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What Can Californians Do About
Their State Being Overpopulated?

By By Frosty Wooldridge
In 1960, California featured a comfortable 15.8 million population. After the 1965 Immigration Reform Act, explosive growth forced it to 20 million. By 1990, it rolled on through 29 million. Today, California faces a "Human Katrina" as it bursts at the seams with 38 million people. They add 1,700 people daily via immigration. California expects to add 20 million in 30 years. (Source: www.CapsWeb.org)
All of California's problems can be traced back to too many people. That simple! That harsh! That nasty! All point to a really ugly future for California!
You're looking at overcrowded schools that cannot serve your children. You're facing traffic gridlock that can only become worse with an added 400 cars daily. Your environment labors today only to degrade further tomorrow. Try taking a deep, fresh breath of air in the Los Angeles area. Cough, cough! Feel that cancer advancing on your defenseless, pink lung tissue? How about more sprawl than anyone can comprehend? What about deforestation? Who imagined that 86 hospitals would collapse under the load of non-paying, non-citizen poor whose line grows beyond capacity?
Who pays for those jails bursting with criminals from a line of criminals that grows daily? What about those higher and still higher taxes?
At what point will California no longer remain part of America? Feel the distinct tension of those who won't, can't and don't speak English? Do you get the feeling you're not welcome in your own state by those residing illegally reside in your state?
Ready to take action? Go to www.capsweb.org and www.ccir.net
Barbara Coe prove to be the twin sisters of Susan B. Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt and Barbara Jordan in the 21st century. Complaints? Instead, take action! You are not alone and a growing army of Californians moves with you.
Use your mind, emotions and actions to fight not for yourself, but for your children. Fight not only for your community, but for your country! Fight a fight that means something for the future of humanity!
What are you fighting for?
Provide necessary protection against illegal alien entry at our borders and ports of entry.
Deploy ample interior enforcement so that once here, illegal aliens can be identified and returned to their home countries.
Promote legislation that will ensure active cooperation between federal immigration officials and local law enforcement, necessary to apprehend and deport illegal and criminal aliens.
Coordinate a working relationship between the Census Bureau and immigration law enforcement arm of Homeland Security so that the use of fraudulent identity documents will result in prosecution and deportation.
Stop encouraging illegal entry by providing amnesties, which only encourage more illegal immigration.
Limit legal immigration drastically so that California will be sustainable. That means reducing stress on biodiversity and manmade environment.
Eliminate chain migration by limiting family reunification to spouses and minor children of legal immigrants.
Initiate new regulations for student and tourist visas holders so that their location and movements are known. This is imperative in view of terrorists.
Support a mandatory national system to verify eligibility for employment.
Put teeth into sanctions for employers who hire illegal aliens.
Eliminate automatic birthright citizenship to children whose parents are here illegally.
Discourage incentives for illegal immigration such as access to welfare, SSI, and various social services meant for American citizens.
Do you agree with these points? Are you being affected by the consequences? Want to do something?
Conviction without action means nothing. Victim-hood won't solve your problems. Join Barbara Coe for a viable future for California and the rest of the United States. Additionally, join the national movement to stop relentless immigration by joining www.NumbersUSA.org with Roy Beck and his staff. It's free, it's easy, quick and effective to send in your pre-written letters by fax.
Frosty Wooldridge, a Colorado teacher, has bicycled across six continents ­ from the Arctic to the South Pole ­ as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He offers his program to civic clubs, church groups, colleges and high schools across Colorado: "The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it." He works to bring about sensible world population balance at his website: www.frostywooldridge.com
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