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The Planned Collapse
Of America - Part Two
By Peter Chamberlin

Just because the collapse is planned doesn't mean that it can't be resisted. In resistance, perhaps we can hone-off the roughest edges of the unfolding transformation. The argument made, that "resistance is futile," ignores the human potential in a battle situation, where everyone is fighting for their freedom and their lives. We have no duty to mankind to lie down before those who would trample over us. I'd prefer that this Nation not continue to submit to the corporate "gang rape" that we have been getting for so many decades. To surrender to the evil men who were instrumental to the ongoing collapse of the global systems misses the point, that it is time for a real political fight in this country. Everything depends upon our ability to shake loose the perverting forces of ultimate capital from government, where they manipulate everything American, causing the failure of democracy. "We have to fight a war of ideas to take back that which has been stolen from us. We the People must be the ones to set the foreign policy of this country."
American monopoly capitalists have effectively gained "controlling interest" in this country. They have made the decision to destroy America's economic base to obtain greater profits. We have been written off. Studies like "Changing Images of Man" document the common knowledge of the ruling class, that there will be social upheaval in reaction to the collapse. It is our duty in the resistance to thwart their plans, to shape the social critical mass so that it has a direct negative impact on the masters of the universe. Our task is to take measures before the collapse that will ensure that the upheaval will destroy the elite's ability to control the changed world. We are the patriot radicals (with the extremist beliefs about conspiracies allayed against our nation) who intend to prevent the bringing about of a "dark age" of oppression in America.
The government has planned for the coming period of collapse and social upheaval in this country, but it has done nothing to prevent them from happening. If economic pain and dislocation are allowed to cause insurrection in this country, they will justify police state actions to maintain order. Why would government try to avoid the one catastrophic event that will make dictatorship possible? The catastrophic is essential to the long-term plan, just as the neocon Project for a New American Century war plans needed the catastrophic "event" of 9/11 to set the "war on terrorism" plot against freedom into motion.
The American patriotic forces of freedom must likewise prepare for the coming disastrous event that will justify all radical changes. The attack upon Iran will be the event of justification. When the attack comes, those of us who dare to speak out will be silenced in the repercussions at the beginning of the counter-revolution. If we want to ensure that the government returns to the hands of the American people after the dust settles, then we will set in motion now, the political forces that will motivate the leaderless masses in the direction of freedom. All our efforts to prevent the world war from erupting must clearly identify the elite perpetrators of the plot to undermine national security for internationalist goals. Using their own words, we must expose their intentions for America and the world. We must guarantee that the coming democratic revolution which they plan to capitalize on is a patriotic revolution to save democracy.
The intentional de-industrialization of America has amounted to a war of economic terrorism, waged upon the people of this country. The globalist plot to "offshore" all of America's good jobs and to exploit Third World slave labor conditions, has purposely destroyed the industrial base of this country. Globalism is a plot against American workers (and all workers), just as neoconservatism is a plot against all Americans.
Instead of stimulating our industry to use our economy as a powerhouse, to drive the world economy and to provide the basic necessities needed in developing countries, the "masters of the universe" instead decided to destroy the American economy, in order to "level the playing field" with the rest of the world. Instead of strengthening America by making our foreign policy an engine of humane change, vulture capitalists have intensified the corporate American rape of the world and harnessed us to a violent Zionist policy, intent on remaking the Middle East, as a first step into the New World Order. It is high time that we began to "wage peace" on the world, instead of war.
In order to implement their violent plans and to shape the "second American revolution," the corporate media has consistently bombarded the people with psychological warfare, to convince us of the hopelessness of our situation. Our minds are poisoned with false beliefs in the inevitability of our fates, that we are, in fact, witnessing the "end of the world." Even though most available evidence suggests that the entire world is collapsing (not just America and Western civilization), there is also ample proof that this is an engineered event, made to seem like Armegeddon.
We have been duped into accepting their terms, even using their terminology, by focusing on "global" issues, instead of American issues. America may be the source of most of the world's troubles today, but it is also the world's only hope. If not for American leadership, there would be no world leaders. What the world needs now is the end of American "misleadership" and a return to the real thing. Meeting the needs of our crowded planet and repairing the centuries of industrialization run amok will calm most of the earth's turmoil, while helping us to prepare for the next phase in human development. Once we begin to turn the planet around, we can focus on expanding mankind's horizons and ending the era of hydrocarbon fuels.
Americans must save themselves from the worst and the most powerful men among them. We must revitalize our moral center, the part that made us a light unto the nations. If America can remember its basic concern for all human life that led to the creation of the world's largest human aid programs and its environmental concerns that made us signatories to countless international treaties, it can foster international recognition of universal human rights and a reverential respect for all life. This would honor one of the stipulations from the Images of Man study, to foster a national spirit that embraces the growing "religion of life" that is emerging within man.
A morally transformed national spirit will be necessary for the political fight to reclaim America. We must restore the people's government by removing the corruption within it. It is time to really "clean" the people's house. We have no other choice but to establish a "politics of righteousness" in American politics. We have to end the age of the politics of money right now, not after Bush or the next election.
It is high time that we all fought for what we believed in. What do you believe in?
Morty, AKA,
Jim Mortellaro
or  <mailto:JSMortell@aol.com>JSMortell@aol.com

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