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People Don't Learn ­ They
Just Think They Do

By Ted Twietmeyer
There is an old saying that "history repeats itself."
A man named Vincenzo Di Francesca (1888-1966) went in front of his Protestant Church tribunal almost 100 years ago for questioning the core theology. He was condemned for conducting heretical teaching, as he was member of their priesthood order. On his second time in front of them for still not going along with their party line, he told them "The names have changed, but the music is still the same." Sounds like politics, doesn't it?
V. Di Francesca [1]
Less than 100 years after Jesus was crucified and left His indelible mark upon the world, people were again fighting and making war. No lessons were really learned by humanity as a whole as Jesus' life became a faded memory. There were no movies, videos, documentaries or photographs of Jesus' life and Crucifixion. Just words written about 100 years later.
Imagine His Crucifixion if it took place yesterday. Any photographs would inevitably result in the classic outcry, "that never happened. That image was photo-shoppped!"
If there were 10 video recordings, everyone would yell "Lucas Film made that." And what of the people who witness it? They would be informed it was a mass hallucination and never happened. They would be told to SHUT UP about what they saw, unless they want to end up in Guantonamo or the loony bin.
It would be much like James Earl Jones in a movie where he's about to punch a big red button on a panel to fire a weapon ­ he first turns to the officer and says "I was never here. and this never happened." Then he pushed the button.
All through history we see repetition of the same madness. When Hitler met his end in power and the Nazi state fell apart, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. All were sure that such madness could never again plague our beautiful planet. After all, unlike Genghis Khan and other unsavory people of history, THIS TIME we have many hours of movies to document the miserable living nightmare of those who lived through Hitler. Surely no one could think such madness even remotely resembling his regime could ever happen again. But if you are in Germany, don't breathe a single word about historical inaccuracies. That's a hate crime.
Today, the overly innocent people-slaves of the United Kingdom may be re-thinking the idea that such tyranny could never happen again. Imagine any outsider looking at the UK with millions of video cameras, endless policemen and numerous laws. They would certainly think the UK has created a little world where CONTROL is the name of the game. But by the time the UK masses there really wake up to all this it will surely be too late. Their "National ID card" is now a reality. And of course, every "terrorist" will be sure to get one of these cards before strapping on their explosive vests. These people always register where they are and who they are, right? That's why in photos and videos they always wear masks
June 29th 2007 marked the first time a car bomb was found in Central London. Now HOW did that car get there? WHY wasn't it detonated sooner? Who would go to the trouble to pack it with fuel and nails, drive it there and WAIT for authorities to find it?
What's the point?
All these questions point to a British version of the Hegelian Dialectic in action. This rates a 100 on the BS scale - just like the city bus that was re-routed from the normal route it runs right after the subway explosions by police, to go down the street the Tavistock Institute is on. The explosion blew off the top of the bus almost right in front of the institute, spattering innocent passenger blood on the doors.
Tavistock Institute after bus explosion ­ was a sacrifice made here?
I most loved the part where the government stated on June 29th 2007 that "we have long planned for such an event." To get into central London today, your license plate is scanned by a camera. You are automatically charged a fee of 5 POUNDS for EACH DAY for a "Traffic Congestion Fee" each time you go into central London, and a raise in that fee is planned. I learned this from a friend who was just there two weeks ago. This car was unquestionably scanned by a license plate camera for fee billing. And of course, would MI-5 be monitoring those cameras too? Not a word about that was heard. "Terrorists" that loaded that car knew that this would happen. Yet they left the car un-detonated long enough for the police to find it? Where were they - at McDonalds having their last dinner? What's wrong with this picture?
More likely, UK government leaders planned WHEN to stage such an event long ago to make them look good, to justify their police state. No more IRA ­ so now they must create their own enemies. As Dr. Stan Monteith often says about America ­ "We have the best enemies that money can buy." Looks like the UK has been spending some money of it's own, too. It's interesting that this unexploded car bomb event happens soon after Gordon Brown takes over as their new PM. Still think this is all a coincidence? As I've stated in past essays ­ these "events" will usually take place on an "11" day. This refers to either the 11th day of the month or when the two digits for the day of the month add up to 11. These acts typically take place on the 29th day of the month, and will be the subject of my upcoming essay. In this case, 2 + 9 = 11. Is this also a coincidence?
And so it goes on ­ the games the controllers play. But putting them aside, what about the population in the civilized world? Do they just shrug their shoulders, muttering "Oh, what can I do about it?" A good example showing what everyone can do is the announcement from Capitol Hill this morning on live television about the dead immigration bill. Leaders stated on CSPAN they now know how people feel about that bill, and that this was a factor as to why it was rejected. The voice of the people does make a difference.
If these elected government droids on Capitol Hill were thinking with their hearts and have real love for America, instead of thinking with some other part of their anatomy or thinking of a lobbyist's bank deposit, there would be no need for them to hear from the people. They would already KNOW what to do. They should be thoroughly ashamed that they even let that treasonous piece of immigration crap get as far as it did, but pride and arrogance won't allow them to recognize this. Now if they would just WISE UP and scrap the GATT agreement
Few voters actually realize that politics is a trained profession, not unlike that of becoming a doctor. Many naively think that all one needs is plenty of money to get into office. That helps, but it isn't all one needs. On the contrary ­ institutions like American University and many others TEACH students how to become politicians. Or to put it bluntly, how to become professional liars and manipulators without a conscience. When you watch CSPAN and other channels with live hearings, you see very young people sitting behind those on panels and subcommittees. Often they whisper something to someone in front of them on the panel. Many of these pages and aides are interns learning the profession. Others you see sitting there may work for one of the alphabet soup agencies, and have much stronger influence than most people realize on what's happening. Aides write long-winded speeches for their bosses - the elected senators and congress-people. (Ron Paul appears to be a total exception to everything in this paragraph, so please don't write me to tell me that.)
Back in the early 1970's we had "Tricky Dick" otherwise known as Richard Nixon. He was best known for his Watergate Scandal and being the first US president to visit China in 1972 with Mao Tse- tung for only one hour. Most likely Nixon would get his butt paddled playing ping pong with Mao ­ he was into ping-pong more than Joe 6-pack is into football. (Watergate is a luxury 600 unit apartment building today, with some of the highest rent apartments in the Washington, DC area.)
Now Richard Cheney has taken up the twisted torch from Nixon and is following in the late Tricky Dick's footsteps. He may even have a picture of him in his wallet. It's interesting they are both republicans, too. Cheney boldly *thinks* and arrogantly believes he's above the law. Patrick Leahy is about to teach Tricky Dick 2 a lesson in humility with a planned contempt citation. What will remain is to see how sharp the teeth are, or will Leahy suddenly shut up and let it go when his family has an "accident" or is threatened? I certainly hope this doesn't happen to Leahy. But Leahy is far from alone in his anger at being blown off by Pennsylvania Ave. Others on Capitol Hill are getting equally mad.
Let's get back to what people actually learn. Think about your 12 year sentence you served in grade school. That is a LOT of time spent in a government training facility for a crime you didn't commit, to earn one small sheet of paper, worth about 5 cents. What do you remember from it? Anything at all? Perhaps the structure of government? How government was set up by the founding fathers with "checks and balances" to prevent tyranny, which these men were already under from the King of England? Perhaps you recall the multiplication tables and some higher math, or maybe a little geography? Surveys show that not even geography is remembered, because many adults don't even know where the mid-east or Iraq is when asked. As an American it was awfully embarrassing to find that out.
Certainly names like Hitler, Caesar, Khan and Alexander the Great must ring a bell in the brain somewhere for most people. These great conquerors in history were ruthless in forcing the population in countries they conquered to follow their rule. And here we are again today, with the highest forms of war technology in history being used to do the very same thing.
OK, the past isn't really our present. Or is it? It's undeniable that the past got us to where we are today. Perhaps history really is repeating itself on a large scale as Vincenzo once said, "The names have changed but the music is still the same."
Do people really learn from the past in order to prevent the rule of tyranny yet again? I think not.
Your voice can still be heard, even amid the dull roar coming from Washington's drunken cocktail parties celebrating the rise of the police state. Remember that in the final analysis, the government REALLY IS afraid of YOU. Those in government may never admit it, but the public is a force they cannot ignore. And there are still those inside their own ranks that are quickly reaching their threshold of pain.
As for those who claim they are not accountable to Congress while they are in the executive branch? THEN THEY HOLD NO LEGITAMATE PUBLIC OFFICE. Yet no one in the media acknowledges this simple fact.
If you are the USA vice president and claim that you're not part of the executive branch?
Then by your own admission you have resigned and have no job in the government. You should be considered a rogue agent high in the government, perhaps even a mole. Either way, pack up and get the hell out.
Bush-co authority comes from that very document they so despise - that "G-D piece of paper" which 300 million people still love - THE US Constitution. Perhaps Bush and Cheney are secretly using martial law for their actions, which would have been declared in secret after 9/11. If that's the case, then they have nullified the existence of Congress.
Either way, millions of Americans and people around the world now see and smell two rats - even from 10,000 miles away.
Since these two clowns in office reject any kind of review or oversight, they are traitors and must pack up and vacate Washington immediately. Period. They can't have it both ways.
There is a threshold mechanism that exists in our minds as human beings. It's about staying inside a virtual "comfort zone." It serves as a protection mechanism which is also being used against us. This same mechanism keeps most drunken Joe 6-packs from robbing a bank or store when he's out of cash. It is also the same mechanism that prevents people from speaking out and making a difference. We have to learn to change that threshold. Not to rob banks, but to stand up for what's right ­ to "re-program" ourselves. It's not easy, but it can be done.
What's your threshold of pain? Has it been reached yet?
Ted Twietmeyer



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