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How Intel, Police Do Gang
Stalking And Surveillance
By Stefan Fobes
Hello again. This is a continuation of my December 2008 story on how intelligence agencies do gang stalking.
What is happening in my life is not your standard case of gang stalking. The general picture one gets is it is usually community done, but in my case, it seems to be something more sinister.
The people that have done this are a team-up of both cops and feds. This team-up now says to me that the (http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1883101,00.html) fusion center's been put on me. They are obsessed with trying to know every little detail of my life -- what I eat, how I eat, when I eat, who I eat with, who I talk to, when I go out, what my expression is when I go out, how I react to everything. This ramped up in about 2001 when my mother, Jacqueline Fobes, started working at New York's One Police Plaza. It seems someone got scared that she would figure out just how pervasive this went, and as a result about 3-4 cars were put outside the apartment where we lived at the time, with her husband/handler Robert Fobes, who I talked about in the other article I've written.
It was believed I was a police officer in high school and so the local gangs as well as Satanists at Bayard Rustin Educational Complex (also in New York) were mobilized to follow me around and gather information on me. The principal, John G. Angelet was in on it, and himself is tight with the police and is very paranoid. I would say insane, from being in his presence a few times. I heard word there that he loved to submit people's names to terror watch lists for even the tiniest of things. A couple of the teachers I remember in on it were Mr. Lawson and Dr. Onobugu. The big secret about, at least, New York's gangs is that they are all intelligence agency controlled with full time liasons. It's like they say about the Mob and the CIA -- the same organization at the highest levels. Same thing there.
It is a 24/7 watch, with spotters up and down the block in their apartments working in shifts. Street and car spotters from the NYPD, homeless community, low income people, mind controlled slaves and intelligence operatives are prepositioned and on call in safe-apartments paid for by the government. Step out, the call goes out for them also to come out. The one thing that links these people together is that they are the lowest elements of society and no pair of Ray-Bans can hide that. They are not psychic, they just are anal about information gathering and correct coordination. They operate on a point to point relay system where one person stands on the street or sits in a car with cellphone, iPhone, BlackBerry, or Verizon 3G in hand and when I pass by one their operator will instantly be notified as to my position. And after that more spotters will fan out covering all four directions from that block where I was. Before they would see me and then go off, talking into their phone, but since I wasn't too cooperative with being stalked they now stand in place until I reach the spotter after them in line, who then speaks to their operator and the person before them I've walked past goes off back home.
If the public knew how many safe-apartments the intelligence agencies had, their eyes would be rolling on the floor. It is staggering the amount I have found there to be. Spotters are also on hand to support the ones on the ground up in apartment buildings looking down. If I happen not to be cooperative with the stalking, about a dozen or so of foot walkers will be dispatched with a phone in hand till they find me. Once found, immediately move hand to phone to their ear and start snitching. A new tactic is to wait till I have my back turned and then pull out the headphones for their iPhone and then get on the phone. I guess they saw me looking at their hands too much. So sad. They don't even know who they're working for, and many of them wouldn't even care because so many of them are so desperate for the money and the ego boost. It is also horrible to see people call this paranoid without even using basic logic. They have no idea how real intelligence surveillance and tracking procedures are carried out, just smoky little images that are as far from reality as it gets given to them by the TV.
The NYPD has a tactic where they use plainclothes officers in New York City cabs as lull down props to catch people by surprise. This has been used more than a few times to track me. Ordinary cars also drive by as backup. I am seen as stupid because my mother was ordered by her handlers to try and smash my skull in many times. My body is very stubborn and it hasn't had the effect they'd like, hence extreme measures are employed by filling up literally a whole city block last Tuesday in the Tudor City part of Manhattan with operatives. They use the pretending to read the paper (in 80 degree weather in a car with no AC on), fake couple act, pretending to recline in a car, pretending to read a book in front of me, all sorts of stuff. So desperate they are to find out where I am, as many as five guys can be used on one block just to make sure I am where I am. I am rumored to hold amazing voodoo powers from my mother who was born in Haiti, as well as psychic ability. They all look the same. The young, skinny police informants, the spooks, the cops. You all have that low aspect about you, the barely disguised looks of murder and hate in your eyes. All obvious criminals and the worst of society. It is like someone cloned them all. They think they are so smart just because people not aware of them are in a box only slightly, slightly smaller than the one they are in.
The spooks with the bags live out of these same knapsacks they carry. They flit from safehouse to safehouse, as they go from job to job.
A big recruiting ground for a lot of things is St. Bartholomew's Church in New York where a lot of that, and it seems, other nasty activities go on. I've never seen more mind controlled people in one small area in my life. How did I see them? Check out Britain's Princess Beatrice. The eyes are perfectly like that a lot of the time. Watchful eyes are kept in New York's homeless community size up potential recruits in the soup kitchens and elsewhere, I've found. They are the perfect spies and can be paid next to nothing to do that.
This is even deeper than I originally thought with the room I sleep in under constant ELF bombardment. I can actually feel it at times like a dark fire burning something around me that's about two feet from my body that feels like it's part of me, even though it's not a part of my physical body. After I wrote (http://warofillusions.wordpress.com/2008/10/30/so-
what-does-the-obama-logo-mean-anyway/)So what does the Obama logo mean, anyway? which was my top viewed article at the time, I was told to stop by Robert Fobes. I didn't. One night shortly after that, I had a strange dream where it was dark and the toilet was flushing while a guy I didn't know was standing outside it. When I woke up I had the sleep paralysis, and in the morning when I went to post some articles after that, I couldn't summon up the will to do it. My slight irritation of people not wanting to know the truth and instead viewing fluff stories about Obama birth certificates had turned into a deep contempt for humanity. It was like someone transmitted something straight into my subconscious mind to command me not to write anymore. Later on, I had a sort of "knowing" which told me how to "burn" the compulsion directly out of my mind. It worked. If anyone thinks that the government cannot broadcast ELF transmissions which can alter human mental and emotional processes, then I would direct them to the devices that anyone can buy which send out waves that drive roaches and rats out of their house. It is the exact same type of technology.
There seems to be an additional esoteric aspect to this, with a small subgroup of spotters, who are the lowest of the bunch. If you've seen the dessicated looking alcoholic who just looks shabby as hell, the used up looking prostitute, the crazy eyed lady who is avoided by everyone, you will know the type. These people are continually used to just try to talk to me, and always try to get money or items from me. It doesn't matter what it is, a plastic bag, anything at all. Whenever someone talks to another person, even saying hi, an energetic connection is opened. When money is exchanged, energy is exchanged. When anything is given, energy is also given. These people are literal psychic vampires sent to drain my energy. If everyone went and studied everything they can about psychic vampires, they would find that they have a complete mirror image of how the Illuminati operate. This is no coincidence.
I remember from when I was younger, Hellali Berlinger Fobes, then his girlfriend and now his wife/handler always asked my half brother Michael Fobes, about the most minute details of my life. She is Israeli and a bloodthirsty Zionist who hates Arabs and Blacks to death. Which is funny because there are Indians and Arabs and Blacks used to spy on me. Apparently word is out that my grandmother on my mother's side is going to or has given me money. Their jaws are out for it. This person needs to be investigated as well as her masters. Deeply. She was sent in to try to finish the job of wrecking both mine and my half-brother's life. She is also heavily programmed.
He hates our mother with a vengeance. He thinks that I got the life he should have had. Well, man, perhaps he should have had my life. Perhaps you should have had your head bashed into floors and walls. Perhaps you should have had every one of your toys destroyed to try and shut down your heart and a child's natural desire to play. Perhaps you should have been kept up studying useless crap for a government kamp (public school) for two days at a time. Hmm? Everything comes at a price, reptile. You are working for the very same people who turned your mother into the person she became, that neglected you as she did. Feel those emotions for them.
As soon as I throw something in a trash can, it is immediately snatched up by one of these pawns. They believe they can drain my energy and open up connections to me through this. I do not rule the possibility of that out. But I have absolutely no faith in their techniques because I know myself and who I am. They think I am an easy mark because I have zero family that I've been able to get a hold of so far. Yet, interestingly enough, even now I have an deep, calm feeling that there is absolutely nothing to worry about, the same way I just "know" that the Illuminati don't have long for this world. It goes beyond mind and beyond logic, even in this, from a physical level, impossible situation.
The pawns are seen as Illuminati property, and any insult to them or taunting of them or standing up for myself is dumbly, by them, seen as a threat. Indeed it is unwise to threaten the Illuminati, because it tells them you are on the same level of consciousness they are and when they see that, they tend to rush in. So I stood up for myself one day to operative all the time/building where I live at superintendent Idriz Hot [also needs serious investigation done on him], and later on in the night, I was sitting on the steps of Mt. Sinai Hospital, and out of nowhere, this guy with jeans comes around the corner in storm of the century type pouring rain with no shirt on to try and choke me to death. I know he was mind controlled. Of course, I got him off, the cops were called, he tried to run from them, was arrested and who knows where he is now. They are quite serious and dedicated about this, and really, I'm even more so. You have to be, in this sort of situation. It is one thing to read about the Illuminati, a whole another dimension living it.
So this is my very strange story. This situation is not the best. Anyone who can offer advice or assistance can reach me at stefanf@ftml.net .
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