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Political Lies Are No Substitute For Sanity
By Karl Schwarz
According to Barky Obama the US needs to send another 34,000 US soldiers to Afghanistan, because the US and UK are losing that war, too. Never mind that the commanding general suggested 40,000 to 45,000 troops, but my hunch is neither Barky nor General McChrystal have a clue as to how to fight the Afghans and win. Never mind that the UK has withdrawn from Iraq and Prime Minister Gordon Brown will have to withdraw from Afghanistan due to the public outcry in the UK at the audacity of George Bush - Tony Blair lies that started this fiasco.
Now even former President of Russia Mikhail Gorbachev has been trying to subtly suggest to our arrogant ig'noble' numbskull of an Impostor President that he is wading America into a bloodbath. He was the leader of Russia when they got their balls and heads handed to them in Afghanistan.
Now Barky is suggesting that NATO has to send more of their sons and daughters to fight a war in vain that should have never been started by George Bush and Tony Blair. It will come out eventually, even Afghanistan was based on total lies from the US and UK leadership.
It is all about oil, natural gas and pipelines, and who gets to line their pockets at the expense of our soldiers.
There was no "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq and it should be apparent to all that the Afghans were no more impressed with Bush-Rumsfeld Shock & Awe than they were the Russians or any other trespasser they have sent home dead or maimed throughout the centuries.
There is a reason that defeat is certain and it comes in two parts. First, no empire has ever conquered the Afghan people. Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, the British Empire, the Russians and now the US and UK (round four for the bloody-good-show idiot Brits) are learning the lesson the hard way. The Persian Empire did not even try to spread east because they already knew not to tangle with the Afghans. The Persians and Genghis Khan cut defense pacts with the Afghans rather than engage in a pissing match to see how many could die on both sides.
Secondly, not a single person in the US, UK, NATO command will even mention why we are really in Afghanistan any way. You know, that BRIDAS TAP PIPELINE they absolutely need from Ashgabat Turkmenistan, through Afghanistan and then through Pakistan to the ocean. Nor are they talking about all of the oil and natural gas under Afghanistan and the Baluchistan province of Pakistan and borders on the east side of Iran.
Now that most of the Caspian Basin oil and gas is lost over the past 8 years as the world moved on, now they are desperate to hang on to what remains in Afghanistan and Baluchistan.
Why is Pakistan no longer our good-GWOT-buddy? Simply put, because they no longer support the US and UK aims for that TAP pipeline. It was a pipeline-too-far the day the US Secret Government did 9-11 so they could justify an attack on a nation that did not attack the US or UK. Pakistan has signed an agreement to do the IPI Pipeline, from Iran, through Pakistan and on to India.
Folks, this insanity has been going on since long before 9-11-2001. All during the Clinton Administration they did all that was possible at the time to upend both ends of the Bridas Corporation TAP [Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline] by making sure Bridas Corporation could not complete the deal the US and UK coveted. They being the greedy power-drunk whores in London, DC and Wall Street that seem to think all resources of this world should belong to them, if they covet them.
As they have been launching illegal wars based on lies, lying to cover their tracks, Russia, China and India have completely buried the US - UK game plan in the Caspian Basin. It is sort of like a football game, the US trails by 45-0 and there is 45 seconds left in the game. Time to move on and let the US and UK leadership cry in their beer.
Just recently the UK Ministry of Defense hammered a captain in their military for daring to tell the truth, without MOD permission.
http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Afghanistan-British-Captain-Remo ved-After-Slamming-Afghan-War-In-Article-In-Independent/Article/ 200908215361 300
In another story it has come out that the MOD did such a pathetic job prior to "Iraqi Freedom" that some of the soldiers had ten bullets or less to defend their life or launch an attack. Such happens when liars are trying to cover their butts and launch a war based on nothing but premeditated lies.
In the US more and more soldiers are refusing to deploy either as conscientious objectors or because the matter is all based on illegal war, illegal orders.
There is a reason and it has nothing to do with antiwar, or protests, or those who do not believe in the US aims. No war can be won on a lie. It is an 'unjust war', the attacker, perpetrators, aggressors and transgressors have been the US and UK and they lost and will continue to lose. They lied, they lose.
That is because out of their greed and lust for control they have forgotten what a 'just war' is. Media spin, falsification of intelligence and outright lies do not create a Just War.
The US has not engaged in such a war in my entire lifetime of 58 years and I have come to the conclusion they never will. Desperate empires do desperate things, and the US and UK are headed downhill in a free fall.
The Zbigniew Brzezinski 'Grand Chessboard' is in checkmate and the US and UK lost.
One can even go back further to the Russia - Afghanistan War from 1980-1988. Russia was trying to get the same pipeline done that Bush thought he could steal with lies and Shock & Awe. All of that oil and natural gas is just as landlocked today as when Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan were still part of the USSR.
Stupid is as stupid does, and folks, Washington, DC and London are eaten up with the dumbass when it comes to Afghanistan. The US was not even thinking straight when it gave the green light for Georgia to attack South Ossetia to widen that pipeline right-of-way and it is now permanently narrower. But I digress, we had an idiot named George W Bush in the Oval Office that has not thought straight even one day of his pathetic life.
There is some blood that will not wash off and at this time in history the US, UK and Israel are truly the True Axis of Evil and the biggest threats to world peace. What is even more disconcerting is when they demonstrate how truly stupid they are and will not admit to their lies.
Change Barky? He is just as stupid and arrogant as Bush and Blair and proving it every day.
The only mission accomplished the US and UK can claim is they have both bankrupted their nations and many have been maimed and killed due to the Bush - Blair lies. Barky is proving my point that he has not had an original thought in his life. He just talks and talks, and adopted the Bush plan.
That is a sure sign that America elected yet another idiot.
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