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The American People Must
Grab Their Freedom Now

By Benjamin Fulford
The United States is about to go bankrupt. What happens next depends on the American people. We could either have World War 3 accompanied by genocide or World Peace followed by an era of unprecedented prosperity.
The situation in the US depends largely on whether the white hats in the Pentagon and the alphabet soup of government agencies take down the financial oligarchs. The important thing for them to realize is that the financial system you have lived in was nothing but a giant mirage designed to blind the American people from reality. Now that the financial system is collapsing, you will realize that you still have your factories, your military might, your land, your know-how and your people. All you need is to put your best minds at work to come up with a new system controlled by the people and not by a secret inter-married clan of Satan worshippers. You will realize that you have been enslaved in your own land by a parasitical financial class. These people got their hands on the dollar printing machine back in 1913. They then used a combination of bribes, murder and propaganda to slowly, slowly capture the once free people of America.
The people of the rest of the world will provide the people of America with generous financing to rebuild their schools, their infrastructure, their factories etc. as soon as you have freed yourself of the Satanists. The Pentagon and the military industrial complex will also be generously funded and offered a chance to become the core of a world army in charge of defending the planet and exploring the universe.
If the American people do not act, the Satanists will use their army of Blackwater mercenaries to put at least a million free-thinking Americans into concentration death camps. They will then install a horrific totalitarian slave state that will attempt to kill as many people as possible throughout the planet. They have been preparing a secret army in giant underground bases complete with suppressed technology capabilities such as anti-gravity and the control of vast amounts of primeval energy.
A source in the British Royal Family tells me the fiscal year end of your secret government is September 30th. He says a financial "black hole" will be evident on October 5th. The reason, he says, is that the European branch of the Western secret government, as well as governments throughout the world, have been robbed by the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller clan of Satan worshipping Nazis. They have told them to pay up or be cut off from the rest of the world financial system. Of course, they cannot pay up because they have been spending all that money on project blue-beam, a planned fake Armageddon . The Rothschilds, whose real name is Bauer, are also a nasty bunch and their system in Europe may also implode, and if so, good riddance. However, it is important at this point to offer an amnesty to all members of the secret government who pledge to work for world peace and against the planned nightmare scenario. That might even mean plugging your noses and agreeing to work with the nuclear loving, tree-hugging fake CO2 global warming crowd. If we isolate the truly nasty Thule Society and Skull and Bones Nazis from the rest of the secret government, then a war scenario becomes increasingly unlikely.
The American people also need to install an interim government to replace the Bush regime and dismantle the Zionist propaganda machine before holding free and fair elections. That will mean replacing the puppet-actors McCain and Obama with real candidates. The members of the Senate and House who received Zionist bribes will also have to resign an appear before a truth committee.
Once the American people are free, a cornucopia of SF-like wondrous technology that has been kept in the hands of the secret government will be made available to humanity as a whole. Multiple US government sources tell me these technologies include free energy, warp-speed space travel, star-gate portals and more. As long as humanity ends its war-like ways and stops it ceaseless tribal warfare, it will enter an era so wonderful that nothing before, except perhaps the Cambrian explosion, will compare.
Americans now hold the future of humanity in their hands. What will it be: death and horror or freedom in a new golden age? What happens in the next few weeks will determine what happens over the next several billion years. We will either be allowed to expand exponentially out into the universe or we will be once again reduced to a primitive miserable state locked on the surface of a tiny vulnerable planet.
People of America, the eyes of the world are now on you.
Benjamin Fulford
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