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Stainless Steel Automobile Dreams
By Scott Teeters
Hi Jeff...
It goes to show that even if you've been into the topic of cars and transportation all your life, you probably haven't seen everything. I never know these cars existed! 
The '36 Ford, '60 T-Bird, and '67 Lincoln weren't show car trailer queens. They were functional cars that were driven by sales persons as rewards for outstanding sales performance. In other words, real cars with experimental bodies. All three are beauties, but the '36 Ford is the most delicious because of all the compound curves. The '36 Ford looks like a million bucks and probably cost almost that much.
Here's the link to the rest of the story...
While the DeLorean was the first "production" car with a stainless steel body, obviously Detroit had been thinking about stainless steel for some time. By the way, the man that used to run the model shop at Tyco Toys/Mattel Mt. Laurel had a Delorean car and said that it was a VERY nice car. He really liked it. Bill said it was tight, comfortable, and road well. His only complaint was that it could have used a little more power. It's too bad that John Delorean let his ego get in the way. Had he started out a little smaller, taken more time, and not insisted on having a "world-class" sports car right out of the gate, he would have done MUCH better. 
Off topic ­ I had a lovely note from Brad this morning. Thanks for passing on my email from yesterday. You guys are the BEST and have inspired me and many ways.
Take care.
PS ­ Thanks for posting the Bob Hope ­ James Cagney video. WOW! What talent! Their performance was 110% joyful! And they kept their cloths on and no one grabbed their crotch. TAKE NOTE young performers!
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