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Obama and Netanyahu Plot Next Moves


By Stephen Lendman

Longstanding US/Israeli imperial partnership overrides how both leaders feel about each other - undisguised loathing no matter how they tried hiding it Monday in a media photo op.

Business as usual alone matters. Both nations partner in each other’s high crimes - endless Middle East wars, raping one country after another, wanting all independent governments removed, vassal ones replacing them, regional resources stolen, populations exploited.

No nations threaten peace and stability more than America and Israel - fascist rogue states pretending to be democracies. Regimes wanting world dominance may end up destroying it.

The New York Times supports what demands condemnation. It said Monday’s meeting “turn(ed) the page on a season of poisonous relations…focus(ing) on collaboration over acrimony.”

Both leaders “highlight(ed) their shared goals of confronting Iranian misbehavior, countering terrorism, bolstering Israel’s security and strategizing over the crisis in Syria.”

Their shared goals include endless regional wars, creating a permanent environment of instability and chaos, prioritizing state-sponsored terrorism, denying Palestinians their fundamental rights, and blaming others for their high crimes - an agenda threatening humanity’s survival.

Netanyahu called Monday’s meeting “one of the best” between both leaders. “No one hid the disagreements between us. Rather, we focused on how to go forward” - plotting more regional violence, instability and chaos, he didn’t explain.

Obama said he’ll send unnamed high-level aides to Israel next month - plotting what both countries plan next.

Netanyahu lied, claiming he hasn’t “given up…hope for peace” - claiming he “remain(s) committed to a vision of peace of two states for two peoples,” while his combat troops and militarized police murder, brutalize, kidnap and terrorize Palestinians daily.

Undeclared war rages in Palestine. An entire population is targeted, under siege, collectively punished, children as harshly treated as adults.

Netanyahu’s fascist regime is committed to endless conflict, accepting nothing less than total subjugation of a people wanting to live free on their own land in their own country.

The New York Times ignored reality on the ground, reported nothing about what’s ongoing, simply quoted and parroted back disingenuous statements by both leaders, instead of denouncing their demagogic duplicity.

Obama showed his longstanding contempt for Palestinian rights, saying “I want to be very clear that we condemn in the strongest terms Palestinian violence against innocent Israeli citizens. And I want to repeat once again, it is my strong belief that Israel has not just the right, but the obligation, to protect itself.”

Reality on the ground is polar opposite his outrageous statement - The Times failed to explain, effectively endorsing his Big Lie, longstanding Times practice, an establishment voice, popular interests and welfare be damned.

Separately ahead of Netanyahu’s arrival, they commented on how both countries “can move forward” - saying their “strategic interests” matter more than personal relationships.

The Times support generous annual military aid, billions of US taxpayer dollars funding Israel’s killing machine, including endless war on Palestine.

Netanyahu wants current aid exceeding $3 billion annually increased to $5 billion when the agreement between both countries expires in 2017.

The Times supports whatever amount Israel gets unconditionally - despite disingenuously saying it should be linked to a peace deal with Palestine, what Washington and Israel fundamentally oppose. Their claims otherwise ring hollow.

Palestinians never had a peace partner, for sure not now with fascists in America and Israel opposing them, committed to denying them fundamental rights everyone deserves.

Obama and Netanyahu are partners in high crimes, warriors, not peacemakers, pursuing rogue agendas - an alliance for endless wars, instability, chaos and human misery.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at

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