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Policies & Consequences
Jim Kirwan
Much is still being challenged over the policies and procedures that got us into the unilateral and illegal wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq. This conflict over the keys that could unlock the truth behind Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib are still waiting to be investigated, along with abuses throughout not only the US military chains of command; but also within the corruption created during the Bush Administration throughout the US Department of Justice-these were criminal actions that were responsible for unilaterally re-writing the US Constitution and then were ruled on by those that wrote the violations of all laws governing prisoners of war and torture, in order to enable, illegal government decisions to remain unchallenged for the last seven years! 
What is at issue is doubly complicated by the fact that the wars themselves are colonial and illegal, and have no real standing under the international rules of war. The problem becomes glaringly obvious when the policies used by the former administration come face to face with the criminality they created in pursuing these occupations of nation-states that did not attack the United States.
The policies now under fire over the prisoners in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib have no legal standing under US law; because the category under which these people were 'captured' is itself illegal. On top of this crime against those that were captured, the military and the intelligence communities have also added torture and murder to the list of what needs to be investigated. The current debate surrounding the more than 2,000 photographs of torture within the detention system that was illegally created to hold people without charges, forever if need be is a question not of guilt or innocence, but rather is a question under American law that has blatantly perverted American Justice and international laws.
For the last week Dick Cheney, a civilian now, has been making very public charges that need to be settled in a courtroom; where he should be on trial for his life for exceeding his authority throughout his tenure as 'Vice-President' in the Bush Administration. Cheney says that his policies worked. First of all the Vice-President of the US has no such responsibility under the US Constitution, nor does he enjoy any kind of immunity for what he did during the last eight years. Cheney and all his underlings need to be arrested and charged, so that they can make their case under oath, and in an open and public courtroom for all to see and hear what really went on during the false-flag wars that have resulted in the deaths of millions of people, in addition to the hundreds of thousands of American forces that have been damaged or killed by his actions.
The two thousand pictures will become public eventually, the only question remaining is whether or not the criminality that created the opportunity for those events to have taken place will be recognized and addressed, by this administration, or by the world's courts somewhere in the dangerous-mists of the future.
The reason that nations make any laws is to prevent things like this from ever becoming problems in the first place. Under Bush-the-Dictator; the entire US Constitution and the Bill of Rights was trashed. Obama came to office supposedly to undo much of what was done during the last eight years; instead he has picked up where Bush left-off and continues to expand upon what Bush started, all the way down to and including the totally illegal signing statements. Obummer is not the savior than his fans adore; he is the embodiment of a whole new series of lies heaped upon the mountains of Crimes that are still waiting for the consequences that will follow from the distortions and the bloodshed that created them in the first place-beginning with 911.
The main complaint from the bubble-protected American public over this issue seems to be an exaggerated fear of having 'terrorists' loose in this country: Yet the actual terrorists have been here and in London and Tel-Aviv from the start. These are the people in 5,000 dollar suits that have been running every aspect of this entire charade all along. From financial and
military manipulation; Cheney actually ran five war games from the White House on 911 to provide cover for the attacks of that day (1); all the way down to the killing US manufacturing while outsourcing millions of US jobs. Some of the massively-consequential road-kill which these policies created can also be seen in educational policies, in health policies, and in the lack-of-capacity to basically survive under the current police-state that has gotten bigger and more dangerous under Obama, than it ever was under the puppets of the Bush Machine.
Obama ran on a contradictory platform that could never be achieved. He said he stood for change, that he himself was that change, and that we must only go forward and ignore the past. Because of American policies of the past Obama became a candidate, and because of the crimes committed in that past, he was able to sell himself as some kind of Messiah that would magically correct everything while only moving forward. Yet the fundamental problems presented by the formal destruction of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, is not the same as getting rid of a few corrupt politicians: because this involves treason against the people of this country and this has destroyed whatever reputation we might have had as any kind of an example of 'freedom in wider world.' Obama is not the answer that he claims to be, but he is in fact the face of the continuing problem behind a theoretically new and virtually "past-free face," a shadow with three different names that has arisen without a formalized history, without even any confirmed record of his actual birth; not to mention that his previous records in public life have all been sealed.
Barack Obama is the new Obamanation that was selected to rule over the end of times, and is not the solution to anything-as their entire agenda has been to correlate the transfer of public wealth to the private sector-while continuing to widen our colonial wars upon the rest of the planet, which just happens to be in total conflict with all the settled laws that govern over the society of nations around the world.
One huge case in point that has gotten very little notice, is the current takeover of the US Air Force Academy (a coup that is now six years old), that was undertaken by extreme Christian fundamentalists who are continuing the Christian Crusades through today's US officer corps. The Crusades began in the latter part of the Eleventh Century, and are obviously still alive and still trying to crush Islam as their spearpoint of American colonial policies that most of the world's other major nations have had to formally abandon.
"When Barack Obama moved into the Oval Office in January, he inherited a military not just drained by a two-front war overseas but fighting a third battle on the home front, a subtle civil war over its own soul. On one side are the majority of military personnel, professionals who regardless of their faith or lack thereof [who] simply want to get their jobs done; on the other is a small but powerful movement of Christian soldiers concentrated in the officer corps."
There's Major General Robert Caslan-commander of the 25th Infantry Division, a.k.a. "Tropic Lightening"-who in 2007 was found by a Pentagon inspector general's report to have violated military ethics by appearing in uniform, along with six other senior Pentagon officers, in a video for the Christina Embassy, a fundamentalist ministry to Washington elites. There's Lieutenant General Robert Van Antwerpt, the Army chief of engineers, who has lent his uniform to the Christian cause, both in a Trinity Broadcasting Network tribute to Christian soldiers called Red, White and Blue Spectacular and at a 2003 Billy Graham Rally-televised around the world on the Armed Forces Network-at which he declared the baptisms of 700 soldiers under his command evidence of the Lord's plan to "raise up a godly army."
What men such as these have fomented is a quiet coup within the armed forces, not of generals encroaching on civilian rule but of religious authority displacing the military's once staunchly secular code. Not a conspiracy but a cultural transformation, achieved gradually through promotions and prayer meetings, with personal faith replacing protocol according to the best intentions of commanders who conflate God with country. They see themselves not as subversives but as spiritual warriors-"ambassadors for Christ in uniform," according to Officers' Christian Fellowship; "government paid missionaries," according to Campus Crusade's Military Ministry."
"Within the fundamentalist front in the officer corps, the best organized group is Officers' Christian Fellowship, with 15,000 members active at 80 percent of military bases and an annual growth rate, in recent years, of 3 percent. Founded during World War II, OCF was for most of its history concerned mainly with the spiritual lives of those who sought it out, but since 911it has moved in a more militant direction. According to the group's current executive director ~ to which Obama has committed 17,000 new troops in Afghanistan-is a "spiritual battle of the highest magnitude."
"But another OCF Bible study, "Mission Accomplished," warns that victory abroad does not mean the war is won at home. "If Satan cannot succeed with threats from the outside, he will seek to destroy from within," asserts the study, a reference to "fellow countrymen" both in biblical times and today who practice "spiritual adultery." "Mission Accomplished" takes its text from Nehmiah 1-6, the story of the "wallbuilder" who rebuilt the fortifications around Jerusalem. An outsider might misinterpret the wall metaphor as a sign of respect for separation of church and state, but in contemporary fundamentalist thinking the story stands for just the opposite: a wall within which church and state are one. "With the wall completed the people could live an integrated life," the study argues. "God was to be Lord of all or not Lord at all." So it is today. "Mission Accomplished" continues, proposing that before military Christians can complete their wall, they must bring this "Lord of all" to the entire armed forces. "We will need to press ahead obediently," the study concludes, "not allowing the opposition, all of which is spearheaded by Satan, to keep us from the mission of reclaiming territory for Christ in the military."
The quotes are from the story in Harpers magazine of May, 2009 by Jeff Sharlett which is featured on the cover displayed above. The title of the article is JESUS KILLED MOHAMMED, The Crusade for a Christian Military; it's lengthy but documented in detail ­ and includes the roles of many of the military's most high-profile officers such as General Petraeus and other officers at that level. The story also charts the efforts of those opposed to this silent coup that Americans very desperately need to become very aware of.
In the meanwhile the Obama team's feet must be held to the fire of public demands for real answers for the crimes that brought this new public insult into the top echelon of what was once the US government-because there cannot be solutions until the crimes that created all of this are openly investigated and those guilty are charged and punished accordingly.
1) From the Smoke & Flames the Truth is Rising
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