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Madam Of The House
By Ted Lang
Exclusive to Rense.com
Just as was the case with the start of the criminal Bush regime back in 2000, telltale signs of "professional politics" then as now surfaced early and began providing disquieting indications that the new administration would not right the wrongs and the arrogance of Clinton. When the theft of White House china and silverware, paintings and other property of the people were lifted by the Clintons and placed in their U-Haul trailer, and when Clinton's staff trashed White House offices, and when both Clinton and Gore "misplaced" their e-mails, Bush just smirked and took on the philosophy articulated by cartoon character Alfred E. Newman. Then, we witnessed his collaboration with Senator John "Madman" McCain to establish "campaign finance reform," a.k.a. the incumbency protection act.
There was still some hope left for former lifetime GOPers like me going into the November 2002 midterm elections, but that's all gone now. It's gone and will never again return. I now hate the GOP even more than the communist-leaning Democrats and their lousy gun control to make US all sitting ducks for the SWAT teams of the communist New World Order.
Just as Bush was first seen as the balm of Gilead repairing our broken government back in 2000 and 2002, the Democrats have shown their horrific proclivity to also stab the American people and our Constitution squarely in the back. Recall if you will the resounding and thundering voice of the people at the time of the midterm elections in November 2006. In all probability, a huge mainstream swell identifiable to both sides of the political spectrum overwhelmingly favored the Democrats. And that swing to the Democrats' side included me! The writing was on the wall for the GOP neocon criminals in the White House and the Pentagon. Things were certainly bound to change for the better.
What happened? Traitor Nancy Pelosi gave US early warning signs of her intended treason! On CBS' "60 Minutes," she first signaled her intentions by offering that both she and Bush werefellow "professionals," and that because of this, she considered impeachment unworthy and unprofessional. Also preceding her deer-stare giddiness when achieving her ultimate ambition as a political equal in the so-called man's world that is American politics and Congress, she offered that Republicans had converted Congress to an "auction house." She offered that Republicans would no longer be allowed to sell Congress to the highest bidder. Apparently, she auctions herself to the lowest!
It is clearly absurd, however, to consider politics and Congress as a man's world. Real men DO eat quiche, but they certainly either don't become politicians or last very long as such if they are both honest and courageous. Therefore males in Congress shouldn't be considered as real men. But I offer the latter observation merely to convey my contempt for them all, with the exception of course, of Congressman and real Texan, Ron Paul. Tall Paul in the saddle! The guy even reminds me of Harry Carey! Shortly after making her auction remark, Madam Nancy was caught cashing in on a $28,000 per plate dinner and access party by ABC News: here
Obviously, it is corruption as usual with the Democrats just as was the case with Republicans. There were, and continues to be, innumerable opportunities for Democrats to distance themselves from corrupt Republicans. But these opportunities can now be considered forever lost. Whatever advantage Democrats could have gained by the marvelous opportunities presented are now lost.
I do not claim strong dependence on poll numbers; they can be unreliable. But when taken together with the November 2006 mandate handed to the Democrats on a silver platter, it should be obvious where the American people are politically on the issues. If about three quarters of American voters want US out of Iraq, what possible repercussions could Democrats suffer by simply following the will of the people? The alleged "fear" that has been ascribed to Democrats by pulling out our military and thereby causing a repeat of the Pol Pot atrocities is completely ludicrous. Democrats can simply offer in their defense that their responsibility was not to question why, but to merely follow the will of the people. And half the voters want Bush impeached for lying US into this deadly war. And about 60 percent or better now believe that 9/11 was an inside job to empower the criminal Bush regime to rescind our Bill of Rights and to abolish habeas corpus.
Although some mass media coverage has been hostile to Madam Pelosi, ergo the ABC report that preceded her mad dash for her office after getting booed and hissed at by the low level hi-rollers of AIPAC when she attempted to impede the White House Moron's war-making powers in the Mideast on behalf of Israel, further deserved criticism has not been forthcoming. Since then, she's learned how to play nice and to not annoy the Bush regime's mass media. Her "diplomacy" romp with Syria was not appreciated by Cheney, the media or the talk radio blabbermouths. They attacked her easily relative to inappropriate use of government-financed aircraft and other such worthless nonsense to baste her in a negative light.
Her cave-in on the military spending bill to secure $20 billion of pork for future agricultural financial support for her party, as well as having given the Bush-Cheney war and crime machine the green light on the impending unprovoked nuclear attack on Iran, easily ignores the fact that every day the increasingly dangerous war of occupation in Iraq is left out of control and managed by the lunatic Vice President, the more of our young men and women in uniform will die by the day. And when lunatic Cheney finally orders the nuclear attack on Iran, it is the opinion of this observer that World War III is not merely a possibility, but also a much-needed necessity.
The rest of the world will join together to annihilate US and Israel. Their need to join together will become increasingly obvious: they will either hang together now and fight off nuclear tyranny, or they will hang separately one by one. One bullet, and President Pervez Musharraf, America's puppet in Pakistan, will be removed from office. One bullet and Iran, without nuclear capability, can and probably will join Pakistan WITH nuclear capability. The Muslim world, along with Russia and China, will conclude that this is now their only chance to join together and defeat theUnited States and its New World Order leaders in Israel. Sunni versus Shi'ite differences may have to be tabled in light of this much more serious nuclear threat.
Pelosi is contributing directly to this World War III scenario. Her dismal failure as a moral human being, let alone that of a "leader" of Caspar Milquetoast "men" in Congress, negates any vision of female compassion, sensitivity, intelligence, and most especially, of leadership! Her opportunity to stand apart and far above the maddening crowd of indecisive and cowardly male milquetoasts in Congress has evaporated, and in all probability, harmed Democrat Hillary as well, although the latter is increasingly being recognized as just another run-of-the-mill political opportunist. 
In an article published June 18th ["Newly Empowered Democrats Draw Wrath of Voters"]by Reuters, Thomas Ferraro quotes a whining Pelosi reflecting upon an angry electorate: "'we can only do so much. Others are just very unhappy. I include myself among them,'" Ferraro offers her as saying to The New York Times. She's as "unhappy" as "we" are??? She can "only do so much???" She's the damn leader of the House! It's her job to muster the support of her party's rank and file, especially in a matter so vital and so important to the American electorate!       
Female political failures now abound: Condoleezza Rice, Harriet Miers, Christie Todd Whitman, Janet Reno, Madeleine Albright, and of course now Pelosi, the greatest failure of them all. For she had it all, the support of a large majority of the American people in BOTH parties, and the support of true Republicans and true conservative-libertarians like me. Now she has rekindled in me my hatred and contempt for communist-leaning Democrats and NWO traitors financed by the international bankers.
When Cheney attacks Iran, it won't be Cheney that is seen as the traitor unleashing World War III to set up and put in place the New World Order. There will be ONLY ONE guilty party, and that guilty party will be the Madam of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Here's the way Pat Buchanan put it citing "Pelosi's Capitulation" posted on Antiwar.com back on March 20th: "If George W. Bush launches a preemptive war on Iran, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will bear full moral responsibility for that war. For it was Pelosi who quietly agreed to strip out of the $100 billion funding bill for Iraq a provision that would have required President Bush to seek congressional approval before launching any new war on Iran." 
Buchanan continues with the now well known reference quoting from the Washington Times: "'Last week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi received a smattering of boos when she badmouthed the war effort during a speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and the Democratic leadership, responding to concerns from pro-Israel lawmakers, was forced to strip from a military appropriations measure a provision meant to weaken President Bush's ability to respond to threats from Iran.'" "Forced?" I thought she was the House leader!
How about someone in Congress forcing AIPAC to sign up as agents representing a foreign government? How about denying contributors to this foreign lobby tax exempt status? How about separation of foreign state from our state? "Forced?" Give me a break!
Buchanan finishes off the Madam of the House: "This episode, wherein liberal Democrats scuttled a bipartisan effort to require Bush to abide by the Constitution before taking us into a third war in the Middle East, speaks volumes about who has the whip hand on Capitol Hill, when it comes to the Middle East. Pelosi gets booed by the Israeli lobby, then runs back to the Hill and gives Bush a blank check for war on Iran, because that is what the lobby demands. A real candidate for Profiles in Courage."
And in "The Algore" tradition of non-scientific inventiveness, Pelosi took yet another plane ride [rather than face her constituents on the military bill cave-in?], this time to Greenland, and took a few moments to stand beside some sort of glacier or mountain of ice, noticed it was melting, and came up with her most famous "Aha!" There IS a global warming! How utterly scientific in not taking just anyone's word on it; she decided to see for herself employing the most mind-boggling methods of controlled scientific observation and investigation. "There IS a global warming!"
Of course, the global warming hucksters do not wish to be confused with the global freezing hucksters of a few years back, so now if you are a traitor to humanity by not believing in the global warming hoax, we're going to change the term TO WHAT IT REALLY IS: "Climate Change!!!" And there is no denying that the climate is changing: we've had the coldest spring in New Jersey history while mountains of ice are melting elsewhere. I suggest it is a change in sun spot activity, something over which courageous leaders such as the Madam of the House and her fellow congroids have absolutely no control over. Their arrogance in assuming they can guide the planets better than God is just as ridiculous as is their belief that they must do precisely what AIPAC and the bankers tell them to do by giving carte blanche to warmongering lunatics Cheney and Bush.
Pelosi has set the woman's movement back decades, if not decades upon decades. What does she think the world will be after WW III? Does she think the same opportunities will continue to be available for her and hers after she helps usher in the reduced global populations desired by the New World Order? Does she think by kowtowing to the NWO criminals and masters now she will be allowed to continue in power, a power which she has amply demonstrated she simply cannot handle? We, the American people, don't need a Madam in the House; we voted for leadership. Obviously, women cannot lead! So don't put your money or your votes on Hillary the Rotten either!  
© THEODORE E. LANG 6/19/07 All rights reserved  
Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.



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