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Recycled Water - Concentrated
Hyper-Infectious Human Prions

From Patricia Doyle, PhD
Hello Jeff - Do you want to drink 'recycled' water? Or, have your produce irrigated with it?  As noted below, wastewater treatment process does not inactivate prions (a no-brainder) and it actually re-concentrates them in the sewage sludge biosolids.  Human prions are much more infective than animal prions. The whole idea of recycling (hideously polluted) human waste water is, of course, insane.   
"The human prion is resistant to both heat and chemicals and is reported to be up to a hundred thousand times more difficult to deactivate than the animal form of infective agent which causes well known diseases in cattle, such as mad cow disease, and scrapie in sheep. "
UCSC Researchers Find Key To Prion Diseases
By Alia Wilson
SANTA CRUZ -- Researchers at UC Santa Cruz have discovered that in an inherited form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, disrupted regulation of copper ions in the brain may be a key factor in the disease.
Prion diseases are fatal neurodegenerative brain disorders caused by a misfolded form of the normal cellular prion protein. Human prion diseases include classic and variant types of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, mad cow disease, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. " [USA: 5 million Alzheimer's victims}
Researchers have found infectious prions in blood, urine and feces of human TSE victims (transmissible spongiform encephalopathies = AD, sCJD, etc.) EPA and University of Wisconsin researchers have concluded the wastewater treatment process does NOT inactivate prions, and it RECONCENTRATES them in the sewage sludge biosolids".
What are the implications for risks from infectious human prions ( Alzheimer's, sCJD, etc.) in BOTH CLASS B AND CLASS A sewage sludge ?  (Waste industry & EPA recommend spreading Class A sludge biosolids compost on public parks and playgrounds, and on lawns, and home flower & vegetable gardens) - children with their hand to mouth behavior, eat dirt - PICA kids eat LOTS of dirt - and family pets can track the wastes in on their feet and fur . . . .
Spreading Class B sewage sludge biosolids containing infectious human and animal prions on grazing lands, hay fields and dairy pastures poses risks to cows, cattle, livestock and wildlife.
Patricia A. Doyle DVM, PhD Bus Admin, Tropical Agricultural Economics Univ of West Indies Please visit my "Emerging Diseases" message board at: http://www.emergingdisease.org/phpbb/index.php Also my new website: http://drpdoyle.tripod.com/ Zhan le Devlesa tai sastimasa Go with God and in Good Health 
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