Those Without Names
By Judith Moriarty

People are confused, and rightfully so. They are not sure when its proper to grieve nor how to know if a killer(s) is deranged, mentally ill, or a legal killer (s)? For ex: After the first few days the media presented the multitudes who died in New Orleans as looters, welfare bums, druggies, and lazy ner' do wells, who died because they were too lazy to get out of the path of a hurricane and the ensuing flood waters. The criminal negligence and corruption that saw a levee system incapable of protecting hundreds of thousands of people was briefly mentioned and then lost in the political blame game. The media sets the stage as to whom we are to mourn and whom we are to ignore or cheer in their dying. It all depends on the politics of the situation, and the race, religion or culture of the 'other'? One is encouraged to watch a two week funeral dirge for a President as his corpse is dragged from state to state in an obscene fashion. His life and death is thought to be much more notable than the local fireman, teacher, logger or Wal-Mart greeter! You are thought anti-American if you dare to lament the deaths of multitudes that are known as 'collateral damage'. Those without names (brown people) are not thought to have the same gifts, talents, family relationships and visions as their white counterparts.
Shock and Awe was not seen as a massacre even though tens of thousands of innocent citizens died.
I once worked in an institution and reported the deranged idiots who would dare to abuse helpless, crippled, voiceless residents.
They (abusers) confronted me stating, "These people don't feel pain like the rest of us". This mangled thought process is held by a multitude of people in today's society towards the poor, homeless, handicapped, mentally ­ill, homeless and minorities.
You need look no further than your own community to note the prejudice and no trespassing signs (invisible but known) for those not meeting the social or moneyed criteria for a job, political position or choice of residence. Those who reside in gated enclaves, Trump tower elegance, post card villages, sustainable communities, penthouse decadence, and guarded estates, are the most vocal in preaching the rights of the oppressed, writing the laws, and labeling the malcontents while all the while they erect their barriers of exclusion ( metal detectors, security personnel, cameras, alarm systems, fences, land protections, zoning laws etc). KEEP OUT wears many faces!
Gated enclaves keep the riff raff out ­ with zoning excluding low to medium income housing or, aghast, trailers.
They preach environmentalism while their stock portfolios are fattened by their investments in oil, timber, and gas, the military industrial complex, waste, and industrial plants killing off the multitudes. This is not seen as 'deranged'. They care from a distance. They are the preferred guests at local affairs, and awards ceremonies; while all the while they profit in relocating steel mills, textile plants, the auto industry and manufacturing to foreign lands who engage in slave labor. They are lauded for their vision in economic development displacing local businesses with corporate farms, corporate box stores, concrete malls, and fast food restaurants. They are adulated for their fiscal foresight in privatizing waste, water, utilities, nursing homes etc, and replacing local employees with fly by night consultants. With obscene paychecks, bonuses, and health coverage, paid by the common man, they are indifferent to the fears, suffering, and tax burdens put upon those on fixed incomes or who earn feudal wages. A local politician (NH) remarked when confronted with the high cost of medical care for local citizens stated, "If they (citizens) hadn't spent their lives drinking, gambling and carousing they could pay for their medical needs". The fact that his consulting firm was brought up before a Senate Hearing for its fraudulent activities didn't enter his mind as ill gotten gains? His attitude is no different than those who abused the helpless in the institution where I worked, "They don't feel pain like the rest of us".
Dean Kahler was on his way to class at Kent State (May 4-1970) he heard gunshots and quickly threw himself to the ground. He was shot in the back and left paralyzed for life. This was legal ­ President Nixon stated that students against the bombing of Cambodia were 'bums'.
An obviously paranoid schizophrenic young man killed numerous people at Virginia Tech. He has been plastered across the 'news' as a 'deranged killer' etc. When the government kills students or citizensthey are not seen as mentally deranged or the product of a sick mind? We reside in a psychotic matrix world of acceptable commendable killings, i.e. Kent State, Ruby Ridge, Waco, and war (any war) and unacceptable killings (the Trade Towers, School Shootings, Assassination attempts, et al). The media sets the tone ­ with numerous PR 'experts' to denigrate acceptable killings (weirdoes, religious fanatics, cult members, the unpatriotic, separatists etc.) such as President Nixon referring to campus students as "BUMS". The kids at Virginia Tech are not 'bums' but were (are) gifted and talented young people. Demonstrating against war would have had them identified as un- American, unpatriotic, extremists, or commies! It all depends on where you're standing whether your death is deserved! The young people are dead at Virginia Tech because of a system that totally failed them. Keystone security guards permitted a mentally deranged killer loose to kill. The administration did not address his mental illness years ago (warnings from professors ­ students). They appeared to be more concerned over protecting the reputation of Virginia Tech than the student's lives? His parent's culture, Korean, sees mental illness as a 'stigma', thus his fall into madness went unchecked. Lastly, we have a mental health system that is a colossal joke. Chemicals (pills) are prescribed with many mentally ill people ending up imprisoned (our new institutions) or homeless. The students murdered at Kent State held the same promise as those of Virginia Tech. The difference being - they were murdered 'legally'.
Nixon stated that these young students were 'bums'. The government was not seen as DERANGED or having a warped twisted mind when it ordered guardsmen to shoot them (unarmed ­ merely demonstrating against Nixon invading Cambodia). The students of today's massacre were not born when the Kent State (acceptable murder) slaughter took place.
Rachel Corrie was murdered four years ago by Israelis when she tried to stop an Israeli bulldozer (made in U.S.A.) from destroying another Palestinian home for no reason. Rachel was a young college student from Washington State. Chances are there's nobody you can speak to who knows her name nor the facts of her death. The media (unlike the Virginia Tech killing) did not see fit to laud Rachel or the fact that she would lay down her life for strangers in a foreign land. Rachel's death was legal ­ those who mowed her down were not announced as 'deranged or murderous criminals'. Daniel Friedman a cartoonist for the Maryland College Park school newspaper saw fit to do a cartoon of Rachel's death with the caption "Sitting in front of a bulldozer protecting a gang of terrorists". The fact that the home she was protecting was that of a local doctor and his family apparently was missed by Daniel's political astuteness! Hate is not contained in only the identified deranged of society.
Most people don't remember where they were the day this happened (I was in Emmetsburg Maryland) nor did they seem to care that the military was used in attacking helpless people (mostly women and children).
Upwards of 87 people including a couple dozen children were crushed and burned to death by the U.S. government. Clinton ­ Janet Reno and Wesley Clark (the FBI ­ military ­BATF) were responsible for this inferno at Waco, Texas. How people can laud the likes of Clinton after this 'massacre' is beyond me but then the media kept him in the background. Attorney General Janet Reno said she was trying to save the children in Texas from abuse --- thus she killed them! The Texas Children's Services had investigated this church group (brought out in hearings which nobody watched) for months and found NO abuse or ill treatment. The local law enforcement ­ investigated and found the weapons of the Branch Dravidians were ALL legal. Most every Texas household has numerous guns! David Koresh invited the BATF to come into his place and investigate etc. They refused! These people never harmed anyone BUT they were different. The media called them a 'cult' and the church ­ home they lived in a 'compound'. It was OK to kill these religious freaks because they weren't respectable Catholics, Episcopalians, Methodists, Baptists, or Presbyterians or of the Jerry Falwell ­ Parsley ­ Robertson- Hagee gang of religious hucksters who blamed the sin of homosexuals for 911. You can't let weird cult people take hold. People all believed the LIE of the media and political leaders that these people were dangerous madmen ­ this is called a herd mentality! None who ordered or who took part in the massacre at Waco were labeled deranged or mentally ill. Most of those in the assault at Ruby Ridge and Waco got promotions, raises, or became four star generals. This is legal killing. It appears that the BATF were looking for an increase in their funding that year - so they contrived this fictional story. Hey it worked ­ the media bought it. The truth of Ruby Ridge and Waco is all available on line ­ I doubt that very few people have ever read the real truth. These happenings were not aberrations but a prelude to present times that sees American citizens marked as the enemy with road blocks, retina scans, body scanners, or government Ninja troops gassing and beating those who dare protest.
Lon Horiuchi is a Catholic, a West Point graduate, and home schools his six children. Lon Horiuchi is an FBI sharpshooter and shot Vicky Weaver in the face while on her front porch ­ holding her nursing baby! Lon is not deranged or mentally ill. Lon is paid a good salary (our tax dollars) for being a legal killer. It is reported that Lon was also at Waco. Lon is a specialized killer. Randy Weaver's wife was shot (killed) and his little boy Sammy (shot in back by U.S. Marshalls) because he lived in an isolated cabin that the media called a 'compound'. The media called former Green Beret soldier, Randy Weaver a 'white separatist' though Randy didn't belong to any such groups ­ and just wanted his family removed from the filth and greed of modern day living. He was targeted by the BATF because Randy's 'friend' an undercover BATF agent asked him to cut 14 inch off of two shotguns. The law states they have to be 18 inches - Randy's wife, his son, his son's dog, were all killed because of this 14 inch infraction of the law! People like this need to be eliminated - you can't have lawlessness like this in the back woods of Idaho!
I doubt few if any people could speak with you about the city that bombed itself (Philadelphia ­ the city of brotherly love). They bombed the home of Move members referred to as a 'cult' ­ 11 people including five children were killed. The bomb set the neighborhood on fire ­ fire trucks DID NOT attempt to save this city block and watched 61 homes burn. This is acceptable killing ­ this is not deranged. These people were NOT like us ­ so they deserved to be killed. Jesse and Sharpton were missing in action at this massacre!



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