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Fool's Idea Of A Fool
By Ted Twietmeyer
Today, people are standing in the road like a deer staring at the headlights of an oncoming car. However, it won't be a car that hits people but a freight train. Voluntary submission to brainwashed stupidity has shackled and enslaved nearly everyone.
Do you feel sorry for an alcoholic? Who did it to them? No one ­ they alone picked up the bottle and took their first drink. It doesn't take just one drink or tens of drinks, but hundreds or thousands of them and a considerable sum of money to become an alcoholic. People have to work hard at this to do it. But once this happens it changes the chemistry of the brain forever. Although the person might have fortitude to quit drinking for good, the potential to become an instant drunk all over again will always be there.
Have you had enough of what's happened to your life that you didn't ask for? Or did you ask for it without knowing? Let's look at the laundry list of oppression being rammed into the world's population with no lube. What we see happening today has happened before. Yet few citizens or leaders learn from the terrible mistakes of recorded history.
There are many parallels between communism and socialism. Health care is the topic at many tables around the United States today. The proposed form on Capitol Hill rings and echo of something the devoted communist revolutionary leader Mao Tse-Tung might have done given the chance before he die.? His actual name was Mao ZeDong, and he implemented one of the first forms of universal health care.
Mao ZeDong wearing the standard issue bland clothing he designed for everyone to wear in China wore under his iron-fisted rule. (Photo credit ­ [1])
The Carnegie Endowment website features a big article, essentially praising ZeDong. A talk was given in April 2007 regarding China's health care, "China's Health Care Reform: Not Just a Policy Failure." It states is that "Reform began in the early 1980s, but the reform has failed to improve the cost, access, and equalities of the healthcare system. Internal government reports blamed the policy for the failure of the reforms, saying it made healthcare too commercialized and marketized." Even with iron-fisted government and reform after ZeDong died of health problems, the Chinese still couldn't make it work right. [3]
By closing the schools and putting the teachers and professors to work in the rice paddies and fields, ZeDong kept the population dumbed-down and as far away from the truth as possible. Loud speakers in villages constantly blared propaganda and lies day and night to insure continuous brainwashing. Considering that the red army was greatly outnumbered by the general population and still is, brainwashing was the only way the government could maintain control over the people.
Chinese culture was, and still is, heavily based on complete obedience to the state by everyone. Children in school have been taught that with expressions like this one: "Don't be the nail that sticks up on the floor."
Today we have television performing the same function worldwide as loudspeakers on poles. Imagine if Bill-O was in broadcasting and living in Chinaunder ZeDong's rule. Surely ZeDong would have discovered him, handed him a microphone and told him to rant as long as he wanted to, provided he sticks to the party line.
We would be remiss here if we didn't mention the Red Guard. This was first started by students in a middle school in China. Every child was brainwashed into turning into the state anyone, even parents, who even remotely spoke negatively about the government.
School girl wearing Red Guard scarf and armband (left)
Yet the Red Guard is similar to the snitch programs being created in America today after 9/11, and often referred to as "patriotic" by mainstream media. There is an ironic twist to the snitch program in America today. If a child turns in someone suspected of acting like a terrorist, they could even be rewarded with a CD player, MP3 player or some other electronic gizmo children crave ­ and all of them are made in China! Truly what goes around comes around.
Would ZeDong have formed death committees to decide who will and will not receive medical care? It's quite likely the equivalent of decision-making committees existed in his health care system. If universal health care is provided by the US government, life/death committees will exist in one form or another to control costs. Perhaps a doctor will be required to call or email a secret or hidden government committee if a chronic or life-threatening disease is found, and they will decide whether or not you or a loved one deserves to live. Perhaps the TSA no-fly list will be used as an aid in making the decision.
Do you see the striking parallels of American and UK life to living in China under Mao Zedong?
People drive by accident scenes arrogantly thinking to themselves "That will never happen to me ­ it always happens to the other guy."
When it comes to serious illness, you can suddenly be the "other guy" with no warning at all. If you look at this logically, if everyone else is thinking this it makes YOU the other guy.
This depression we're all forced into living with has no real way out. How did this happen? It's the result of brainwashing. When "free trade agreements" (read that "bend over ­ no lube") was forced upon the public, they said nothing and did nothing. Although millions of Americans knew that these agreements would lay the foundation to hemorrhage jobs by the MILLIONS overseas, no one cared. With these agreements, America built a virtual bridge across the Bering Strait and to Pacific Rim countries straight to overseas child sweatshops, causing millions of Americans to lose their jobs.
Job and employment hemorrhaging still isn't over yet, and may never be. America is really a third world country. Do you think that we must have to have corrugated shack towns and tent cities like Rio Dejanero for America to be a third world country? We have those. Starving people? We have those. The working poor? We have them. Walking wounded veterans from war? We have veterans coming home from fighting a pointless war that was started overseas ­suffering from American-made bioweapons. Veterans unknowingly give these diseases from destroying our bioweapons to their families and doctors. Good honest hard-working people that cannot retire? We have them, too. A crooked government like you used to hear about in tiny middle-Latin American countries? We have that too, but a whole lot bigger. I'm sure the list could go on, but it's clear we ARE a third world country, not going to become one. The public leaders run by their hidden controllers have done their job well.
Those that get their financial news from reading the Wall Street Journal are indeed another fool's idea of a fool. HELLO? Doesn't anyone get it? Think about the very name of the publication, WALL STREET Journal! I've been on plane flights and watched those in first class read the publication with the same fervor that a Pentecostal worshipper reads the Bible.
This idiot Journal really does nothing but promote the controlled news and affect stock trading held weekly in that Solomon-temple-like building on Wall Street. The "Journal" doesn't really exist for any other reason. Yet all the licensed stock brokers and financial planners I've ever met blindly read that cursed daily bullshit paper and BELIEVE every word. Sickening. With the Journal they are getting it with no lube, straight in through the eyes.
Constantly we hear more bullshit in the media such as "The market is up xxxx points today, in record trading." Does anyone have ANY idea how these daily trading numbers are derived? Are they tamper-proof? If you have looked at average growth stocks as I have they are as flat as Lisa Douglas' pancakes on Green Acres. Many stocks that were relatively short-term trades now have large bid/ask spreads, making investing in them a losing proposition. That is to say, if you buy them you might not ever be able to sell them without a loss. I say losing here simply because they will continue to be so until this depression ends. Many now forecast it will go on for the next 20 years.
In a blizzard, when one car goes off the road the others follow it off the road. They tell the cops or tow truck driver, "I was just following the car in front of me." When investors follow the lead of what Gates and Buffett do, has it occurred to these investors they are doing the wrong thing? Perhaps some super-rich people do what they do just to manipulate the investing community. It seems no one has even given that a thought.
If the illuminati leaders appeared on television to command investors to do something would they do it? Probably not. Mao Zedong knew how to lead by example, using his charisma (mixed with plenty of bullshit and catch phrases) to control his people. That same technique is still used today using presidents, famous personalities and the media instead of loud speakers mounted on poles.
Thank God we still have great vocal people like Bob Chapman that know the score. They analyze the implications of political decisions and aren't afraid to warn the world about what's coming and what's been planned.
Several years ago, Dr. Thomas Barnett stood in the pentagon and delivered a speech based on his book, "The Pentagon's New Roadmap." His two hour lecture was mainly delivered pretty-boy style standing there in a suit with his feet together and hands clasped. He mainly ranted for two hours about why we need on-going war around the world. This lunatic isn't a visiting lunatic delivering a speech. Barnett is a political scientist and was (or may still be) on the government's payroll. No lube was used here either.
His no-stop, two hour long global control rant was aired on CSPAN. The camera periodically panned the audience and just about every service and rank in the military was represented. Many people were stunned, mouths gaping wide open in disbelief. But that didn't slow down the lord of war one bit. [2]
Here we are in an economy worse than The Great Depression of the nineteen thirties, and now new taxes for generating any amount of carbon dioxide. Here again, I've had my arguments with people telling them that linking CO2 with immediate climate change is all bullshit. Good science has shown an 800 year lag between CO2 rise and temperature rise, but that won't stop the clowns in Copenhagen.
Truly something IS rotten in Denmark.
Scientists I know think I'm wrong and they laugh at me. But bullshit is bullshit when it comes to intentionally falsified science. I challenge them to go check the data themselves just as 30,000 scientists have, and are planning on suing Al Gore for falsifying data. Of course, Gore won't even appear at the climate summit. All rats avoid the light of day.
People are struggling just to make a living and keep warm this winter. No one needs a small, select group of do-gooders who have foolishly bought into the Gore hockey-stick propaganda to stand there while new taxes are rammed in with no lube. Do you want that?
Answers to alleviating the new level of misery forced upon the people and preventing escalation thereof are quite basic. A few popular afternoon radio show hosts do nothing but promote fear and sell DVDs. Fear-mongering is certainly not the answer, but waking up is.
The entire purpose of this article is to wake people up to show why they must use their backbone and stand up against tyranny.
I've earned a good living finding solutions to difficult problems. I do not claim to have all the answers, but what America faces could be reversed IF people stood up for themselves.
We don't have to roll up our sleeves to take vaccine injections or bow-down to pay homage saying, "Thank you for the disease I'll soon develop."
It's up to you, me and everyone else to use our God-given brains to start thinking about our future.
Some say it's too late. But I disagree, as it's NEVER too late to do the right thing.
If we leave our future for the hidden controllers to decide everything they implement will be engineered to benefit them ­ not you or me. It all comes down to money and the cost of doing anything, plain and simple. Other than cost, there is very little difference between taking control of a small business, and taking control of a city and keeping it.
Both cost money. If the self-appointed controllers of America in the limelight and those who stay in the shadows realize their scheming won't benefit them or costs too much, they just won't do it. This is about money and control. It always has been and always will be.
Forget about the recent fear of contracting some engineered disease. Creating a massive, lethal pandemic with a high mortality rate will put these same controllers in equal jeopardy. Earth is a closed ecosphere.
What these crazies do to us they do to themselves whether or not they will admit it. If they first vaccinate themselves after creating a pathogen that kills millions, their vaccinations will not save them. Pathogens of all kinds mutate.
Pathogens genetically mutate into a different strain(s) without warning, quickly making vaccines useless. Vaccines and viruses work like a key and lock combination. Vaccines are the "key" to the lock. Mutated strains of pathogens alter the "lock" side of this combination, effectively making vaccines useless. It would be impossible for even a dedicated vaccine factory to keep up with all the possible permutations.
The crazies that run the world would like nothing more than to have their own genetically altered humans become the new race. Again, that would make little difference since human beings are susceptible to diseases in the wild (environment.) It's simply a part of being human. Even if a human being could be genetically engineered to be resistant to a specific pathogen, the pathogen could still mutate in the environment and harm the genetically engineered human.
Refusing decisively to go along with the party line will help start things rolling. If your bank requires you to give a thumbprint then go to another bank. In the wrong hands that thumbprint data file can put you at the scene of a crime, and you could never prove your innocence. Not all banks use fingerprints. If my bank starts to requiring fingerprints I'll close my accounts and find another.
Voicing your refusal to go along with any rights-stealing directives, acts or laws will add your voice to the sound from countless other patriotic Americans. Think about a sports stadium. If the stadium is empty and you are screaming at the top of your lungs, how far away can anyone hear you? Perhaps ten rows down from where you are? But fill that stadium with 40,000 screaming fans and you can hear it a mile away.
Yet if the patrons in the stadium are quiet you could stand out in the parking lot and hear a pin drop. Right now in America, we can just about hear the pin drop because most Americans are still silent.
Voices added together will fight globalism and a police state. The brainwashed people in the UK said nothing, and now there are clusters of video cameras on poles all over London and elsewhere.
More voices are being heard - Greece and Ireland are among the first nations to consider abandoning the Euro as their currency as they should. Many people in Europe have complained that prices for everything skyrocketed since the Euro took over. Again, the voices of the small countries and the people are now being heard by the world, which will in turn affect what other people and countries decide for themselves.
Consider what happens when an army invades a country. It immediately creates an "us-verses-them" situation. The army isn't wanted there and never will be, and no place in that country will be safe for the soldiers to have rest and relaxation. There will be no real R&R for them. Patriots (known as "insurgents" now) will fight the invading forces and sabotage everything whenever and wherever possible.
This will also happen if martial law takes over in the United States. At first, people will go along with the game. But life will get extremely difficult from rationing, lack of medicines, loss of utilities, what to do with a dead family member's body, etc
When the people rebel pressure exerted from attacks by underground soldiers will create tremendous mental strain on invading troops. Even if those troops are Americans themselves. All American troops are volunteer soldiers which automatically makes them the worst traitors when they start arresting Americans and pushing them around.
Again, history tells us quite a bit. In Nazi Germany men were drafted into the military.
German citizens in the underground during the Nazi era treated German soldiers like any other outside invading force. Sabotage and fighting against the Nazis took place whenever and wherever possible.
Not all Americans will foolishly give up their firearms ­ America is second only to Switzerland for being well armed. Patriotic Americans who are not brainwashed remember the blood which was spilled for America to be free from iron-fisted British rule. It will be these same citizens who won't allow the globalists to re-institute iron-fisted control of America. There will also be support from within the military to stop the tyranny, too.
So we see that solutions can and do exist. But these will only work if everyone works together to stop tyranny.
And who would want to be a fool's idea of a fool?
Ted Twietmeyer
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_Zedong
[2] The Barnett Speech (link to one of his several different public presentations and not the CSPAN speech)
[3] http://www.carnegieendowment.org/events/?fa=eventDetail&id=979
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