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Washington, DC - HQ Of
A Vast RICO Empire

By Karl Schwarz

This article is to fine tune a picture, so you can better see, exactly, what is going on in Washington, DC.  As you read on, keep this phrase in mind: "institutionalization of criminal racketeering" by our government against you. At the behest of Wall Street and the Wealthy Elite, our government has literally legalized theft through stock fraud in our capital markets.

Many people have asked why I walked out on RNC in 1996.  It was actually for two reasons because I could clearly see, from inside knowledge, that both of the efforts to change US policy and head in dangerous, evil, based-on-lies directions were going to be complete catastrophes for the United States and its people. I could clearly see in 1996 that what they thought they could pull off like a cake walk was going to backfire in their faces and seriously endanger the future of America.  I also knew it would seriously damage the financial health of most American citizens.  Here we are 12 years later and I was 100% right then...and now.

The world was already changing for the better but that was not good enough for DC. They were trying to maneuver to rule the world as if DC were on some kind of moral high ground that other nations did not possess or could never reach. They knew they were going to have to lie to pull off their scam, and they were delusional enough to think they could do it and never get caught.

That delusional thinking based on being the world's biggest economy, and the planet's only remaining military Superpower, would not change.  There were even some so brain damaged they thought the US could rule the world with intellectual property, economic and military might alone. They seemed to fail to realize what other nations think of the US matters, too, as to its willingness to follow.

The first reason I left RNC has been elaborated upon in prior articles and email updates, it was the realization that to get the Jew vote and money behind the RNC - so they could win elections - the higher-ups of RNC had cut a deal with the Communist Zionist Jews of the DNC.  They agreed to allow them to come on over to RNC, dress up like Conservative Neocons and talking heads on TV and have their War Party. These are the Russia-hating Zionists and that is why they have now defected back over to DNC and the Obama ­ Zbigniew Brzezinski team of their expected new ObamaNation.  Bush Co failed, and it is apparent - at least as of now - that McCain does not have a chance in November.  He is an idiot, but so is Obama, albeit dangerously so, if he thinks he can turn this disaster around into an "American victory".

Zbigniew is the author of Russia-hate and he schemes of world grandeur: The Grand Chessboard...the 'geostrategic imperative' now all dressed up as the lunatic global 'War on Terror.'

That was the day that the RNC sold out any vestiges of being the "conservative party" of America and I, as a conservative, was offended.  They turned communist to win elections but knew that they could not sell communism to America.  They chose to wrap up as Fascism in the flag, and Christianity, and patriotism and sell that instead and brow-beating Americans with a media empire scheme.

My reason for departing went one step further than that because the RNC policy makers could clearly see that such a plan was going to need a Main Stream Media system that was bullet-proof, so such lies could be pushed on America and slicker the public to buy off on the change of directions in policy.  This was also during the period of time that they acquiesced in the Zionist takeover of all the major US media outlets.  I was there when they were talking about how easy it would be to fool Americans by constantly bitching about "Liberal media bias" and Americans would not figure out that the media was being fine-tuned into a US-UK-Tel Aviv propaganda axis machine, so our 'leaders' could perpetrate war crimes and genocide as if it were just another day at the office.

The second reason I severed my RNC ties, was that the policy makers were working on ways to literally institutionalize criminal racketeering and plunder unsuspecting Americans and foreigners at historically unprecedented levels - even including the days of the Robber Barons that led to the Great Depression.

Americans do not provide enough financing for the 'elections' (which are nothing much more than huge revenue opportunities for consultants, ad agencies and the media.)  The Wealthy Elite do, so they needed many more Wealthy Elite beholden to the DC Lie System.  To these monsters, American citizens are merely appendages and US Treasury liabilities...not their partners in criminal enterprise.

They tried to push through a Bankruptcy Reform Bill during the George H W Bush Administration but the Democrat-controlled Congress would not play along.  The most important part of that bill included the elimination of Equity Shareholders of publicly-traded companies being entitled to "Party in Interest" status in bankruptcy.

In 1994, just before the House and Senate were taken away from Clinton, they pushed that bankruptcy bill through mainly due to urging of the Trial Lawyers because they had a plan. Clinton acquiesced and so did Congress, big bucks were promised to the DNC for this underhanded chicanery.  The DNC was scrambling to come up with a way to make up for the loss of revenues and campaign donations caused when the DNC Communist Zionist Jews walked out and teamed up with RNC.

That was Step One - take the companies away from the equity shareholders and there was nothing they could do about it.

It did not seem like a 'major thing' at the time but it was the technique used by the Robber Barons to force companies into bankruptcy through illegal offshore trading schemes, blow out the shareholders of the company with $0 return, and takeover huge blocks of assets for pennies on the dollar.  One such fraud was Global Crossing. Built at a cost of $56 billion and taken over for only $250 million by ST Telemedia of Singapore, a Bush Buddy in the fake Global War on Terror.  I was the high bidder at $815 million and could not get the time of day.  We had Wall Street by the throat on how they put the company down for that cheap takeover.

Don't believe me? Check this, look for COMMAXXESS:  


If you look around you, it is not hard to find many Americans who have been robbed into the poorhouse by such schemes.  I am aware of many hundreds of companies and over


$1 trillion that was premeditatedly stolen from the average Mom and Pop investor.  

I knew there was trouble coming - but not the extent of it - until Clinton did something in 1996 that proved to me that both the DNC and RNC are out to bury Americans and make them wards of the state.

The first thing Clinton did was change a provision of RICO, or the Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization Act, 18 USC §§ 1961-1964, et seq., in whch part of the Criminal Code of the United States of America was very quietly amended to aid and abet the theft of the millennium. What Clinton and the Republican-controlled Congress changed was Civil RICO, specifically 18 USC § 1964(c), and thereby barred civil RICO in matters of stock fraud cases.  They had planned a giant robbery of American citizen investors - and surely did not want to let them take control back and get treble damages when they proved their cases in court.

What Clinton and the then RNC-controlled Congress (1996) did was to legalize theft through the capital markets.  By removing RICO as a remedy from Civil Plaintiffs, those who had been victimized by premeditated corporate, government and Wall Street fraud could not get treble damages and disgorgement of what had been stolen from them.

That was Step Two.

That created, at the urging of the Trial Lawyers Association, the entire "free legal services for class action stock fraud cases" and they went after the insurance companies who underwrote the D&O (directors and officers) insurance policies.  Even the D&O insurers were in on it because they were making fortunes in the rush for new IPOs and stock plays, knowing all along that they would also line their pockets in the bogus stock fraud cases to follow.  There were thousands of such cases and American and foreign investors in our stock markets were defrauded out of TRILLIONS of their hard-earned money.

This is part of their New World Order scheme of making everyone not in the inner circles serfs to serve these delusional, arrogant, bereft of goodness masters.

They needed something else, though, to eliminate the liability of the officers and directors of those corporations. It would not do to plan a theft of major corporations and assets, paid for mainly by common and preferred stock and Wall Street fluff, if the stock holders could penetrate this veil of deceit and nail the corporate management and board members.  That would open the door to taking back everything that had been premeditatedly stolen through Wall Street and DC scams.

They had to have willing, corrupt management that would play along and get huge bonuses and Golden Parachutes after the maximum number of suckers had been lured in and enticed to cough up their money.  They then turned on the machine to ruin the value of the companies, drive the share values down, trigger debt covenant defaults that were tied to the value of the equity shares, and blow out the shareholders to $0 left.

They also had to get the insurance companies who underwrite the D&O insurers to play along.  No problem, just put them into the deal before IPO and run the value of the stock way up, they sell at or near the top of the all-time share value and then know they will only have to pay out about 2-5 cents on the dollar if they lose the class action stock fraud case in court.

Pretty slick, huh? Put a system in place that will rob you over and over again, unless you invest in just those companies that are not on the list for such underhanded takeovers.

That was Step Three because they had to have willing accomplices for when they lost the stock fraud cases.

Then there was Step Four.

What they then did was to change the SEC Disclosure Rules to let the directors and officers off the hook. Meanwhile, the insurance companies had already made a fortune on their insider positions, so paying a little back looked like they got kicked good in court. If a company inserted into the press release the news byte of the following Disclosure Statement, the corporate management and board members were in a condition of 'hold harmless'...and only the insurance companies were on the hook.

To better understand how they play this game of 'shits and giggles' with YOUR MONEY, check this:



If the management and board put this statement at the end of their press releases, they are under the 'Safe Harbor' provision.  They lied, they ripped off hundreds of millions and billions, but 'no harm, no foul' under SEC rules and US law that was amended to aid and abet racketeering on YOU and every other person stupid enough to think they could be a wealthy person by investing in the scheme Wall Street and DC came up with.


If you read the tout about how a company's performance is going to change but do not read the 'Disclosure Statement' that comes under Laissez Faire or BUYER BEWARE you're in trouble.  They are just trying to sucker you into buying the stock at ever-increasing prices and then yank the rug out from under your feet.  If you get a concussion, or die, or get plowed under financially, tough luck, sucker!

You did not know about this legalization of theft?  Tough luck! Should have paid better attention to what the morons in DC were up to.

The management members could claim that revenues were going to jump 1,000% over the next quarter because they acquired technology to deliver sex and orgasms over the Internet 'real time' and if they put in the Disclosure Statement the officers and directors are under the Safe Harbor.

They could do any idiot thing they wanted including lie about company performance, revenues, future prospects and if they put the Disclosure Statement at the end they had zero liability.  Of course, it was on the fluff and no substance that Wall Street would then kick in and drive that stock as high as they could to lure in more suckers and more money, before yanking the rug out and leaving the shareholders with nothing.

When the company stock goes to $0, you are screwed for not paying attention.  Folks, this has been promulgated and nurtured by Washington, DC because this is exactly what their wealthy backers wanted.  They legitimized the right to conduct racketeering and criminal theft of funds against Americans or anyone else standing in the way of American hegemony and Billionaire Creation.

The 'quid pro quo'? Massive campaign donations to these lying thugs in DC. See? Who says you cannot rent or own someone in Congress?

They created an entirely new way to become a billionaire fast.  First you become a robber baron and then you exhibit "magnanimity" by being a wealthy backer of the liars and thugs in DC now controlling this criminal enterprise. It is a RICO enterprise aimed right at you and making sure you never have enough money to be a threat to these punks and gangsters in DC.

Most people who read "One-Way Ticket to Crawford Texas" were amazed at the information I provided about such corporate frauds and how DC is now using that as part of its overall web of lies to attempt to be the unipolar force in this world. Those days are over but not according to the power-deluded goons in DC.

I have been on those front lines people, both in DC and in the Southern District of New York U.S. Bankruptcy Court, fighting for small investors who were intentionally and premeditatedly ripped-off by what DC and Wall Street are now doing.

It is 'Institutionalization of Criminal Racketeering' and the goal is total domination of the US and total domination of the world.

The MSM is one piece of it.  They know that most Americans will believe whatever they hear on the MSM.  The reason 9-11 Truth has not taken hold with most Americans is they have not seen it on CNN, FOXNews, CBC, ABC, NBC, CNBC, and MSNBC.  Get the picture?

Americans are indeed like little birds waiting for their next 'news byte lie' and then to accept that lie as truth (when it is a lie), and then go right back to shopping, grazing, working, rushing the kids to school or sports activities...and watching teevee.

The laws and policies are another piece of it.  Remember, this cowardly Congress rolled over for Bush to retroactively grant him and themselves exoneration for war crimes and crimes against humanity. They will stoop to anything and will do anything for they have no character, no honor, no honesty, no integrity.  They are traitors and now Racketeers plundering the very spirit of America.

All America has to do to find out who the architects were of this assassination of the American Dream is to look at who voted for what I just described to you.  Clinton was sleazy and did much damage to the American capital markets and investors.  When Bush came to office, so much fluff and theft had been done it imploded.

That is one perfect reason why their pulling off 9-11 was criminal to the point of stupidity...because their policies and their changes in the laws had gutted the real value of the market, just like it has happened in housing.  

Think that one through.

It will only get fixed when Americans wake up to the truth of the matter and the gravity of the situation.  They are, in Washington, DC, involved in institutionalization and execution of criminal racketeering against YOU.

If I were president, there are a few first steps I would take.

1. *  All US troops in Iraq would be moved to Turkey, Jordan and Kuwait to await further orders



2. *  All US troops in Afghanistan would be moved to Kuwait and Turkey to await further orders



3.                   *  The DOJ and FBI would be instructed to initiate the immediate dismantling of the Zionist media gangs.  They are not conglomerates, they are part of a massive Zionist propaganda campaign machine



4.                   *  US forces would be deployed in the US to back up the FBI as this criminal cabal is rounded up and brought to justice



5.                    *  All attempts to fabricate a war against Iran would be under immediate Executive Order of 'cease and desist'



6.                   *  Israel would be told to shut up, sit down and bifurcate separate states between Israel and Palestine immediately. Just in case some Arab nation reads that the wrong way, US aircraft carrier attack groups would be relocated from near Iran and moved down to very near Israel



7.                   *  The DOJ, SEC, FBI would be instructed to track down and prosecute every party profiteering from oil and gas, grain and metals futures to the detriment of the entire world 



8.                   *  The anthrax attack investigation would proceed to full conclusion, with full backing of the White House



9.                    *  The Cheney Energy Task Force would be brought under full investigation, with the full backing of the White House



10.               *  The 9-11 investigation would proceed to full conclusion, with full backing of the White House and many indictments would ensue



11.               *  Many members of many administrations and Congress would be facing indictments for war crimes, genocide and treason against the United States of America



12.               *  And there would be a major house-cleaning at CIA and DoD, and across the entire Zionist, corrupt infrastructure that has been installed in DC 



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