Mass Suicide - The
Detrimental Effects Of
Environmental Chemicals
By Dr. Lynn Hardy, N.D., C.N.C.
Director of the Global Institute For Alternative Medicine

Being an alternative health practitioner and the mother of a 3 year-old child is a definite blessing but can also be very frustrating at times. On one hand, I am fortunate to have the wisdom of how to eat right and how to utilize home-remedies and natural therapies. But on the other side of the coin I feel completely helpless, as there are so many environmental factors affecting our lives that I have no control over. We (humans) are not only destroying our rain forests, wild life, ozone layer, environment, and drinking water, but in the process, completely abolishing our precious children's future as well.
Despite living in the greatest country in the world, we can also boast about consuming the most chemically contaminated food per capita. Americans have sacrificed nutrition for convenience as more and more people are turning to fast and ready-to-eat meals. These processed foods are not only totally deficient of nutrients (except for the added artificial nutrients) they also contain deadly chemicals, preservatives, and colorings. Unfortunately, we're not much better off eating fruits and vegetables, as those are grown in depleted soil and sprayed with hundreds of pesticides and chemicals. Eating meat and animals products puts us in danger of contracting salmonella, parasites or the newest threat; Mad Cow Disease. The ethical aspect of the inhumane way our livestock are being raised and slaughtered is only compounded by the amount of hormones, antibiotics and fattening agents these poor creatures are fed. And if all this wasn't bad enough, man has to accelerate his path to destruction by inventing genetically modified and genetically engineered foods. The long-term consequences of such interferences with mother nature are sure to be disastrous.
I am thankful that we still have access to whole, organically grown foods and that to some extent, I can protect my son from the toxic nightmare sold in traditional supermarkets. We drink only filtered water and use a shower filter for bathing. We pay a little bit extra to have organic, all-natural pesticides used in our home and yard. We also use only natural, chemical-free cleaning and laundry products. But despite all the precautions I take in preserving my family's health the frustrating, and infuriating fact is that I can't shelter them from what's going on outside the sanctuary of our home.
We live in an upscale part of Florida, where the landscaping is impeccable, the lawn always emerald green, and the flowers constantly in full bloom - in other words, everything is artificially sustained. I can't even conceive the amount of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers sprayed around us each and every day. And because Florida is blessed with a Mediterranean climate, our landscaping is treated year-round as opposed to the seasonal bombardment our northern neighbors receive.
A friend of mine brought to my attention a very thought-provoking observation the other day. She complained that we don't see any birds, deer, squirrels, fish, or any other form of wildlife in our area. (Except for the dead birds that neighbors keep finding in their back yards.) Add to this the mutant alligators, deformed frogs, and turtles with developed tumors, which we see on the news on a regular basis, and we have a real mess on our hands.
Chemical Overload
In 1991 an estimated five billion pounds of chemicals were released into our air every day. There are approximately 100,000 synthetic chemicals in commercial use today. Over a lifetime, the average American will be exposed to over half of them. Sadly, only a tiny fraction of these chemicals have been tested for their effect on the human body and these studies were usually funded by the chemical companies themselves. Despite deeming most household chemicals "safe", they all seem to carry very frightening warning labels. Not to mention the fact that thousands of children are poisoned each year from injecting some type of chemical product found in the home.
Genetically, humans are not accustomed to being in contact with so many foreign chemicals and artificial toxic agents. Our bodies are not able to break these down or eliminate them completely therefore, much of it becomes stored in various parts of the body, especially within the fat cells. This chemical overload was first introduced during the Industrial Revolution and has been magnified with each passing year, reaching exorbitant levels during the last few decades. Since we haven't had time to adapt to these rapid adverse changes, we can't even begin to speculate what the long-term ramifications might be on future generations. The danger signs and warning signals are definitely present. Cancer has become the number one cause of death from diseases among children between the ages of 1 and 19. One in every eight women will develop breast cancer. Heart disease has become the number one killer in the US and throughout the Western world. As a nation, we are not only sicker and more obese but sadly also more complacent than ever before.
We don't seem concerned with what's going on around us as long as we have our pretty little house, two cars in the garage, and so-called "food" on our table. We keep running to the doctor with our babies and allow them to be given endless doses of antibiotics, vaccines, and unnecessary medications- all without question, because it's the "right" thing to do. It's also the right thing to use strong, industrial cleaners to disinfect our homes, and we'll spray whatever necessary to keep those little pests out of our sight. And if our children get sick from all the toxins and chemicals we'll just take them back to the doctor for more medicine. If we just stick our heads in the sand long enough, everything will be OK. Or will it?
Children who live in homes where indoor or outdoor pesticides are used face a far greater chance of developing leukemia. The study, published in July's 1987 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, studied 123 Los Angeles children with leukemia and 123 children without the malignancy. The results showed the children living in the pesticide treated homes had nearly a four times greater risk of developing the disease. If the children lived in homes where pesticides were used in the garden as well, the risk of developing leukemia was 6.5 times greater. All of the children in the study were 10 years of age or younger.
The American Cancer Society also comments on the relationship between pesticide exposure and childhood cancers: "Children who have been exposed to household insecticides and professional extermination methods within the home are three to seven times more likely to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) compared with children who have not been exposed to pesticides."
Sure, avoiding these deadly pesticides in the home is one way of protecting our children, but what happens at school, where they spend their entire day? Take the pesticide Dursban, for example. It has been documented to cause brain and nervous system damage, and it also happens to be the "pesticide of choice" for most schools. Sadly, school officials are generally not required to notify parents when these sprayings take place.
* 93 percent of schools surveyed in California reported using toxic pesticides to control pests.
* 87 percent of Connecticut schools used toxic pesticides, and 32 percent sprayed even when they didn't have pest problems.
* 87 percent of New York State schools sprayed, including every school surveyed in New York City
Dursban is one of the most widely-used chemicals at these schools, and there is increasing evidence that the heavy use of this and other highly toxic pesticides is having adverse effects on children. Exposure to this pesticide usually produces complaints such as initial flu-like illness followed by chronic complaints of fatigue, headaches, dizziness, loss of memory, upper and lower respiratory symptoms, joint and muscle pain and gastrointestinal disturbances. According to data collected by the Association of Poison Control Centers, there were 2,300 pesticide-related accidents in U.S. schools between 1993 and 1996. Researchers at the General Accounting Office believe that this might actually be an underestimate.
Innocent victims of Dursban
Joshua Herb was just 3 weeks old when his West Virginia home was sprayed with Dursban. Soon after the spraying, his nervous system suffered a complete breakdown and he was left paralyzed for life. Faced with the traumatic injury and lifetime of expensive medical bills, the family decided to sue Dow Chemical to recover some of the damages. At first, the company followed its normal course of action and prepared to fight the case in court. But Dow changed its mind when researchers at Duke University concluded a study that linked Dursban to the kind of nerve damage that the boy suffered. At that point, the company decided to settle with the family for more than $10 million although the exact terms of the settlement are not known because Dow made the family sign a confidentiality agreement. Dow's PR department still claims that Dursban was not responsible for Joshua Herb's paralysis; however, a number of respected scientists, including one of the nation's preeminent toxicologists--Dr. John Doull--disagree. According to Dr. Doull, "the boy was clearly over-exposed [to Dursban]".
The Joshua Herb case is a chilling example of what can happen when infants are exposed to dangerous chemicals like Dursban; however, Dow does not seem to be all that worried. According to one of Dow's corporate lawyers: "You won't see another settlement like that."
Michael Eash was six years old when he started classes at Montgomery Elementary School in North Wales, Pennsylvania. Although he was a bright student, Michael seemed to have trouble at Montgomery Elementary. He also seemed to get sick quite often at the new school, suffering from unbearable headaches, fevers, diarrhea, leg pains, and other problems. Michael's mom, Connie, became suspicious when she noticed that these symptoms seemed to go away during vacations. Her suspicions grew when she learned that Michael was not the only student who was having these problems.
One day while searching for clues to her son's mysterious illness, Connie--a toxicologist and former drug researcher--noticed a strong chemical smell in the school. Connie later learned that the smell was the result of routine Dursban application. Knowing the risks posed by this chemical, Connie withdrew Michael from Montgomery Elementary and tutored him at home for five months. As he stayed away from the school, Michael's symptoms gradually faded away and his academic performance improved. Blood tests confirmed his recovery. One measure of organophosphate poisoning is low levels of an enzyme called red blood cell (RBC) cholinesterase. Michael's RBC cholinesterase levels gradually increased from 2900 soon after Connie pulled him from school (5200-10,000 is normal) to 3300 two weeks later to 7700 three weeks after that.
The school district eventually abandoned the use of Dursban and now relies on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to control insects. Michael has reenrolled at the school and is doing better, although his mom says that the Dursban exposure weakened his immune system and that he is now much more sensitive to chemicals in the environment.
Michael Eash's story is one example of what can happen when schools are sprayed with Dursban. Fortunately, Michael's mom was educated about the risks and was able to take prompt action to test his blood and to remove him from the school. Unfortunately, most of us don't have Connie's education and experience.
Pesticide Vapors Present - Weeks -
Months & Years after Application
A research conducted by Dow Chemical to determine the amount of indoor air contamination following routine indoor application of pesticides found the levels of the pesticide Dursban drop to only one-sixth of its original one-hour-level four days after application. The no-odor pesticide Ficam was reported to have an air half-life of approximately 10 days. Of significant concern is the discovery that the pesticide soil drench procedure (a procedure in which approximately 200 gallons of pesticides are saturated into the soil just prior to the pouring of the concrete foundation in new home construction) is finding its way into the indoor air for literally years and years after application. It was originally thought that the concrete foundation provided a solid barrier to the poison. However, air-testing technology has shown this is not the case.
With summer just around the corner Florida's getting ready for mosquito season, which means dumping massive amounts of malathion (a deadly chemical) to ward off these annoying little insects. This year, in anticipation of a very active mosquito season, plans are being made for extra rounds of spraying in order to protect the defenseless public from these deadly creatures.
Even though most people are oblivious to the harmful effects of malathion, there are also a growing number of concerned citizens. A few years ago, in trying to calm the fears of Tampa residents, representatives for the Florida Department of Agriculture have made public statements that after application, malathion "breaks-down" in a matter of hours. What they didn't tell them is that malathion can actually break down into compounds which are more poisonous than the malathion itself. This is also the conclusion of a research conducted by the Department of Biology at the Hacetepe University in Turkey:
"The disappearance of pesticide residues at a given location does not mean the end of the problem. Pesticides can be translocated, bioconcentrated or converted into more dangerous chemicals."
Once malathion enters the body, it needs to be disposed of in order to minimize damage. This job is performed in part by enzymes in the liver. However, research has shown that the malathion impurities - "diminish the activities of the enzymes involved in the malathion detoxification." In other words, the impurities damage the body's natural way of detoxifying the poison. The end result is that the chemical stays in the body for longer periods of time, especially if subjected to heat and long duration storage.
The Journal of Immunology reported the following on the dangers of malathion:
"Technical grade malathion contains chemical impurities which have been found to weaken immune system function, including a weakening of a type of white blood cell called "cytotoxic lymphocytes" (which attack cancer cells and virus infected cells). The picture at right shows six of these white cytotoxic lymphocytes (let's call them CTL's for short) successfully attacking a cancer cell (National Geographic). These lymphocytes can also attack viruses in the body. Malathion has now been shown to significantly weaken the CTL's ability to perform their job effectively."
Physicians at Travis Air Force Base Medical Center in California have observed seven children with bone marrow disorders over the past eight years. The physicians believe organophosphate pesticides caused the blood disorders, in all cases. All blood disorders occurred shortly after exposure to the pesticides DDVP/propoxur and malathion. The duration of inhaling insecticides ranged from 2 minutes in a patient enveloped in a thick insecticide fog in a small shed to 2 days in other patients whose homes were fumigated by their parents. Six patients had aplastic anemia and one had acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The physicians also cited research showing leukemia in farmers has significantly increased during the period of 1964 to 1976 (Mayo Clinic Proc, 53:714-18, 1978). Apple growers exposed to organophosphates had a higher incidence of leukopenia (very low white blood count) than a control population.
According to a report by the Washington, D.C. based group, World Resources Institute (WRI), many pesticides appear to be increasing the incidence of infections, pneumonia, ear infections, and tuberculosis. The three pesticides listed as causing this problem were DDT, malathion, and aldicarb. A summary of the report, appearing in the March 9, 1996 issue of Science News, outlined many of the studies linking pesticides with weakening of the immune system.
Perhaps what is most disturbing about malathion (and other chemicals) is not what is actually known about its ill effects on our health, but what is not yet known. It is important for the public to understand that although chemical companies spend millions of dollars and several years testing their chemicals, the testing protocols they use are dangerously incomplete.
Here are some examples of possible side effects occurring from exposure to malathion and other pesticides:
* Learning Disabilities in math, reading, etc.
* Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.)
* Hyperactivity
* Mild mental retardation
* Lower IQ
* Language or speech delays (found highly vulnerable to low level chemical exposure)
* Short term memory damage
* Aggression
* Irritability
* Depression
* Increased emotionality
* Decreased head circumference in offspring (suggesting reduced brain cell growth)
* Damage to the blood brain barrier (which functions to block toxic chemicals from entering the brain and has been found weaker in psychiatric and Alzheimer's patients)
* Increased infertility or miscarriage
* Altered hormones involved in defining sexuality (as occurs with pesticide chlordane)
* Lower sperm count (linked to increases in genetic flaws in sperm DNA)
* Slower sperm movement
* Autoimmunity - renegade immune cells which attack the body by mistake causing rheumatoid arthritis and over 40 other diseases
* Lower number of immune system cells - thereby increasing risk of infection
* Slower movement of immune system cells - thereby increasing risk of infection
* Weakened ability of immune system cells to locate bacteria, viruses, etc. -thereby increasing risk of infection
* Weakened ability of immune system cells to produce interferon, interleukins and other natural compounds essential to stimulate the body's infection fighting capability - thereby increasing risk of infection
* Weakened ability of immune system cells (such as natural killer cells) to locate cancer cells and efficiently remove them
* Increased risk of asthma - as has been found to occur with other pesticides
* Increased risk of allergies
* Reduced efficiency of the DNA repair process - thereby accelerating aging
It is only when we start recognizing these symptoms in second-generation offsprings that we truly see the long-term subtle genetic effects of indiscriminate pesticide use.
Pesticides can affect every living organism, with children and the elderly being especially vulnerable. Children's bodies are smaller and they receive proportionally higher dose of toxins per body weight. Their organs can be damaged more easily because they are not fully developed. Many of the most frequently used pesticides affect the nervous systems and children are more susceptible to neurotoxins than adults.
The more detrimental effects of pesticide, herbicide, and fungicide use include: cancer, nervous system disorders, birth defects, alterations of DNA, liver, kidney, lung, reproductive problems, and an overall disruption of the ecological cycles on the planet. According to Dr. David Pimentel, an entomologist at Cornell University, "pesticides cost the nation more than $6 billion annually in public health costs, ground water decontamination, and fish, bird, and domestic animal deaths."
I guess the most mind-boggling aspect of such a blatant poisoning of our environment is that there ARE other healthier alternatives. Yet we continue to spray crops with toxins and turn our farmlands into wastelands. We continue to use synthetic chemicals, preservatives, artificial flavors and colors in our foods, even though we're destroying our immune and digestive systems. We add more fluoride to our water, in spite of countless studies that show that it does nothing to reduce cavities, while fluoridated communities have as much as 10% higher incidence of cancer. We release tons of chlorofluorocarbons into our air, even though it destroys our protective ozone layer. We inject our children with vaccines that contain formaldehyde and phenol (both carcinogens), heavy metals such as aluminum and mercury, as well as numerous other deadly ingredients. Where is this going to end? The future sure doesn't look so bright.
What can we do to protect our families?
I do what I can to keep our immediate environment as pure and chemical-free as possible. That includes using air and water filters, natural cleaning and personal hygiene products, organic pesticides, and non-aerosol sprays. We don't own a microwave oven, we don't turn on the air conditioner unless the heat is unbearable, and we eat only organic foods and no meat whatsoever. We take some powerful immune protecting natural supplements on a regular basis to maintain a strong immune system, including antioxidants, colloidal silver, echinacea, bee pollen, Ester C (a form of vitamin C), multi vitamin/mineral complex, acidophilus, and golden seal. We also use homeopathic medicine and other natural remedies to detoxify and cleanse our bodies on a regular basis.
Despite all the precautions, it breaks my heart to know that my little one is subjected to harsh chemicals and environmental pollutants in school, at the playground, at friends' houses, and basically everywhere he goes. It angers me to live in an ignorant society that would allow us to poison our children in such an inauspicious way. I am beginning to understand why certain people just leave civilization behind and move into the mountains and choose to live sheltered from the whole world. Unfortunately, there aren 't too many places left on this planet that haven't been touched by the "marvels" of modern society.
With so many hazards threatening our health and the myriad toxins surrounding us, our only hope is vigilantly maintaining a strong immune system and detoxification our bodies on a regular basis. Unfortunately, the number of chemicals we're subjected to will continue to increase. Our environment will grow more toxic and lethal with each coming decade, unless man smartens up and stops implementing this "mass suicide" on our planet. I have considerable fear for the next generations to follow and feel that sacrificing our health and lives for modern day conveniences is a very high price to pay. Especially when there are safer and possibly more economical ways of achieving the same results. No, we can't change the world overnight, but we can definitely improve our own surroundings and give our children a fighting chance at reforming our deplorable future.
Dr. Lynn Hardy, N.D., C.N.C.
Director of the Global Institute For Alternative Medicine
Pesticide Health Effects Research,
Pest Control Technology Magazine, pg. 44, August 1987
Peter Drury (M.S.) Pesticide Telecommunication Network,
Dallas, Texas
The Journal of Immunology, 140(2):564-570
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 49, 107-112 (1979) 1250 24th St. NW, P.O. Box 97180, Washington, DC
20077 P.O. Box 2260, Boulder, CO 80306. Tel: 800-357-2211.
New Frontier Magazine, Dr. Gabriel Gousens M.D., 1st. issue
The Lancet, pg.300, August 8, 1981
Canadian Medical Association Journal, 92:597-602, 1965
SCIENCE NEWS, March 9, 1996
American Cancer Society
Environmental Working Group-
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