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Delenda Est Cabal! Part 5:
Yippee, A Cancer Cure!

By Mary W Maxwell, PhD
As Thomas Jefferson wrote, in The Declaration of Independence, "Experience hath shewn that men will long endure [a train of abuses]." Well, I'll bet they won't endure for long when they find out that the cabal has had a perfect cure for cancer since 1934 and has prevented our using it. It's going to be curtains, major curtains, painful curtains for the cabal when word gets out.
Ah, that's the cabal's cue to say "So we'll make sure word does NOT get out." Too late, you jerks. You never should have let the Internet be used by the citizenry. In 1987 Barry Lynes wrote a perfect book explaining the suppressed cure. (Title of book: The Cancer Cure That Worked!") That was pre-Internet, and the book did not make sales. But the likes of me have now gone online and discovered Lynes' book. So, Dear Cabal, the pah-ties o-vah.
The reason why I say "the likes of me," is that it takes a special kind of person to accept Lynes' book and not just let it slip away, on the grounds that "Maybe it's not true." I would perhaps have let it slipped (although, internally, the book does contain excellent documented proof of Royal Raymond Rife's cancer-curing invention), but I had already had another piece of evidence that made this one go "Click."
How could the cabal be so dumb as to overlook the fact that many individuals, for whatever reason, would possess some piece of evidence that would make Lynes' book go Click for them, once they were able to track down that book? Zheesh! You wonder at their reckless optimism (they, who know so much about 'our' psychology that they can predict, and direct, our every cognitive move). Gahd, talk about thick! Careless! Tsk,Tsk.
Approximately one million Americans get diagnosed with cancer every year, so this should furnish numerous battalions, platoons, divisions, whatever, for the charge against the cabal. Do you remember, in Tennyson's poem "The Charge of the Light Brigade," the lines: "Theirs not to make reply,/ Theirs not to reason why,/Theirs but to do and die:/ Into the valley of Death/Rode the six hundred."? Well, the opposite is going to happen.
The charge of the Heavy Brigade is made up of persons, like me and thee, who prefer to 'reason why' as opposed to 'do and die.'THE 1969 AFTER-DINNER SPEECH BY DR RICHARD DAY
In March, 1989, which is already 22 years ago, a physician named Lawrence Dunegan went on the radio to be interviewed by Ms Randy Engels. He was eager to tell a story that had been burning in him for twenty years. He recounted how he and dozens of other doctors and medical students had attended a dinner back in 1969 in Philadelphia, where big secrets got an airing.
The guest speaker was Dr Richard Day, a former Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, which is a Rockefeller organization that attempts (quite validly, in my opinion) to involve families in population control. Most likely, Dr Day was given permission to float a trial balloon to his senior and very junior colleagues that evening -- plenty of medical students in the audience. He clearly had the cabal's permission to stun his audience with some predictions about America's future. Here are a few, of the many that Dr Dunegan's recollected:
"Medical care will become very costly and become unavailable to people beyond a certain time. Medicine would be much more tightly controlled. Costs will be forced up to necessitate insurance. Frequently, it is insurance companies that dictate treatment. Doctors and their image will change. They will ultimately be recognized as highly skilled technicians. Their jobs will include things like executions by lethal injection. The lone practitioner will become a thing of the past. New difficult-to-diagnose diseases will appear [Whoops. How do you know they are going to appear unless you are planning to create them?] and remain untreatable - at least for a long time."
Dr. Day then said: "We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information about this is on file in the Rockefeller Institute. But if people stop dying of cancer, we would become overpopulated. 'You may as well die of cancer as something else.' Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort than toward cure." (Yeah right, living with cancer can be sooo comfortable.) Another one of Dr Day's predictions in 1969 was "Family meal-time will diminish," and that was desirable, I guess, in the eyes of the anti-family cabal.
I believe Day really did say those things, but I cannot prove it. However, it is undisputed that Dunegan really did publicize his recollections of Day in 1989, on radio (the transcript of his Randy Engels interview is posted on the Net), and, that for a subsequent two decades, no one in the medical field tried to hold Dunegan accountable for spreading 'lies.'
See my book "Prosecution for Treason," for some analysis of why Dr Day's live audience failed to jump up and down at such a shocking remark, about the cancer cure being kept secret. After all, they were DOCTORS, weren't they? By the way, all members of that audience were forbidden to take notes or to relay the 'secrets' outside the gentlemen's club.
The Dr Day speech is the thing I referred to above as 'the extra piece of evidence' that the likes of me possess, which can be put with Barry Lynes book to make a nice Click sound. So now I shall recount what is in Lynes' book. I am aware that raising the hopes of cancer sufferers is a potentially rotten trick, if the alleged cure cannot be tracked down. Obviously I think it is in the hands of the cabal and is trackable, or I would not risk making a baddie of myself by writing this.
Comes to find out, the cure for cancer was already known and well publicized in the mid 1930s in California. The genius, Dr Royal Raymond Rife, had invented a special microscope, a very complicated machine, by which he could identify microbes in the body. Additionally, he invented an electronic method for zapping those microbes. (See Alan Cantwell's "The Cancer Microbe.")
Rife was able to zap the microbes in other diseases as well including tuberculosis. (Note: antibiotics were not yet available; Howard Florey first made use of penicillin in 1941.) Rife was successful in curing even a very advanced stomach cancer. Moreover, an independent team of five medical experts openly investigated his method, and came to the conclusion that he was acting honestly.
Barry Lynes, in his beautifully readable book, points out that the AMA's director Morris Fishbein, assigned by the Rockefellers to control the profession of medicine, offered to buy Rife's method (presumably in order to suppress it). Rife would not hand it over and, therefore, other ways had to be found to ensure that cancer remained incurable.
Before you cast doubt on the possibility of such an open invention getting subsequently lost to history, just think of the many other things that have been understood for a long time, but which we stalwartly overlook. For example, within two years of President John F Kennedy's death, many facts were clearly known that up-ended the theory of Oswald having been his murderer. Those pieces of information just sat and sat, and still sit.
Although it would be of the greatest possible importance for Americans to resolve the issue, and see that the cabal had overthrown Kennedy, it just doesn't happen. While it is the citizenry that is responsible for this state of affairs, the media has incredible control. If, tomorrow, a newspaper or a television network were to headline 'Kennedy Case Solved' and put the true facts out, people would suddenly accept the truth. We are so geared-up to thinking that anything important must show up in a headline, that our unconscious brain interprets the lack of such headline as 'proof,' solid proof, that the reality is not there.
Back to the cancer story, the cabal harassed Rife to death (he committed suicide in 1971). The harassment took the form, as it always does, of discrediting of his work and brazenly publishing disinformation that denied he had found a cure for cancer. Also, as so often happens, he was subjected to a very draining lawsuit. The subject matter of the lawsuit was the copyright involved in his machines. Also, the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA, broke into his premises and took away the fabulous machine, allegedly because he was 'harming' patients with it. Ahem, ahem.
By the 1940s, it had become a rule of thumb for doctors that they should not mention the name 'Rife' in any of their publications. Even to be associated with him would mark the end of their career! Seriously, what a flock of sheep. Meanwhile, the Rockefeller Foundation and other foundations had gained control of all the major medical schools and journals. Universities started to depend on the grants that were given for specific kinds of research. (Hard to recall now, but in my college days all work done by scientists was open, not proprietary.)
Three types of treatment for cancer: surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy (drugs) became standard. It is now understood that both radiation and chemotherapy contribute to a further course of cancer. Some cynics refer to all of this as a way for the medical industry to thrive. Hospital stays and medications are costly, and even health insurance companies make megabucks from people's fear of cancer. Personally, however, I do not think greed is the driving force.
I'll grant that the cabal understands people's desire for money, and can twist the best of us with carrots. But the issue is bigger that that and far more malicious. It has always been the cabal's desire that we suffer bad health. It is never part of the cabal's planning that medicine succeed in eliminating cancer and other diseases. Rather, researchers should just spin wheels, and folks should remain anxious and distracted by health problems.
This is all part of the plan to make sure society does not get on a good path, and throw the cabal overboard. "Delenda est cabal" is the cabal's biggest no-no. Therefore, it should be our biggest yes-yes.
At last, some good news. It is often said that Rife's technique and equipment are gone forever. But that does not make sense. I believe Dr Richard Day was correct when he said that someone had it under lock and key. He said it was the Rockefeller Institute, but after Dunegan let the cat out of the bag in 1989, a new location was probably found. (Remember: there are three necessary parts to Rife's invention: his magical microscope, his knowledge of the various microbes, and the machine by which he can zap those cancer-causing microbes.)
I feel certain that the powers-that-be make use of Rife's cure, even today, as there must be occasions where they themselves or their children fall ill, and it is wonderful for them to be able to take the magic pill. Come to think of it, you don't hear of too many of the Big Bozos getting cancer, do you? I am putting my money on the guess that our overlords would never have thrown the precious invention away. (They may be thick but no one could be that thick.)
Another avenue is also available. In 1950, Dr Virginia Livingston came to a method rather like that of Rife's, but which did not need his extremely powerful, prism-based microscope. She, too, had success with her patients. Consequence? She was hounded out of practice for a while and was not allowed to speak at meetings. Being an unusually determined individual, however, she kept getting around that problem. See Alan Cantwell's "Four Women against Cancer." Quite an inspiring read. And it will help you work up a good fury.
In this series of articles, entitled "Delenda Est Cabal," I've been conducting an inventory of ways in which the public, or subsections thereof, can take meaningful action against the cabal, that is, the behind-the-scenes characters who run World Government. This present article can't give you what you need to fix up your cancer, but, I claim, it can tell you that the baddies are preventing you from finding out, and you need to direct your anger toward them.
In the previous four essays I tried to get the ball rolling: 1. By asking Poppy Bush, who is a high up in cabal circles, to come forward and confess. 2. By threatening Congress with treason for allowing, through its negligence of the Constitution, physical destruction of many people in the US. 3. By pointing out that HAARP, currently owned by the military, must be dismantled immediately, as it is causing earthquakes and floods. 4. By showing that 'Michigan's marriage to Latvia' is an example of NATO placing foreign troops on US soil, with an eye to controlling us militarily.
In all of those suggested ways to destroy the cabal, Ma and Pa may not feel that they can play a part, though actually they could and should; it is in everyone's selfish best interest to stop letting the cabal wreck us. In regard to cancer, however, many person's selfish best interest, to help a family member or themselves, will be so compelling that the worrisome politics will not stand in the way; obstacles will virtually disappear. I know for sure that when my husband got cancer I would have done ANYTHING to save him.
To start learning about Rife, go to the tapes of radio interviews conducted on that subject by Jeff Rense. As regards the cancer microbe, please see my "Starry, Starry Night" essay recently uploaded to <http://rumormillnews.com>rumormillnews.com. To have the scales fall from your eyes about the American Medical Association, consult a book by the late Eustace Mullins, entitled "Murder by Injection," which is available for free on the Internet.
Barry Lynes' book, published in 1987 with a 1997 update, is: "The Cure for Cancer That Worked!" To find out which library near you is holding a copy, you need only search the universal catalogue at www. worldcat.org, a most handy device that few people know of.
Note, however, that the book as such won't give you a method for curing your own cancer, you'll need cooperation from scientists. You will need to get doctors or others to join with you, in the Heavy Brigade, to put an immediate end to the suppression of the knowledge of how to cure cancer. In other words:
Mary W Maxwell, PhD, is the author of "Prosecution for Treason: Weather War, Epidemics, Mind Control, and the Surrender of Sovereignty" published by TrineDay. She blogs at credosbooks.com.
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