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Freedom Of Speech May Not
Be Free...  But NOT Speaking
Up Is Too Costly 

By Victor Connor 
Member - Architects & Engineers For 911 Truth
Jeff Rense recently posted a story by Dr. Laurie Roth titled "Freedom of Speech Isn,t Free. This article was very troubling to me. It seems that Dr. Roth is concerned that political correctness is limiting our freedom of speech to the point that it allows our enemy, Islamic radicals and Sharia Law, "to make inroads into our Government, courts and schools. She finally states "We must put freedom of speech back into the box of responsibility and context. And in that last statement, I agree with Dr. Roth, but for different reasons.
I agree with Dr. Roth that freedom of speech is a very precious right. However, she feels Islam society is the enemy, (I say Islam society in general because Dr. Roth brought up Sharia Law, which is the body of accepted law in the Islam society, twice in her article), and she,s recommending we all take steps specifically against that society to guard against it.  
If Dr. Roth is concerned that there are elements in the Islam society that are out to get us, then has she thought about why? What does she think of the United States military attacking Iraq twice in less than twenty years? What does she think of the conservative estimate of over a million Iraqi deaths caused by US forces during these past two invasions? I,ll have to digress here for a minute to address this number, because it is central to any issue of "responsibility and context.
During the first Gulf War, the estimates by our generals of the number of Iraqi soldiers killed were from 50,000 to 200,000. A few years later, President Clinton,s Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, stated on a 60 Minutes episode that the half a million dead Iraqi children were worth the price of stopping Saddam Hussein. A more recent study by John Hopkins University of Public Health indicates that as many as 655,000 Iraqis are dead because of our second invasion of their country. I,m not saying American soldiers actually killed these 1,200,000 or more people directly; many were, but many were also killed indirectly as a result of our invasion, such as disease induced from lack of food and water, and by internal chaos from a disrupted society.
No one will ever know how many Iraqi have died and are yet to die from our two invasions, but it should be clear that if "we are also being threatened and attacked non-stop by Islamic radicals, as Dr. Roth says, then it is only ourselves that need be blamed. We are the ones who attacked Iraq, they did not attack us. Does she know that the 9/11 tragedy and Saddam Hussein were unrelated? Does she know about the Downing Street Memo where in July 2002 our administration had already decided to go to war against Iraq? Our military has caused massive, violent bloodshed and destruction in Iraq.
Compared to those numbers, how many Americans have been killed by Muslims in the middle-East? About 4,000 in this current invasion, 150 in the first Iraq war, (150 more from friendly fire in that war), 241 marines in Lebanon, 17 in the USS Cole, and a handful of others for a grand total of less than 5,000. Let,s see, we,ve caused the deaths of conservatively over a million Iraqi people and our deaths number almost 5,000. That,s a kill ratio of over 200 to 1. If we want to be "responsible and contextual, then just who is attacking whom here? 
Why would it surprise any mature adult that many of the Islamic people are angry with the US government? To put it another way, how would we feel if 5% of Americans had been killed over a fifteen year period by a country that was supposed to be helping us? How would we feel if another country,s military invaded our country, damaged and destroyed many of our buildings, caused 20% of the people to flee their homes, destroyed most of our water supplies, removed our police, allowed tremendous chaos, wrote a new Constitution for us, and said they are giving us a better way of life?
I suspect that most of us would be angry at the least. 
Dr. Roth also states that we know of many stereotypical situations where we have to bend over backwards to be politically correct about Muslims in our country, but I have had no experience with any of her examples. I,m sure there are small numbers of Islamic people in this country who would like to demonize, terrorize and kill Americans, but if they acted on their thoughts it would basically be suicidal. We are the wealthiest nation on the Earth with the most powerful military by far. Very unfortunately WE are the country doing the bulk of the demonizing, terrorizing and killing. We are the ones who are terrorizing 27 million Iraqi, 31 million Afghani and now we,re beating the war drums against 65 million Iranians. We are the ones who are earning their hatred!
Dr. Roth, why should we fear middle-Eastern Muslims? They have no air force, navy, ICBMs, and collectively spend less than one hundredth what we spend on defense. We are the ones that are doing the hurting and we can do that from afar without even endangering our troops. We can bomb from the air with impunity, use missiles, shell from ships, and thwart their maritime sea transport. We can control the UN enough so that they get no aid and have sanctions placed against them. We,ve already done all of these things repeatedly. Dr. Roth, just what have they actually done against us?
You may say they attacked us on 9/11. But did they really? Where,s the proof.
We,ve all heard the Bush Administration,s claims that Al Qaeda under the leadership of Osama Bin Laden did it, but consider the following: 
Ø The FBI says Bin Laden is not wanted for the 9/11 catastrophe because they have no evidence linking him to it.  Ø The BBC has already learned from CIA officials that Al Qaeda is just a propaganda creation to allow the Bush Administration to go to war.  Ø Perhaps, most damning of all questions that don,t support Islam attacking us is why did the World Trade Center buildings collapse? 
If these statements are true, then they force us into a flood of thoughtful questions and I,ll ask just the first two resoundingly painful and damning ones. First, if the FBI says there is no evidence for Bin Laden orchestrating the attacks on 9/11, then why did we invade Afghanistan to get him? And second, if Al Qaeda does not exist, then why did we invade Iraq to stop them from supporting Al Qaeda?
I said the third question above is most damning, because it is the one question that can be answered with science and not just people,s opinions. I,m a member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth where there are almost 300 technical experts who have publicly stated that the buildings could not have fallen the way the official reports say they did, and are requesting an investigation. The 9/11 Commission Report seems to be a misinformation source for the average American who has trouble with science, math or not enough time to look into it himself. Controlled demolitions are the best answer that could have brought down those three buildings. All we ask is for an honest investigation to prove what happened and that is the one thing our government will not let happen. A real scientific investigation will point the finger at the real terrorists, and at this point science and engineering says it must have been much more than Muslims in planes. 
If the Home Grown Terrorist Act is passed in Congress, then it will effectively quiet the voice of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and call us terrorists. Why would our government do this? The only threat I pose to this country is to demand an open and honest government, a government that is accountable to the people it is supposed to serve. Is that really what a terrorist is?
If we don,t speak up now, then the greatest crime of the beginning of the 21st century may never be solved. If we don,t question and find out what REALLY happened, then we are doomed to live in an increasingly controlled state, a state that forces the public to believe in fantasy rather than science; in other words a police state that puts itself above the people it is supposed to serve. Truth is truth. Saying something is so does not make it truth. The Islam society does not need to be picked out as our enemy. False truth does. 
Criticism of the government is not incompatible with good citizenship; it is a prerequisite. For some reason, many people believe that criticism of the government is unpatriotic, when in fact it is the most important responsibility of a patriotic citizen and is the very first change that our founding fathers made when amending our Constitution. The First Amendment is where our precious Freedom of Speech is guaranteed to all Americans and it is needed now more than ever to protect us and save our way of life.
Quotable Quotes
"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. -Herman Goering (Hitler,'s deputy)
""A lie told often enough becomes the truth." -Lenin
""As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand." -Bible 
"The organizing principle of any society is for war. The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers." -The Report from Iron Mountain
Laurie Roth article: 

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