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Women Forced To Seek
Power, Not Love

By Henry Makow, PhD

While in Toronto last week, I saw a beautiful young East Indian woman literally spend eight hours hauling heavy boxes and furniture. She was moving her brother into a university residence.
"Doesn't your brother have any male friends who could help him?" I asked her.
"Oh, I'm a great believer in equality," she replied cheerfully as she hoisted a book shelf.
Equality! What a boon for women! In the bad old days, women wouldn't be allowed to do hard physical labor like this.
This is a bright girl in a Pre-Med program. Yet she was so easily duped to deny her femininity. They told her it is "socially constructed" and she must be "independent." So she represses her biological instincts and stunts her natural development.
Women were intended to carry children, not pianos. Equal does not mean identical. We all have a equal right to dignity and fulfillment but our path is not the same. Men are fulfilled by supporting and leading a family. Women are fulfilled by devotion to husband and family and by experiencing their love. ( Women can have careers but, for most, marriage and family should be their first priority.)
The East Indian girl's charm and beauty would inspire many a man to nest. But with all the study and heavy lifting, her bloom will fade and she'll gain weight. By the time she graduates, she won't turn heads any longer.
I hear from men who say most women still have feminine instincts but they can't overcome societal and family pressure.
Brian, a 29-year old Californian wrote: "Ya can't... understand the damned frustration I feel about the degradation of the natural roles of man and woman today. Some days I'm made to feel like a caveman that refuses to evolve.
"I've never had a problem getting attention from the opposite sex. I however have never found a real woman who would be one. My last was a 26-year-old Accounting Major. 2 years we were together. I knew she was feminist, but who the hell isn't out here. It wasn't, however, until I met her parents that I saw what I believed to be the root of it all. It was obvious who ran the house in her family, her mother. Her father was just a goofy big kid. In her home she was encouraged to go to school and be independent if verbally then by example. I could tell that there was no way in hell she could ever be appreciated [by her parents, friends] as just a mere homemaker to her family.
"She however inside was a real woman. I treated her like a man should. I was in control. As I must be in any of my relationships. She loved me for it. I saw how she looked into my eyes, and when she was with me she knew who she wanted to be. I think it was finally pressure from her family and friends that led to the end of the relationship. ...I suppose what I'm saying is most of the women I meet do want what I'm trying to give them. They just don't know how to accept it either in them self or in front of the world."
A lot of men can identify with Brian. They can save valuable time by checking out the family power structure in advance and passing over women with possible penis envy.
Other women are so sexually confused, can they be called "women" any longer? They don't know how to love.
I sat down with Greg, a tall, handsome, fit, smart, successful Toronto contractor and custom builder. He is 40 and a dream catch for the "oops I forgot to have children" set.
He just ended a three-year relationship with a career woman in her late 30's due to issues of power and control.
"She wanted to wear the pants and treat me like a servant," he said. "She was always calculating who did what for whom, and what was 'fair and equitable.'"
Now you'd think a woman nearing the end of her fertility would snap up a man like Greg who wants to put down roots and have a family. You'd think she'd know how to make him happy. But this woman didn't. For example, she demanded he nurse her when she was sick but said he was "on his own" when he was ill.
"As I became more successful, she actually felt threatened. She was losing control.," said Greg. She talked about having children but her actions belied her words. Instead of reading about child rearing, she brought books home about getting the corner office."
Now she and her unmarried friends sit around bashing men and complaining about the lack of good men. "Half the people in my age group are single," Greg says. "It's really scary."
Men have been feminized. Greg should not have engaged in a power struggle. He should have said at the outset, "You can have power or you can have love. You cannot have both. You can be my right arm or you can leave."
A woman who really loves a man will accept these terms. (She wants love not power.)This is how marriage takes place. Of course, he will consult her. He wants her to be happy. We love the people who love us.
In heterosexual marriage, the male wins a woman's trust (i.e. love) through courtship. In return she gives him the power to love her. This exchange of power for love is how a man and a woman become one. It is the psychological key that allows us to grow. Sex is the symbol of this permanent and exclusive bond.
As I have said, feminism is designed to destabilize society by undermining heterosexuality and the family unit. Like all aggression, this perverse assault on gender difference is disguised as an act of "defence" (of women's and homosexual rights.)
The ultimate goal is a banker-run totalitarian "New World Order." What we think of as "money" is really central banker "credit." They want to consolidate their fraudulent monopoly, eventually controlling you with their "credit" card in your body.
In order to sabotage marriage and family, women have been duped to seek power and emasculate men. What women really want is power expressed as male love. They will get it when they are able to believe in a man. ---- Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the game Scruples and author of "Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order." (www.cruelhoax.ca) His articles can be found at his web site www.savethemales.ca He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. hmakow@gmail.com
Brian David Andersen

My oldest daughter is in her third year of Veterinary School and my youngest daughter is in her first year of Law school.
Both get up in the morning with a zeal for life and anticipating the day.
They both would have the same attitude if married with two or three children.
All of their lives they have had free choices of how to live their lives and pursue their goals and dreams.
When I took my oldest daughter horse back riding for the first time at the age of eight she would not get off the horse. After pulling her off the saddle, she stomped her foot and declared "I'm going to be a Vet someday." The freedom and opportunities for both men and women in today's world made possible the fruition of her goals and dreams that have nothing to do with the New World Order.
The freedom to choose one's life path and not be confined or restricted because of being a female is the most important and core essence of living in today's world.
After having observed the limited, unhappy, depressed and confined lives of my grandmothers, my mother and 25 female cousins all in their 50s, my daughters are far better adjusted and happy than the woman you desire to exist in today's society. My daughters have so much more awareness of the New World Order than their grandmothers, mother and aunts.
My daughters live to pursue their individuality, goals and dreams and in doing so they will one day oppose and dismantle, however large or small, the New World Order. Their grandmother's, mother and aunts have neither awareness nor the tools whatsoever to oppose and dismantle the New World Order.but my daughter's have those opportunities, skills, desires and courage because of their freedoms.
My daughters do not live their lives to please you or the bone-headed thinking of intimidated males who do not know the first thing about freedom because they are slaves to believing women should serve them.
Grow-up and mature Makow so your Ph.D. has some sort of meaning other than your fearful juvenile feelings and attitudes that keep Piling higher & Deeper.
Set yourself free by allowing your attitudes to encompass the phrase "live in freedom and let live in freedom."
Brian David Andersen


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