!
For it is TV that does the most damage by destroying America's societal and religious values via the international banksters global NWO "liberalness" of "political correctness." It is the TV [ABC] that does the most to spike the true news and conceal the facts the people need to realize and understand how our double-crossing government, comprised of the White House Moron, the real "Evil Emperor" and President of Vice, Dick Cheney, the congroids of the Congress of Criminals, and the black-robed Satanists of the Devil's Supreme Court, has twisted, mocked and destroyed America's intent and great experiment in republican freedom. All we need for a governmental moral compass are the short, succinct statements of America's real heart and brain, nay, its very soul: Thomas Jefferson.
There was indeed a time when I saw Olbermann's attack on the Bush regime and the GOP, always totally in line with my views toward these filthy, corrupt, bastards, as being motivated and based only upon his leanings toward the Democratic Party. My motivations were by comparison purer, because not only have I been a die-hard Republican for 38 years, I voted for Bush [against Clinton] in 2000. I even wrote an editorial piece for a heavily right-wing Republican AM website celebrating the midterm congressional "Bush revolution" back in 2002. Well my loyalty has always been to Thomas Jefferson's mind, his Declaration of Independence, and his contributions and OBJECTIONS to the Big Government recipe that the United States Constitution eventually evolved to become. It was Jefferson and the anti-Federalist republicans who pushed for, and insisted upon the inclusion of the Bill of Rights to bring all the Founders back to Earth and to attempt to marry the Declaration of [Individual] Independence to the control mandate of a powerful central government.
Americans are asleep. And yes, Alex Jones is needed to stand right next to them and aim his bullhorn right at their ears and shout as loudly as possible. It just might get their attention! But the nepenthe-producing blissful ignorance and the false comfort of constitutional self-correction must now be followed with an antidote stimulating recognition of stark reality. And where better to initiate this than via the same means that caused the public stupor in the first place?
It is this that Olbermann has given US for consideration on this Memorial Day weekend. He has taken exception to the machinations of his party of choice, should that be the Democratic Party, and has distanced himself from their collaboration with the Bush regime crime machine. He has renounced the pronouncements of the White House Moron in proclaiming himself dictator-decider, and has venomously articulated his disgust for an imitation man and imitation president propped up by our shadowy banker overlords, pointing out as well the complete and total failure of American government. 
If you haven't seen this Olbermann segment, stop reading this now and watch it! It is chilling and comes complete with goose bumps. This is one pissed-off, angry guy. He's the angry American, and a true professional journalist. And this is what sets him apart from party loyalists and non-professional sycophants and journalistic jokes such as Limbaugh, O'Reilly and Hannity. 
Loyalty to America's Founding has no higher calling than direct and unselfish service to one's countrymen and to all one's fellow human beings. It is surpassed only by service in the military and non-profit oriented spiritual and medical service. Our republican-ensured individual freedoms served as Humanity's working example of individual freedom, now being methodically destroyed by Moron Bush, his boss Cheney, the Pentagon Zionists, the Zionist media, and the AIPAC-controlled congroids in the Congress of Criminals.
Olbermann was right to show his hatred and contempt for all of them! He conveyed the hatred and contempt all of US are beginning to feel short of rising to action! And if the stupid congroids won't listen, Jefferson has an answer for that as well: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." And then, as a 38-year Republican, this from whom I consider to be the second greatest president of all time, John Fitzgerald Kennedy: "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
© THEODORE E. LANG 5/27/07 All rights reserved  
Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.



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