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The Black Hole Society
Part III

Jim Kirwan

Part Three - Actualities & Applications
So, just where and how have we become The Black Hole Society, in light of the previous two articles?
For that we need to take a look at what societies are supposed to do for those people that claim to belong to them, versus what the current arrangements that are totally conflicted by our totally fraudulent status according to what was the United States of America.
Our founding documents and Constitutional papers have been used as kindling for the public destruction of the Republic and its democratic forms of governance. The compact between the governed and the government has been turned upside down and now amounts to the continuous rape and plunder of a once prosperous and semi-free nation-state. We now live in a Newspeak-world of open fraud and blatant government criminality at every level of this society.
In foreign policy we have replaced Smirking Dick Cheney and his crimes with Joe Biden, the man that cannot tell the truth about anything related to foreign affairs. It took seven years to get Cheney to stop relating the invasion of Iraq to 911: Now it is Biden that is attempting to do the same thing with Iran, Iraq and Palestine. Some one must tell Joe that there is NO PROOF of any kind behind the Cheney White House cover-story for the events they said led to 911. There is no forensic proof, no literal proof, not even any abstractly devised hints that have held water about the attacks of 911 that had anything whatever to do with any of the characters that the Cheney-Bush Cabal named as defendants in the crimes committed on 911. Osama is not even on the FBI's ten-most- wanted list: So what the hell is Biden yelling about, after-all he has not yet assumed the same role as his predecessor, nor should he be allowed to do that either.
What sane person can believe that America is actually adding 35 to 40,000 new terrorists to the illegal no-fly lists, every month? On what evidence is this farce being carried out? We had courts and procedures to handle legitimate threats to the safety of this nation; long before George W. Bush was even a wet-dream. That process kept us protected through two world wars, but somehow today, that is just not enough, given that we are supposedly at war with a concept (terrorism is that concept) rather than an enemy-a concept that according to both Cheney & Biden will not end in our lifetimes.
What we have is a war against all those that oppose our unilateral and blatantly criminal policies which are responsible for the slaughter of millions of people for no other reason than to maintain the American lifestyle that in reality is fed by the blood of innocents worldwide-just so that we don't need to even think about what we're doing in one three trillion dollar war, while we expand another that will soon approach that same impossible figure.
The United States has become Criminality-Incorporated. We lie about every single thing that this government does. We have 2.5 million people in uniform worldwide, claiming to be American troops. But despite their uniforms, these people do not serve "to protect and defend the Constitution or the people of the United States (supposedly their reason for being wherever they are, in the first place). NO, these are low-level mercenaries that serve the corporations that are the only shareholders in USA INC.
These so-called US troops wear the insignia of USA Incorporated, which is that backward flag with the golden-fringe around it. This symbolizes the fact that according to The International Maritime Law of the Flags; whoever displays that flag, with the fringe, represents the Corporation created in 1913 when the Congress created the Federal Reserve Bank and the income taxes that were needed to pay the interest on the money printed by the private owners of the FED; as a guarantee that the USA would pay the interest owed to the private owners of the FED; because the USA was then in bankruptcy and therefore in receivership to the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank-a fact that still obtains to this day.
However, neither the fact that the troops are no longer US Troops, nor the fact that the US is in receivership has apparently ruffled any feathers in congress or stirred any change in the great silences that pass for the American public's view of what's happening in the District of Criminality today. If the public or the falsely flagged troops ever did begin to ask questions: the commanders of the fake US troops can always call upon that other highly paid mercenary force, of nearly the same size, that was created to cover just such a possible eventuality. The real question is why does the public not care about any of this? Is it because those with any money or any kind of a real job are not in the military, nor are they ever likely to be? Or is it that ordinary people don't really care how many other people have to die to keep them in new toys or new addictions?
The answer it seems is that there is no longer an overarching society on which to depend or to draw from, because all the suckers have been bled bone dry. Societies existed to provide, in common, for their members: But what replaced that semi-soft but sometimes heavy cloak of provisions is nothing more now than thousands of rusting metal fists wrapped in razor-wire instead of threadbare velvet-spring-loaded to take maximum advantage of every stupid move-every idle thought or careless moment on the way to instant gratification, that somehow always takes too long.
For the criminality of government the answer can be summed up in just one phrase: "Al Qaeda." No question ever really matters when the answer is AL QAEDA! No breech of human rights, no degree of torture, murder, or even Genocide carries any real meaning when faced with that Huge Black Hole into which everything is swept without a second thought.
There are other truths however, despite the threadbare fictions that make up the so-called basis for their continued lies throughout this latest treachery: The fallacy of the "right to torture," as some kind of need, to get to the truth to protect the vulnerable societies, is a Lie! In this age of compartmentalized information on every front, information is only useful for a brief period of time, before it is superseded by an alternate plan-this is especially true in dealing with any truly irregular fighting- force-as trust is non-existent and survival depends upon the security of any plans no matter how well laid. So the point of torturing people, especially without charges, for years on end, can have nothing at all to do with obtaining any real military information-and is in fact only an end in itself.
Everything to do with justice, human rights, or conscience is all fair-game wherever that all-consuming pit awaits for whatever is discussed-and so far this still works almost every time! Language, thought, imagination, creativity, balance, everything that goes into the meaning in any life ­ none of it seems to be immune to this all encompassing pull of the 'magic' suspended above the great Black Hole that this society has come to fear and worship.
Yet many have come to loathe this new phenomenon, as many millions more each day reject its simplistic values at this time. We are now a lawless-mob, a society no longer, because without laws or a national trust in anything, there can be no belief in whatever passes for the future. We no longer care about what was once Made- in-America: All we care about is "what is the cheapest form of whatever is available." From jobs to food, to services of every type-we no longer discriminate between the shoddy and the excellent-because all we care to look at now is the short-term price demanded. There in no longer any commonality between the people here; there is only the rabble of the mob that cares not about tomorrow, but only how much they can steal from someone else today.
The politicos rave about what's good for Main Street is good for Wall Street: Yet nowhere is there any mention of the back-streets, where the rabbit-warren of life in America is actually lived, because it is there that this ancient Depression has come to live, in the darkness with the filth and poverty, peopled as it is by the road-kill of decades that have never had a voice since JFK was murdered. In those universal Back-Streets the truth is clear - this society has been dead and buried now for over forty years-and no one's going to come and save them from that darkness that will only deepen there! They must save themselves, and in that knowledge they are light-years ahead of their 'betters' that are reliving- the-lie in daylight, in the farce of an American-Dream that never really materialized beyond the madness of the Shadow Governments around this planet.
Recently much was made about the plight of Billionaires, because so many of them recently lost a lot. Billionaires have taken over from the Millionaires, of whom, there are now simply too many to bother with. That was followed by whatever percentage of wealth has now been officially 'lost' in the latest blood-letting on the markets. However the truth shines in the one detail that everybody missed: No mention was even made of the Trillionaires, or the horrific profits they are reaping in each and every single second of this latest harvest that reaped the bounty of their illicit profits, as this rigged- game goes on and on, and on. The public will of course pick up the tab for everything: and the Rockefeller's and the Rothschilds will slide back into oblivion along with all their buddies in the New World Bank of the New World Order: where no trace shall remain of any of this final chapter on its way to total collapse.
This Great Black Hole sweeps everything away, with the uncompromising force of its three-day news cycle that never lingers long on any topic: and never returns to the scene of any of the crimes committed against "the public" that this monstrous- traitor supposedly exists to serve!
What a fabulous arrangement, it's better than invisible ink ­ the herd can claim they 'saw the story' and the media retains it somewhere for a month of so, until they scrub it from the public memory banks: Everybody wins, except of course the dead and injured, and of course the truth, but that hardly matters anymore, now that so many have chosen to remain so totally in the dark.
But there are several problems that continue to build inside that especially willful darkness that is never-really quiet. The first is Karmic. So many of what are now respected-nations were built mostly on illicit blood and slaughter, and the ghosts of those that died have never really been at peace with how things came to be. Here we had a 400 year war upon our native population that has still not ended; and it has been the same or very similar, in far too many other places. This tends to disturb the natural order, and nature has a way of rebalancing the tally-sheets when there's been too much of anything that huge.
The second problem with the intrinsic lies on which the Zionist scheme was launched-is their permanent victim card-for which no alternative point-of-view allowed. As America's own history proves, there have been thousands of Holocausts everywhere around the world, yet only the Zionists are sacrosanct? Here there is a far more fundamental problem that goes straight to the Black Heart of this Black Hole, and that is simply this: The world is far too large to ever keep this tortured massive lie alive, for any length of time, because this is yet another lie 'too big to succeed." Here's what France is doing about the Zionists, from March 13, 2009.
In an attempt to rid its country from the control of Zionist Lobby Groups and organizations, France has launched it's new Anti Zionist Political Party called "Parti Anti Sioniste." Below are the parties' goals taken from a translated page:" (1)
The puppet-masters in this ancient game are more evil than all the combined lies and tortures and bloodshed of all the primitive pretenders that have preceded this dying colossus, that has pretended for far too long, to be immune to nature's laws that cannot be ignored, any more than anyone can deny the reality of that death, that will come to one and all!
Their days are also numbered because the universe contains billions of unnumbered black holes; and the designers of this nightmare just might find, that it shall be they who will fall into one of those other holes, if they remain too fixated on the one they believe they own outright!
End of Article
1) New Anti-Zionist Party Launched
http://atheonews.blogspot.com/2009/03/new-anti-zionist-party- launched.html
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