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No Electricity And Its 5000 BC
From Ted Twietmeyer
This could come in perhaps two or three years, or even sooner. This is about a future with no electricity. Such a disaster can quickly happen anytime after the Sun generates a coronal mass ejection (commonly known as a CME) in the direction of Earth. A CME is the product of an X class solar flare as solar material leaves the sun, and does not loop back into the Sun as it does an M class flare.
A CME is a momentary event, which will have extremely negative effects lasting for a century or more on Earth. We'll explore what will happen in detail to most aspects of life as we know it. Some parts of this article will be graphic in nature.
In the 1990s a minor CME event did happen. CME solar material becomes ionizing radiation and hit the Earth's atmosphere over the area ofQuebec, Canada. For about one week the power company was unable to reset high tension power line circuit breakers to restore power. The ionizing radiation made the atmosphere so conductive that high tension power lines were arcing.
Ionizing radiation ionizes the air, making it highly conductive and shorting out the AC power to ground. All power authorities could do was to wait for the radiation to subside, which took about one week before power could be restored. We do not officially know how much of the Quebecarea's electrical system was damaged by the CME. It would also be interesting to see if there was a spike in cancer or other diseases with people who were exposed to the ionizing radiation during the event.
If a truly massive CME hits the Earth, it could for all practical purposes take out the world's electricity distribution. For all practical purposes, this would essentially be permanent. It could take decades to repair the world's electrical system, if replacement parts were immediately available. There would be massive damage to power generating, distribution facilities, substations and countless transformers and switching equipment everywhere.
When high power transformers used in substations or on utility poles are damaged, they must be scrapped or rebuilt. If the factories that create or repair these electrical components are also without power, they will be unable to rebuild or repair electrical equipment. With an AC power outage, there will be no diesel fuel available to fill the tanks on large trucks used to transport and install these massive electrical components.
We've read in history books how mobs of people grabbed and lynched people, or tar and feathered them, about former queens voluntarily walking to the chopping block, the condemned walking up the steps to the gallows or people burned at the stake. Living in the past where these things were accepted as part of life seems incomprehensible to us with our modern mindset.
Yet a sudden shift back in time to a mindset of acceptable brutality can happen faster than we want might want to accept. And it all starts with a light switch on the wall that won't work.
Imagine life without electricity. First, let's consider something simple like lighting, which is often taken for granted. Today we flip a switch and a light comes on. Turning on a light seems simple enough, but try lighting your home at night when the power goes off. All of us have made a simple mistake when the power is off. As we move from one room to another we instinctively reach for the light switch and flip it on and nothing happens. Meanwhile, food in refrigerators and freezers is in danger of spoiling as temperatures slowly begin to rise.
It's instinctive today to simply grab a flashlight. Most people do not know that the life expectancy of an ordinary incandescent flashlight bulb is about 25 hours according to some manufacturer's data sheets. That means having a big box of batteries on hand won't help you when the lamp burns out. And although the lifetime of a solid-state LED flashlight is measured in thousands of hours, battery lifetime is not. If power is out and not coming back on for decades ­ how many batteries and light bulbs would you need for a lifetime of power? Will batteries last for decades sitting unopened in the packages? Of course they won't. Everything has an expiration date on it.
So why time travel back 5000 years? That's roughly how far back in time we need to go back, to when candles and kerosene/oil lamps didn't exist. Even during the years America was founded, they were accustomed to lighting with kerosene lamps and candles. Without power this is where we'll be. In biblical times and even before, people had oil lamps and candles. Egyptians even had a means to light their tombs to do paintings. Today, almost everyone is completely and utterly unprepared to generate even simple lighting at night at night for any length of time, without resorting to oil lamps and candles. The art of making candles (and volume availability candle wicks and animal fats or paraffin used to make them) is, for all practical purposes, non-existent.
Without electricity, kerosene to fill oil lamps will be completely unavailable. Tanks in the ground at your local gas station may still hold thousands of gallons of kerosene when the power goes off - but there won't be any easy way to reach it. And if there was, the kerosene would be completely gone in a matter of a few days. It ends the usefulness of those cute little portable kerosene heaters in the winter.
Computers and communications of all types including the emergency broadcast system will become worthless without electricity. To be informed, we will have to return to listening to government vehicles using loudspeakers which drive up and down streets blaring instructions to people on what to do, where to go and what the curfew hours are.
Oil refineries cannot operate without electricity which is used to run large pumps, valves and computer controlled instrumentation for controlling the refining process. Extremely high pressures and temperatures are involved in the refining process which must be carefully controlled to prevent explosions or leaks. Even if a refinery generates its own power, who will be their end customer? Surely it will be the government that will become their biggest customer.
Men will grow long facial hair. This will be a forced hair style, since electric razors will no longer function and stores will quickly be sold out of razor blades and shaving cream. Women's legs and armpits will soon look likewell, what men's legs and armpits do. Hair styles will soon turn flat, gnarly and wild, as only scissors will be available to cut hair. However that should fit right in as many hair styles are already gnarly-looking.
If you owned a huge stockpile of new flashlight batteries you could sell, what would you take for them as payment? The dollar or currency of whatever country you lived in would become meaningless. You'll need a store to spend it in for needed goods. But what value does a dollar actually have? Toilet paper will become more valuable than gold. You can't wipe your butt with gold coins, but you can with a fistful of one hundred dollar bills.
This leads us to bathroom issues. Back in the days of outhouses, there was the legendary (and now non-existent) Sears catalog among other things which was used as toilet paper. No matter what you may use for toilet paper, it will run out sooner than later. What then? What will people use? Leaves? And without a flushable toilet, where will people relieve themselves? Cities have millions of people, but most of them do not have access to a field or wooded area in which to dig a hole or build an outhouse. This is one of many reasons why city life will become incredibly difficult. City life will return to what Europe was hundreds of years ago, when sewage was dumped from buckets out of windows into the street. Along with the sewage, rats and the plague will most certainly thrive as well.
Medical issues will arise on a scale never seen before in recorded modern history. Even a routine simple surgery like an appendectomy will become a serious problem. Hospitals will generate their own power using backup generators, but can only do this for a short time. When the fuel runs out they too, will be crippled. Being a patient in a hospital without power will quickly become a nightmare. Smart patients will get up and leave, because their fate will soon be sealed.
When the power goes out in the hospital for the second time after generators have permanently shut down, all the beeping alarms will soon go silent after a few hours when battery packs in medical equipment like IV pumps are depleted. Everyone will know deep in their gut that this is the beginning of the end. An eerie silence will descend upon all the floors. Someone might hear news on a portable radio broadcast from an emergency station that power won't be coming back on for many years, if ever again because of damage to the grid. This will add confirmation to the fear. Government and emergency services can't even begin to cope with the crisis.
Nurses and doctors hearing the devastating news will soon be talking amongst themselves in hushed tones, deciding the fate of many unwitting patients. A nurse will enter a patient's room holding a hypodermic filled with cocktail of a pain killer and potassium chloride. She will tell the patient with an assuring and comforting voice, "This is just a vitamin shot the doctor ordered. It won't hurt." On the obstetrics floor the crying of babies in the nursery will bring on a whole new meaning of hopelessness to mothers and staff, as the reality of life without electricity sets in.
Most hospitals can only operate a matter of days without power. No modern hospital can run indefinitely without main AC power. Laparoscopic surgery requires electricity to power the light sources used to illuminate organs inside patients during surgery. TV monitors allow the surgeon to see what's going on inside the patient. Laparoscopic surgery will have to be replaced by older style open surgery near windows ­ but this can only be performed while medical supplies and sunlight lasts. Medical instrument sterilizers will also become useless. Every hospital's supply of pain killers will be quickly exhausted in a matter of days, or perhaps even hours once euthanizing begins.
Deaths from something as simple and curable as appendicitis, currently almost unheard of today, will become commonplace. Even a simple kidney or bladder stone problem can become life-threatening if a stone is lodged in the wrong place and left untreated. Defibrillators used to revive cardiac patients will become non-functional. One-time-use portable defibrillators such as those carried by police and fireman or used in the home will be quickly used and discarded. Government forces will confiscate any defibrillators remaining for saving the lives of only those deemed worthy to survive.
Hospital ultrasound, CT scanners, X-ray and MRI machines will become useless hardware without electricity to run them or the associated computers that reconstruct today's images. Most hospitals only use digital imaging plates for single image X-ray imaging. Even if film and developing equipment was available this would make no difference, since there will be no power to run even a simple X-ray machine or run a film processor.
Modern medical diagnostic tools and procedures will become worthless almost instantly. Medical procedures will quickly return to the state of the art hundreds of years ago, with only a blood pressure cuff, thermometer and stethoscope as diagnostic tools. Today's doctors are mentally and physically unequipped to deal with primitive medical techniques. Most of these ancient diagnostic techniques they have only have read about in med school textbooks or heard medical school professors describe. Despite all their modern medical training and experience, their profession would be seriously impaired. Almost every clinical instrument a doctor uses today has batteries or an AC plug on it somewhere to power it. This includes life-saving respirator machines to assist breathing.
We saw a glimpse of what will happen with the hospital in New Orleans when Katrina hit the city. Patients were left to die or were euthanized when temperatures rose without electricity. There was nothing doctors or nurses could do to help them. This only made a brief appearance in the news when discussions about criminal charges and reprimands were discussed, then little more was heard. Now imagine these decisions taking place in thousands of hospitals across the world after a CME takes out the power.
There will be major problems disposing of the deceased. Cemeteries depend on gas and diesel power equipment such as backhoes and bucket loaders to open and close graves. Without diesel or gasoline fuel there will be few burials. Hand-digging graves could never keep up with the demand. No hearses will have gasoline to transport bodies to the cemeteries.
So what about cremation? Crematories are not something people like to talk about. However, they use gas burners and blowers to generate intense heat to perform a cremation in about 90 minutes, according to manufacturers who manufacture these machines. Crematories also require electricity to run the gas safety circuits and the air blower which forces oxygen and gas into the chamber. No electricity, no cremation.
Without graves, hearses, trucks or crematories, the deceased will have to be dumped into large piles in locations as far away from the population as they can be moved to with whatever available means of transport. There will be no diesel fuel available to dig pits to bury them in. Remember old films of German concentration camps? Those cadavers were eventually buried. But without power and fuel, no one after a CME event will be.
Dead bodies quickly generate Cholera and other diseases. Rats and wild animals will run rampant without predators to keep them in check, and this will quickly spread the disease to the living.
There will be vehicles scattered on the sides of streets, roads, interstates and highways everywhere. Cell phones won't ever work again (what a shame) and there will be no fuel for even a tow truck to come get your vehicle and drag it back to your home. Wherever a vehicle quits is the very spot it will stay for the rest of time and eternity, rusting away until nothing is left of it. People will gather their belongings from a dead vehicle that runs out of gas and try to walk to the nearest place of shelter. There will not be a "ride back home." A ride back home in what?
Martial law will surely be declared, but it won't be enforced for very long. Soldiers and serviceman will soon decide to simply return home to their families to be with them and to protect them. They may even walk if they have to. Drinking water and food will be in extremely short supply ­ before it too, becomes unavailable. We'll talk about later what happens with food and water run out, and it won't be for squeamish to read.
Someone else I know who has seen the future a few years ago using remote viewing told me about seeing street after street, home after home with front doors open and no one around. I didn't understand it then, but I do now.
People will feel forced to pack up and leave their homes to seek out government camps to live in. However, this is a big mistake and equivalent to knocking on the gates of hell and begging to get in. No need here to talk about how bad it will get in the camps when food is gone.
Those who have food storage at home will be anxiously taking inventory of their storage each day to see what they have left. They know that every morsel they eat will bring themselves and their family one step closer to starvation, and there will be little they can do about it. They will be a victim of their own choices made back in today's time, before the power went out. A continuous, unspoken fear about being robbed or killed for what they have left will always be nagging in the back of everyone's mind.
Without the rule and enforcement of law, no place in any city will be safe. Cities will be the first areas to plunge into lawlessness. To believe that police officers will report to an extremely dangerous job without any pay to protect you is to imagine the Moon is made of green cheese. Soldiers that patrol the streets will increasingly be in harms way.
When food runs out people will return to cannibalism. This is when life gets very, very ugly. No one will be safe. Mobs of people will overpower the weak and consume them. I was recently sent a series of very gruesome photos taken of a group of about 20 people consuming a dead man, who was laid out on a board in a field. He was literally hacked into pieces with machetes and long knives. Those eating his flesh were a wide variety of ages from teenage to older folk, and some were smiling for the camera while holding up his body parts.
The distant background in the cannibalism photos showed a modern city. In the last photo only a few ribs were left. Whether staged or not, these photographs accurately show how life without electricity would be reduced to a completely barbaric existence.
Countless gruesome repeated scenes like this every day will be the ultimate end of civilization as we know it. People will kill anyone for a cup of drinkable water. An inherent, primitive drive to survive is present in all human beings and should not be underestimated. Even the most kind and loving people you know could become one of these people almost overnight when they are hungry enough.
The only possible solution for survival is to live in a very rural area, completely out of sight from the road. You will need some form of renewable power to survive, such as wind, water or solar. You will also need hydroponics to grow your own food indoors. If food is grown outdoors, animals or people can consume it or steal it during the night. This will not be hobby gardening, but serious survival gardening.
You'll need to have your own medical supplies, organic non-terminator seeds, hydroponics solution and equipment, a water well, well pump, a source of heat in winter and other basic necessities of life such as shoes and clothing, and either an outhouse or an indoor toilet and bidet. Whatever system you have to survive on, you'll need a lifetime of replacement parts and supplies. One must prepare for this assuming that no store will be available to go buy anything - ever again.
If you are thinking "chain saw" for your wood supply ­ consider how fast a chain saw uses fuel and how you won't be able to obtain any. Sawing down a 36" diameter hardwood tree is far more difficult than most people realize until they try it. It's a two-man job for two men in great physical shape, with the right saw and experience doing it.
You will be forced to defend yourself and your family using deadly force with a firearm, bow and arrow or a long knife. It's easy to shoot at paper targets, but quite different to kill a living, breathing human being begging you on their knees to spare their life. Our culture has raised us to know killing is deeply wrong.
This is the case under normal circumstances.
But killing is a decision that sooner or later you will be forced to make when the power is out and not coming back on again. It's a case of "either you or them." If you are the head of your family, your failure to make the right decision could cost everyone in your home their life. Like breathing, you'll just have to do it automatically without giving it any thought. Logic is the only way to look at it. If you do nothing and the attacker kills you and takes your food, who will be left to protect your family from starvation and harm after you're gone?
A complete collapse of society as we know it will be the result of losing electricity permanently.
Will we be prepared in time? Or be knocking on the gates of a concentration camp begging to get it? Thirst, hunger and cold drives people to do things that they would never imagine themselves doing.
Ted Twietmeyer
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