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A Brief And Simplified Metaphysical Perspective
Of The Current Financial Collapse

By Dr J Chiappalone
It would assist readers if they are familiar with the explanations of what is going on as cited in my previous essays, my website, and my books.
Returning to basics: The Financial Being (the Consciousness controlling money and usury) is dying. "He" was created by the evil Usurper, and used Usury as the tool with which to operate in this enclosed Dimension which I have previously described as a Virtual Reality, a bastardized disorderly, doomed form of temporary creation, born from a Celestial Error whose activated Negative Principle refused to be corrected, as was the norm for all errors as they arose in the experiments of Creation.
Now, definite action is being taken to eradicate this recalcitrant Error and erase this manifested Abomination.
The various changes, for the worse, that we see everywhere in existence in this dimension are due to
* The processes for the Correction of the Error,
* The elimination of the Virtual Reality that the Principle Evil Mind of the Error created to cheat trapped Theomorphs (beings with a Divine Nature) of their Divine Energy, and
* The complete eradication of all active Evil from the face of the True Creation.
I realize these are not easy concepts to grasp, especially if you not familiar with Gnosticism or its Metaphysics. But, understanding them fully is not essential to one's spiritual awakening. Suffice is it to know that something went terribly wrong in this part of Creation and steps are being taken to correct it, with those found worthy to continue their Evolutionary Pathway being rescued to proceed elsewhere. Those deemed unworthy to continue will eventually be transmuted back into inert Primordial energy. This message of Finality and separation of the sheep from the goats is found in the most ancient of texts in existence. Distorted versions even appear in the Bible, especially in the   Revelations of St John the Divine.
(BTW what passes as Christianity has nothing to do with the teachings of Christ. This pseudo-Christianity we have today in all its various sects that makes zombies of its adherents is based on the belief on the Resurrection which the Gnostics called the Doctrine of Fools.)
I have written concepts that explain more fully the episodes of contacts with other levels of consciousness, the knowledge of other beings, the prophecies of Finality, the incidents of Terminal madness, loss of flora and fauna, climatic change, re-discovery of the Truth, the realization by many that this world is a destructive prison for some, that exploits and punishes ad infinitum, while others seem to flourish in its Evilness.
Contrary to what the demon (St.) Augustine of Hippo said, Evil is not merely the absence of Good. It is a vicious, malicious, destructive essence that controls every aspect of this Universe and Dimension.
Even those who did not believe that Evil exists are now forced to not only see its presence, but also suffer its consequences on a daily basis in their lives, for all aspects of the Virtual Reality previously supported by Evil are collapsing. And especially those who previously gained from the exploitations of others by the EVIL mechanisms of the Virtual Reality are now doomed to suffer the consequences of its collapse. But, there are ways one can escape the suffering while Correction is occurring and as the Physical Dimension is traumatized accordingly.
Those who truly understand what is happening and see the Light will be set free by the Truth and buoyed by the Joy of eventual Liberation from this noxious horror.  Most of the time, of course, we are anaesthetized to the rancidness of existence on this plane by the Evil programming, pollution and indoctrination which tricks us into believing that this is the way things should be. But, of course, once we awaken to the True Reality we see the Absurdity of this pseudo-creation and cannot wait for its total eradication.
Those who gain from this Virtual Reality have most to fear from its Correction and disappearance, for they are doomed with it. And so, in coming days, as the realization of Finality hits such minds, they will express the Gloom of Doom and the Terminal Madness of the truly insane. But, they can blame no one but themselves for their predicament. All consciousnesses have been given innumerable chances to turn to the Light and live according to the Golden Rule, in Truth, Simplicity and Love. 
Instead, what we see is that the majority live in Hypocrisy, Deception, unrelenting Exploitation, Greed, Hatefulness and never-ending Bellicosity. They are unfit to continue in the True Creation. Alas, this describes, among others, the Children of Zion.
The Collapse of the Virtual Reality is seen in the physical, emotional, mental, climatic, geographical, intellectual, financial, psychic and spiritual perspectives of this existence. The changes for the worse cannot be missed. Only fools and morons would still argue that nothing much is happening. Look closely enough and unambiguous scientific data is seen in abundance.
This Correction of the Error is also evidenced by changes in not only our lives and in our planet, but in other planets, galaxies and sub-dimensions of this Universe. There are other dimensions making up the Physical Creation as Quantum Theory suggests, as does String Theory also, and all these other sectors are also scheduled for dismantling. In the correction are included the Etheric and Astral Planes which are in essence substratae of the physical.
Previously I had given a blueprint for the disintegration of this planet in the essay Terminal Madness of the Endtime, I had revealed a relative timeframe for all this to occur and I have cited numbers of consciousness which are Demonic, Robotic, and Theomorphic, and also percentages of those who are Viable and will continue in another Evil-free dimension, and of non-viable consciousnesses who will soon cease to exist.
Make no mistake about it, the Correction affects every phase of our existence and the Physical is scheduled for total eradication.  During the process, suffering will be inevitable. Even the Archons will suffer incredibly once they realize that, due to their own choices, they are doomed.
Paradoxically, everything they are doing now, although it appears it is to their advantage, is actually accelerating their demise. Hence, the Archonic strangling of the rest of us with Usury, their invasion of countries and pilfering of the indigenous wealth, the imposed suffering, the sexual exploitation of the masses through their control of the media (including the pornographic industry and Hollywood's pseudo-reality) is assuring a backlash that they will not be able to repel. They know this very well and it explains, in part, their attempts to impose stricter and stricter security measures, building massive "holding pens" for the rebelling Goyim, building protected and protective underground facilities for themselves, etc., etc.
Everything in creation runs on energy of one sort or another. As energy available to Evil which it can use becomes more and more depleted, the planet will be plunged into further violence and anarchy to create greater suffering which the Archons hope will liberate more energy that they can use from individuals. But, as I have explained elsewhere, the energy sustaining the spiritual components of consciousness has been cut off from this planet, and it will eventually starve. All living things need the spiritual energy of which I speak. Without it, no physical manifestation can be maintained. That is how the end is going to come for this dimension.  It is not simply the New Agers' "vital force" or the "prana" of the subtle bodies, which are part of the physical anatomy anyway, but energy that drives the spiritual consciousness itself.
Simultaneously a New Energy has entered the Dimension which Evil cannot use or abuse. This New Energy allows Evil to plunge headlong into a self-destructive mode and accelerates the onset of Finality while at the same time sustaining those to be eventually liberated and relocated. This New Energy came to Earth in the late 1980s.
In this sector of the pseudo-creation, the Zionist Consciousness was placed in charge to dispense the wishes of the "Financial Being" and to use Usury as one means of harvesting  energy for the rapacious Evil Mind, mainly by causing problems and misery via money and its abuse, something all True Beings know so well by experience.
You will see this as true throughout the history of this planet. The Chosen Ones have been able to engage in Regicide, to start wars (for wars yield them great profits), to bankroll revolutions, to cripple nations by manipulation of currencies, to cause massive depressions and bankrupt countries, etc., etc., in the interest of Usury, and by using Usury.
The universality of the co-ordinated efforts by Zionist Archons and minions over many decades and centuries must surely lead you to the obvious conclusion that there is a supervising PERVASIVE NON-HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS (The Financial Being) impressing them from another level.
Their co-ordinated evil skills and their ability to fool the sheople again and again and again aver to the power of Evil's programming, pollution and indoctrination on this level which maintain as the Virtual Reality.
Only the non-awakened, the programmed robots, and the demons themselves, fall for their empty promises. The Archons are Hypocrites of a maximal order, broadcast lies and false promises while doing the very opposite. The destruction of Iraq and more recently Libya are clear examples. For awakened ones, their hypocritical rhetoric is nauseating.
Examination of war, any war, will reveal the manipulation and evil tricks by which the robots and others are fooled again and again and again by the exact same tricks to get them to fight.  Who can forget Henry Kissinger's outburst that (I am paraphrasing) 'the military are nothing but stupid, mindless robots sent out to wars to do the bidding of their masters'?
But now, even the robots too are starting to wake up as the programming fails and we have the Marches as seen around the world. But unless they are awakened and have turned to the Light, these realizations of being manipulated will only lead them to despair, the Gloom of Doom and finally, unavoidable Terminal Madness. I will discuss this further soon when we examine why the robots cannot accept the Truth of the 9/11 execution.  
The mindless robots are simply there as cannon fodder and to make up numbers. This fact in itself is today another massive problem. At first it was fun to see robots prosper and multiply as commanded in the Evil-inspired Bible, so that they could help exploit the trapped True Beings. But now, numbers alone make life on the planet as we have known it virtually unsustainable. This last week saw the birth of the child making the score 7 billion!
How does Usury work? It uses the illusion of prosperity through interest bearing loans. The victim uses loaned money to buy assets which then become the property of the lender at a very cheap price when the loan is not renewed. The accumulating interest is used to cripple the borrower. Every borrower of money at interest automatically becomes a victim of Usury. The USA borrows all its money at interest from the privately owned Federal Reserve, and as we see today, the whole nation is a sorrow-filled victim of Usury. It has suffered repeated bouts of artificially created booms and bust at the hands of the usurpers and usurers, which have left it bankrupt, a condition from which it will not recover.
Many have known this, of course, and JFK, in an attempt to rescue his beloved Nation from the grasp of the usurers who used the Federal Reserve to bury the nation in debt and be its absolute rulers, paid with his life for his rescue attempt. If these very evil beings can so easily assassinate the President of the most powerful nation on Earth, to remain in control, imagine what they can do to simple sheople and goyim, with the least care on their part. Examination of that open air assassination of President Kennedy reveals how meticulously they plan their actions and how easily they can fool the masses, for the media is, to all intents and purposes, completely under their control. And using their expert obfuscation, they can convince the masses, through evil programming, that day is night and v.v. Have they not done this with 9/11 also?
Jesus was correct to flog the money dealers and chase them out of the Temple.
The very evil twins, the IMF and World Bank, are the gangsters of the modern world, the rapists of, and for, the New World Order. They lend to ensnare nations into debt, debt from which they can never escape. And usually the need for the debt is made certain by destructive actions of the armies of the USA and NATO, as we see even today in the horrific evisceration of Libya.
Such action has been a cyclical occurrence throughout history. Thus, you see that the cycles of Boom and Bust are artificial, preconceived ideas of the money-lenders to enrich themselves. They plan their phases well in advance, and the sheople and goyim can do nothing to stop them for they have been fooled to become victims of the evil-inspired scheme. If there was no Usury ­ and remember that it is a tool of Evil that we can really live without - no one would be a victim, and the Usurers would starve!.
Do not confuse the "Chosen Ones" just with a particular geographical group or racial stereotypes. I have explained what I mean by Chosen Ones, Zionists and Jews many times before.
The Chosen Ones were the consciousnesses that were spawned as the citizens of Zion, the Kingdom of the Evil Mind (Yaldabaoth, Jehovah, Saklas, Yahweh, etc.,) in this Sector.
Usury was an offence against the True God.
Usury turns to greed as day turns to night. It imprisons people in debt that eventually cripples them. This is where the USA, and the rest of the world, so it seems, are now, with their financial failures..
As many readers know, the newfound American Colonies, in an attempt to flee British-imposed Usury, created a system of interest-free money. This brought on the war of the American Revolution, for England would none of this. It wanted its gains from usury. But, even though the colonies won the war, it was not long before the Children of Zion took control again, and Usury was the way of life, culminating in the Federal Reserve in the Twentieth century which meant America was financially doomed forevermore, a victim of Usury, and debt, from which it would surely die. And that is what we are seeing today, not just in the USA, but all over the world. 
We all recall the anecdote of Jesus casting the money lenders out of the Temple. That is symbolic of the evilness of Usury, which is still a sin in some cultures.  Extrapolate from this story for a moment. The Temple of Jehovah tolerated the money dealers and usurers under its roof. Naturally it would, for the essence of Jehovah spawned them.
Along comes Jesus who takes extreme action against them. Can we not surmise therefore, that Jesus was NOT supportive of Jehovah? If he was Jehovah's Son, he would not care what happened in the Temple. But this story points to the fact that Jesus was NOT of the essence of Jehovah. He was a Son of the Real God for whom Usury was a crime. 
Some parts of the Bible, which is a hodge-podge collage and compendium of inaccurate history and of stolen, distorted Gnostic thoughts, are relatively accurate: John 8:44 declares this more clearly as Jesus identifies with whom he is dealing on this level.
"You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
And in John 3:8 is written:  The one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.
Usury is a sin!
Hence, make no mistake about it; the Christ Light is conducting the Correction of this abominable Celestial Error. Those born again Christians (so-called) are not following the Christ's teachings. They are following spurious notions which oppose the Truth. Most are robots and demons, but a few are trapped and fooled True Beings.
It was for saying these things that Jesus was murdered. I will expand on this topic in subsequent writings. Those who are impatient to know more should read my book "Death of an Evil God".
Evil destroys all things, including itself.
What we are now witnessing is the Greed of Usury turning upon itself to self-destruct as the Financial Being dies from the fatal lack of energy, and all of us, caught in its death-throes, must suffer the physical consequences. All of the Usurper's apparatus will collapse because of this lack of energy. Evil simply cannot use the New Energy to which I referred earlier.
Money and wealth are illusions of the Virtual Reality and will disappear as the Virtual Reality fractures. This is exactly what is happening now. Just ask those that made up the American Middle Class!
As those who cherish money and wealth above all things see this, they are attempting to hoard wealth and prevent its circulation. In this way, the illusion of Usury is broken. But only those who live fully in the illusion and cannot see beyond it will suffer inexorably.
Those awakened to the True Reality will escape the mental anguish and the Terminal Madness that such fracturing ensures. They can look forward to the Greater Day in the True Reality.
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Collapse of the entire Universe is occurring, of course, as I predicted. Those of you, who read my book "What's Going On" written in 1985, know that I wrote that the speed of light is not a constant, and variations in physical properties are a sign of imminent collapse. When it goes, the whole Universe will appear to go at once, even though galaxies are billions of light years apart. And so, stars will appear to fall out of the sky while the failed ones wail with gnashing of teeth for they will realize they have lost everything.
Here is a small clue for the robots and demons to contemplate:
Copyright J Chiappalone November 5, 2011
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