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RIP, America
By Karl Schwarz

Do not think this resurgence of emails from me means I am back writing regularly. I am extremely busy but have had a few things that needed saying and then my focus returns immediately and totally to my nanotechnology business.  This is probably the last email from me for a long time other than those related to nanotech matters.

Some say I am too doom-and-gloom, but that is not accurate. I am very pragmatic, and objective rather than subjective. I have great hopes that America can be rehabilitated and head back into the right direction...but I fully realize how slim those chances are at this point in time.  I see things clearly and just tell it like it is.

The bottom line: America is never going to get fixed until people get off their butts and fix it. The level of apathy, complacency, misguided priorities, lack of critical thinking, etc are killing this country.

I do not sign off on the DC liars and their propaganda.  I choose not to live a lie or within The Matrix they have created.

Over 2,000 years ago, John the Baptist was shouting from the desert about something very important and the Jews did not listen to him then.  I make it a point to read Isaiah 53 every month just as a reminder of which side I am on. I am on God's side for Truth and what is Right, first and foremost. That is the most hated, most avoided passage of the Old Testament if one is Jewish.

It is not just me who is warning you, and urging you to wake up before it is too late. Many modern-day John the Baptists are saying the same things such as Jeff Rense, John Stadtmiller, Meria Heller, myself and many others. Many are listening, too many are not listening. Many are trying to push to get the momentum going to straighten out the problems; too many are like dead weight and refuse to move at all.

There is a saying that fits: Lead, follow or get the hell out of my way!

I am the sort of man who refuses to live under the tyranny of a lie. I refuse to live under any tyranny. I refuse to allow my life, and my perceptions of my life, or its directions to be influenced, governed or ruled by any form of deceit.

Freedom and Liberty are not expendable assets to me, nor are they a gift of the United States government to me to give or take as it sees fit. God granted me the right of freedom and liberty and no man, no woman is going to lie me into surrendering either.  Said another way, I will not forfeit my freedom or liberty to anyone for any reason.  I certainly will not surrender it to a US government that pretends to be protecting me and is ONLY protecting itself and its own perverted interests.  

The only thing that matters to me is the Truth. Trust me, you have not heard the simple, unadulterated truth from Washington, DC in about 45 years.

America is in deep trouble and nothing is getting repaird, the hole is getting deeper and deeper every day. The odds are growing exponentially that America is going to fail and sink into second or third world status - if not complete anarchy - or it will cease to exist.

For years, I have heard the rumors of a civil war in America based on race. I disagree. If there is going to be a civil war it will be over finances, energy, food, and Americans out to get the bastards who murdered the American Dream.

There are several "great delusions" in America that have been intentionally born and bred by our RNC­DNC dominated political system; the willful endless lies and propaganda emanating from both public and corporate agendas, and that Americans truly have a democratic choice in who will lead America.

One of my readers in Australia kindly sent the following excerpt to use in my next statement on the affairs of my homeland, an Independent 'State of the Union' assessment of where we are as a people and where we are headed.

Right now, America is on a downhill greased track straight to Hell and total ruination. That is the ugly reality of it and no leadership in sight will lift a finger to change it.

We lost being Number One a long time ago and that is what angered me. It is what we lost and how we lost it and there is a very long list of what America is no longer Number One in. I know the American Dream is dead; I saw it die and was there when it died. I was an eyewitness to its death.

One of the greatest lies put forth on America is that the Republicans are just for the 'wealthy' and the Democrats are the true party for the 'people.'

The only people who are truly for the people, the Constitution, freedom, liberty, what is right are the conservatives in America. I am not talking about every "ist" and "ism" that has been created to facture our nation.  I am talking about the true values, character and strength that were once a great nation we called America.  Those other folks are communists and socialists, and now fascists, who have labored for years to turn the U.S. into a "more successful communist state".

When they figured out they could not sell that [communism] to America, they bundled it up as fascism all wrapped up in Christianity, the flag, patriotism and the utterly fraudulent Global 'War on Terror.'

To me, the biggest morons in America are those who think George W Bush is a man of God and a conservative. He is just about everything else. 

Even if you have to read this two or three times, please read it, pay attention and think because it is important.

"The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can 'throw the rascals out' at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy."

-- Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in our Time.

That statement is absolutely true but is also one of the greatest myths that the American people live under. Americans do not have a democratic choice of who will lead their country.  The powers that be cannot and will not allow that to happen. They cannot have a great leader rise up from among the people and truly blow out Washington DC and affect true change, real change, that is for the good of the people.

I use what some call "colorful metaphors" to get people to think, such as "it is time to flush the toilet in Washington, DC." It truly is way past time for that, and if it does not happen soon America is going to wind up like the Roman Empire. Our nation will be dead and rendered to the pages of history for future generations to learn from the mistakes of America.

The most important part of that citation is this:

"so that the American people can 'throw the rascals out' at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy."

You see, they have to make you think your vote counts. They have to make you think you are exercising a right of citizenship to throw the rascals out; that the literal balance of America is riding on your vote...but that is a complete lie.  That is why I have decided to not endorse their lie by voting this year.  

They absolutely do not want Americans to rise up and cause those "profound or extensive shifts in policy" needed to save the country.

The 2006 elections and all those DNC promises to end the war in Iraq are a timeless example of such a lie. The attempted makeover of anti-war Hillary to pro-war President Hillary Clinton is another good example of that same pattern of lying and deceit.

Those policies are not for your benefit. That is what Americans just cannot seem to get through their thick skulls. They were put into place by elitists, corporations, career politicians who sold us all out, and by other insiders and special interest groups for their benefit - and to your detriment.

They cannot keep the status quo, or business as usual, in Washington, DC if they allow you to make a difference and put real change into office, into power at the helm of America.   



God forbid that the Department of Justice would be used to put many into prison who have raped this nation to death and plowed many of its citizens into the poorhouse through intentional fraud and criminal conduct.

That is why the morons in Congress work so feverously to legalize criminal conduct and provide all sorts of loop holes, exemptions and outright immunity from prosecution for criminal behavior by the select few.

God forbid that the CIA, NSA, DoD, FBI would be squared-off with the real financial terrorists on Wall Street and over in London, and clean house.

God forbid that an American leader would tell Israel to sit down and shut up, because Israeli demands are not necessarily in the best interest of Our Nation.

God forbid that our major corporations were to be led by men of honor and integrity and the giving lavish political donations to scumbags would be cut off.

God forbid that our military would be brought home and our corporations would have to work, use tact, honor, commercial business practices and not rely on business deals to be consummated by military force.

Do not misread those sentences, the god I am referring to is not GOD, it is the arrogant dirt we have running this nation who think they are god.

America could arise like a Phoenix to greatness again in an incredibly short time but that would take leadership that We the People do not have. The controllers just want us to think we have that choice.

That is why Rep. Ron Paul could not get the time of day from the media during the primaries. That is why I was attacked within days of announcing that I have the courage to run and take on this evil web of lies and criminal conduct that is destroying My Nation, Our Nation. 

That is why we now have two hand-picked stooges named John McCain and Barack Obama - because they will not change anything and will continue the undermining and destruction of America for the benefit of their wealthy masters...the globalist bankster cartels on both sides of the Atlantic.

Some of the Founding Fathers saw the problem clearly, including Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, et al.

"Experience hath shown, that even under the best forms [of government] those entrusted


with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." 



- Thomas Jefferson


I wish more Americans had read the book I wrote, One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas, a Conservative Republican Speaks Out. That Jefferson quote was in the preface.

The following quotes were also in Chapter 1. Most Americans do not know that the largest newspaper in Arkansas did not endorse Bill Clinton for president in 1992 and shortly before the election that year issued this warning to voters:



"He has mastered the art of equivocation. There is something almost inhuman in his smoother responses that sends a shiver up the spine. It is not the compromises he has made that trouble so much as the unavoidable suspicion that he has no principles to compromise." -- Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Oct. 28, 1992<#_ftn1>[1]

Another gifted Arkansas writer hit on the very theme of my entire book ­ we are all living a lie. WAKE UP!

"Maybe it is because of Clinton and our many years of having to deal with his lies, deceit and obfuscations in Arkansas that we Arkansans know a liar when we see one. We Conservative Arkansans do not have to look at a horseshoe very long to be able to tell you that it is, in fact, a horseshoe. Most of us, where I come from, have no problems with what the definition of "is" is.

"It is not a pleasant thought, or one that's often discussed, but lies are at base coercive. Deceit is a form of control. More than a few philosophers have compared the coercive force of lies to the power of violence. So even if they are common, they are not as benign as people pretend. Lies undermine the value of information, each one leaving us less able to trust the truthfulness of what we hear -- or read, as the case may be. Lies are more subtle than guns, but as threats to personal freedom, they should be regarded as no less dangerous."  --Mara Leveritt in theArkansas Times

I trust that readers can accept that the above applies to all lies, too, whether they come from the Left or the Right or anywhere else. They are not limited to political ideologies, nor are they benign - regardless of which direction they come from to seduce or mislead us."

I have sat in the office of Governor Bill Clinton with other high level government people and have personally seen Bill Clinton do some of the sleaziest things I have ever seen done.   His integrity is zero. The value of his word is in negative numbers.

Have you?

My office was in Washington DC for 7 years. I was in the RNC headquarters on average of about 4 times a month for 4 of those seven years.

I personally designed the RNC strategy that took the House and Senate away from Clinton in 1994. Both my ex-wife and I were with RNC Finance in Washington, DC that night to watch it happen. There were only 156 people allowed into that room. At that table were two retired admirals and their wives, my wife and I, a billionaire few Americans even know the name of, and the RNC Treasurer.

Ever been there, done that?

Pat Buchanan and I both severed ties with the RNC at about the same time. Had I known in 1994 what I knew in 1996, I would have never helped RNC get control of the House and Senate as a matter of principle. That was actually easy to do by picking just certain House districts to go after, certain Senate seats. A crosshair single-bullet approach rather than the shotgun approach most political races are.

Can you take a wild guess as to why we [Buchanan and Schwarz] left RNC?

Between 1994 to 1996 the RNC cut a deal with the DNC Jewish Zionist communists to get the Jew vote and money behind RNC so they would win more elections.

That included a shift in "media propaganda" and even how to sell a future war to stupid Americans. Think about that, Murdoch, FOX 'News', Clear Channel, and brace yourself for a possible epiphany.

Did you catch that? Did the last two paragraphs lodge squarely in your brain or did it go ear-to-ear and not touch a single brain cell?

Part of that strategy was to sell a Global 'War on Terror' to stupid Americans since Clinton would not launch a war against Afghanistan to take over that Bridas Corporation pipeline deal. That is why it was not that hard to get the DNC Jewish Zionist communists to come on over to RNC, dress up like conservative Neocons and get what they wanted.

Did you catch that?

I was there when it happened and walked. So did Pat Buchanan and many other true conservatives.

Other than the fact that we have thousands of dead Americans due to 9-11, tens of thousands of our US soldiers dead and maimed due to a bogus and completely bogus Global War on Terror, our government directly involved in lies, war crimes, genocide, torture, we also now have a resurgence of the Cold War with Russia.


Because Russia is fully-aware of what these idiots did.  They watched almost 30 years of conniving and scheming to get control of the Caspian Basin's oil and natural gas. These same former DNC communist Jewish Zionists also hate Russia and wish very much for the US to carve up Russia because that is what they want and have always wanted.

They are the Trotskyites and their asses are still smoking that Stalin ran them out of Russia. These same types created communism, then created fascism in an attempt to overthrow Stalin and to this day are ruining America.

These people known as Neocons are not New Conservatives or Neoconservatives.  They are the former DNC communist Jewish Zionists who defected from DNC to RNC because they could not get the DNC to be the War Party.

The real reason Bush is pushing both NATO and EU in the face of Russia is because George W Bush has completely failed in his mission to take over the Caspian Basin and get that oil under the control of US and UK interests.

If the US cannot control global energy, the US can no longer demand that all energy be traded in weak petrodollars.

This item came out the day before 9-11:

September 10, 2001: "Those who control the oil routes out of Central Asia will impact all future direction and quantities of flow and the distribution of revenues from new production," wrote energy expert James Dorian in Oil & Gas Journal, published the day before the terrorist attacks.

When petrodollars fail, the US is going to be swept into total financial ruin.

Instead of using diplomacy and commercial contracts, they dreamed up a Global War on Terror and then had to figure out how to sell that to stupid Americans. Their mostly likely suckers would be the Far Right Christians who were too naïve to tell the difference between a DNC Communist Zionist Jew and a Fake Conservative Neocon.


Never forget that date because history may well record that it was the day that America died.

Every pretense of being a great nation and being on some moral high ground died that day, so never forget that date. In 1994-1996 they were not calling it the Global War on Terror.  What they were clearly doing was trying to find a way to sell Americans on massive shifts in policy and those policies were based on total lies.

Hence, 9-11 and the 'Global War on Terror.'

Have you paid attention to how many of the alleged terrorists that they cannot even make a case against? That is because the entire agenda is based on lies and they desperately want Americans to keep believing those lies and not to seek the truth.

This entire fiasco was planned between 1992-1996. We as Americans are now suffering from the blowback of one of the biggest mistakes, and most heinous and criminal in nature, our leaders have ever made, and it will not get fixed until we get rid of them and put someone into power who will fix it.

There are no easy answers. There are no painless, easy, manna from Heaven solutions.

America has to get into action or everything that was good and honorable about America will soon be dead.

That is my assessment of the State of the Union.




Ernst F. Kriesner
Complacency And Indifference
The Root of all Evils -
'All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing'
--British statesman and philosopher Edmond Burke
That is the question, what is it really, the Root of all Evils that does plaque Humankind?
Is it War, endless War, torture and other unspeakable crime? Is it greed and corruption or any other perverted obscenity ..all of these evils that are slowly destroying the world, our humanity in particular?
But what made these things so prevalent in many societies?
So, back to the question; what really is the Root of all these Evils?
Is it Money, the love of it, insatiate longing for wealth? Is it selfishness? The robbery of other peoples Land, property or resources? Is it outright murder, genocide and walking over corpses without any conscience?
Some people may say that either of these choices is the total answer. But the truth is, "none of the above"
The Root of all Evils is summed up in one, or two words: "Complacency is one, Indifference is the other."
Wherever there is complacency, there is the seed of corruption, chaos, confusion and ultimate destruction.
The same applies to indifference, the attitude, as Australians so crudely but succinctly put it: "bugger you Jack, I'm alright!" 
This couldn't care less attitude and acquired mentality, no, we are not born with, about the rest of humanity, is not "outside" us, but inside us.
This mentality leads individual, institutions and most important Governments, supposed to be our servants, not our Masters, to become estranged and disconnected from human society as a whole, and from realities of Life itself.
In this condition one has no vision and can only produce ineffective solutions, and even that is doubtful, less than wishful thinking.
When people move into this kind of mental atmosphere, that of complacency and indifference, they are essentially "cut off" from their real selves, become more like Sheeple than people, and fall into a monotonous routine of rut ­ "the same old thing, day in, day out."
Unable, and unwilling to think for themselves, in their stupor, confusion and helplessness hammered into them by relentless Propaganda, Sheeple than believe there is no other choice but to trust and to follow the Leader, whatever dear Leader is up to, even into an abyss, over the cliff, into disaster, without any questions asked by the Lemmings.
Life, however, is a movement, a constant flow, back and forth, and therefore should be lived according to the wisdom of Socrates declaring: "an unexamined Life is not worth living."
But complacent and indifferent people in effect are not really awake and aware, in a comatose and arrested condition they close their eyes, they close their minds and do behave like the three wise Monkeys; see nothing, hear nothing and say nothing, this condition then resulting in a variety of forms of corruptions and perversions to prosper, take roots and then to spread.
Thus, complacency and indifference, the blindly follow the dear Leader attitude wherever he might lead the multitudes, into "a promised Land," hopefully, if not, into security for sure, is self-destructive, and whole societies can be destroyed by it.
Enter the concept of Market forces and commercialisation, and the picture for the rest of humanity becomes right-out grim. 
Market forces have created social and natural havoc. People have been condemned to death, literally, in the name of profit and loss.
Commercialism is more destructive than a nuclear bomb.
The quality and quantity of commercialism is greed, as greed is good, or so they tell us, even though making money at the expense of the weak and down trodden means that some have to suffer, some have to starve.
And the starving of the masses is only at the beginning with Food riots already breaking out in many places of the world.
Indeed, with the craze of ethanol the now preferred method of turning food into fuel, because of wild speculations in Oil futures, such insanity has driven up the price of agricultural products to astronomical heights, resulting in such food shortages in third world countries. In due course such food scarcity will affect all nations.
All this, and if we haven't had a very hostile world already, we'll have it now, like it or not, as all the negative forces are very busy to bring total destruction about: "Bring it on" as the man said.
It is the human mind, nothing else, that has created this force, and it can only be changed by human awareness.
Otherwise, if we do not wake up, reckless globalisation of commercialism throughout the world, the cancer of our society spreading fast, will result in a major collapse of the world's stock markets beginning in America.
The first duty of governments, if the people of this world still have not woken up and remain comatose, indifferent and complacent, have not gone onto the Barricades, have not gotten rid of the incumbent criminals, all of them, in power in the so called free world, is to feed the masses.
The second priority will be to see that everyone has a roof over the head.
Health comes next, then real education.
As to wasteful defence costing trillions, the development of more and more WMD, the world can truly do without such abortions, that can only happen if we can replace indifference and complacency with compassion and care for humanity at large.
In other words, and in short, the expected crash can be a good start in re-ordering of humankind priorities at ground level.
Bring it on, as soon as possible.
Ernst F. Kriesner
Australia and proud citizen of Danzig Freestate
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