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It's All A Ruse
By Judith Moriarty
Ah, finally the Foggy Bottom boys/girls have discovered that America is falling apart.
The answer why a stimulus package. Hey great - throw a few hundred to the serfs stroming the wall so they can get back to Wal-Mart. That should do it. Bush is going to reveal the fullness of this tomorrow. What's this all about? A mere Shell Game (such as they play on 42nd street in NYC -it's called a short con because it quick and easy to pull off. LEAST we forget Bush in 2005 proudly promoted the TRILLIONS in tax cuts that he had passed as SUPPOSEDLY helping the economy (anybody seen it helping?). Long story short - I won't go into all the CUTS that took place (including lots of bucks to fix the levees in New Orleans. Bush wants these tax cuts for the top few % in America to be Permanent. Nobody's paying attention , but I'll remind you again that the Rep & Clinton (after decades of work REPEALED the Banking Act 0 1933 - that's why we're seeing this meltdown. Now Bush knew he wasn't (and his buddies) going
to get this passed UNLESS it could be tied to helping the (sob) downtrodden. So tomorrow what you'll hear is ( HELP for the herd with some paltry tokenism) with BUSH making permanent TAX CUTS for the wealthy PERMANENT. Watch. And everyone will be thrilled to get a couple hundred which won't even fill your oil tank at home. Duh. And who will care that the repeal of the FDR's Banking Act (1999) puts us in the same predicament as those in the Great Depression. The same shenanighans (investments etc by banks) robbed the people of everything. Since nobody studied history looks like they'll be able to pull it off again.
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