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The Speech Obama Should
Give To Congress 

As Imagined by Dave Lindorff
My Fellow Americans.
          I stand before you a chastened president. I made a mistake. Two mistakes really. (wild applause from Republican side)
          I thought that Congress could do its job and through the deliberative process, produce a health care reform plan that would win broad support across the aisle and among all of you. But I'm afraid that I was wrong. Health care is an enormous industry-maybe the biggest and most powerful industry in the country-and it has far too much power in Congress. Literally thousands of lobbyists, carrying tens of billions of dollars in campaign contributions-have invaded these halls and distorted the process, and in the end have stymied reform. (some hissing)
          Meanwhile, I have realized that the answer has been staring us in the face all along.
          And that was my second mistake.  I told the American Medical Association that while single-payer medical plans, where the government is the insurer, might work well in other countries, the idea of government running health care was not part of our American tradition. In fact, it is, and has been since 1965, when President Lyndon Johnson signed into law the Medicare program. Medicare is a single-payer program, and polls and surveys show it is enormously popular with older and disabled Americans. Medicare has relieved our parents and grandparents from the fear that they will not get medical care when they stop working, and it has lifted the enormous burden and worry off of younger Americans over how to pay for the care of their elders, and it has done this with enormous efficiency, all while allowing recipients to choose their own doctors and hospitals. (applause)
          So we really don't need to re-invent the wheel.  There is no point in members of Congress having to hold endless hearings, and to sit and listen to the pitches of lobbyists from the medical establishment. We can just expand Medicare to cover everyone. (applause)...
For the rest of this story, please go to: http://www.thiscantbehappening.net
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