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Comic Books, Casinos and Empires:
Radioactive Lies Aim To Deceive Public

By Richard Wilcox Ph.D.

Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states,
not between classes, nor between political parties, but through every human heart.”

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Even as radiation flows out of the destroyed Fukushima nuclear power plant no. 1 (FNPP#1) and contaminates the ocean with cesium, tritium and all of the accompanied artificial and harmful radionuclides (1; 2), the pro-nuke propagandists are hard at work telling us that radiation is nothing to get riled up about and you could get run over by a truck, struck by lightning or slip in the bathtub, and “the ocean is a big place.” Big, yes, but not infinite. If radiation is not harmful to organisms why bother with the pretense of environmental regulations at all?

Bioscience expert Majia Nadesan is a hardheaded professor at Arizona State University who is in the path of Fukushima airborne radioactive fallout. She has assiduously documented the dangers of nuclear radiation and warns:

[the risk] model of dose-effects taken from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) assumes a vacuum where exposure is limited to a single radioisotope. The model’s predictions for dose-effects do not incorporate cumulative and synergistic effects. So, official cesium measurements can be described as 'safe' because the risk is measured as a single one-time assault with NO effort to incorporate the presence and impact of OTHER RADIONUCLIDES. Thus, the public is persuaded that North American sea lion's adverse mortality event is completely unrelated to Fukushima ocean contamination. Unfortunately, real world chemical and radiation effects for flora and fauna are impacted by bioaccumulation and exposure interactions” (3).

According to Nadesan, in addition to devastation of ocean health there is anecdotal evidence that people in the southwest of the US are suffering from Fukushima fallout (4). But Japan's Prime Minister, Mr. Shinzo “I love nukes” Abe recently dismissed radiation dangers after a well known comic book series (I kid you not), published a volume devoted to exposing radiation dangers from the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The comic book was roundly pilloried by the Japanese media and Abe who made an undocumented claim that “[t]here is no confirmation that someone's health has been directly affected by radioactive substances" (5). However, Simply Info reports:

There is now a total of 50 confirmed thyroid cancer among children in Fukushima prefecture. Another 39 new suspected cases of thyroid cancer were also admitted. Previous testing had found 41 suspected cases and 33 confirmed. The 50 cases are confirmed to be thyroid cancer, not lumps. The suspected cases that now would total 80 are normally set for biopsy tests to confirm or rule out cancer. This puts a new total of 130 in the confirmed or suspect cases yet the government insists there is no connection to the nuclear disaster. Thyroid cancer in children is usually extremely rare” (6).

Power To The Sheeple

The anti-nuclear movement in Japan is all but dead. Other than occasional marches from the hard core anti-nuke activists, the only news to show Japan’s body politic is still breathing was a small protest against the rising militarism of the Abe administration. Where were the other 125 million Japanese people to voice their opinion on this important issue?

Combating what they call an effort to turn Japan into 'a pro-war country,' 2,500 people formed a human chain around the Diet building at noon Tuesday to protest the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s drive to reinterpret the pacifist Constitution” (7).

In the face of weak resistance to militarism and nuclear-ism the Abe administration has decided on a plan to send Olympic athletes to train within a stone's throw of the still smoldering nuclear catastrophe zone in Fukushima prefecture (8). What if another disaster or explosion were to occur during training? When I visited J-Village last summer background radiation was 0.5 microsieverts per hour, which equals 4.38 millisieverts per year, a rate that would fulfill the lifetime dose limit of one hundred millisieverts within 23 years. And who knows how many hot particles athletes may breath into their lungs from the regular emissions at the plant?

It's business as usual for Mr. Abe:

In defiance of fierce public objection to the government policies of restarting off-line nuclear reactors and promoting the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade framework, Japan’s prime minister devoted his time to expanding the markets for Japanese nuclear- and military-related companies during his 10-day visit to six European nations, including Germany, Britain, and France (9).”

Although the rhetoric about “fierce public objections” from the fiery Japan Communist Party newspaper may be overstated, their point is well taken. Despite all the problems related to nuclear power its supporters in Japan, the UK and France continue to bumble along.

Green Nukes

If you can stomach the pro-nuke shills who are paid to spread disinformation in the mainstream media and internet comment sections, you will hear the usual refrain that because “we have to fight global warming, no matter how distasteful you might find nuclear power to be, you must bit the bullet, stop being such a whiner and accept it. Embrace Nukes. Learn to Love the Nuke.”

A Deal with the Devil

This balderdash is easily refuted and yet like the mold in the corner of a dank basement keeps reappearing. For one thing the “Nuclear Power pretext of 'low carbon' is [a] BIG LIE” (10). As one astute internet commentator has noted, whatever the science on global warming (and I am open to the possibility that the planet is either warming, cooling or fluctuating according to natural causes, that includes the possibility of human caused pollution and atmospheric damage to the environment and tampering with it as with chemtrails and HAARP), it is indisputable that the issue is being manipulated for very profound, and some might say deeply sinister, political and economic reasons (11).

I have never been able to take the Al Gore's of this world seriously due to their obvious hypocrisy. Al Gore as a politician was no worse than most, but he hardly advanced the cause of a “small is beautiful,” democratic, decentralized, rural, green, Amish, Christian love-thy-neighbor model of society. He like many other UN globalists, puppet politicos, technocrats, liberals, Neocons and RINO Republicans (Republican In Name Only) call for greater centralization of political power in order to enforce the measures that are said to save humanity.

Instead of promoting solar, geothermal and wind power and a decentralized electricity grid in Japan, the elitist Japanese LDP administration promotes crackpot schemes like Orbital Death Stars in order to power the planet while cloud seeding their deep pockets with tax payer largesse (12). But as my colleague Yoichi Shimatsu pointed out about Japan's plans to build an “Orbital Solar Farm:”

Transmission of power via microwaves from orbit to Earth is dangerous for any bird, planeload of passengers, people walking on the ground and needless to say animals. Japan does not invest in offshore wind farms in the empty Sea of Okhotsk but can put money in breeder reactors and orbiting death stars. Solar power for a laser cannon in sky targeting missile launchers and command posts in China and the Koreas” (personal communication, May, 2014).

As I noted in my paper from 2005, technology can be employed to cause, solve and create new problems all at once. Win-win situations for crony capitalists and militarists at the expense of life on the planet (13).

Occultist Evil: Hoodwinked and Double Crossed

In order to hoodwink and double cross the public, manipulation of perceptions is necessary, and that means dismissing the possibility of alternative, renewable energy in favor of nuclear power.

One energy expert shared with me the insight that the power companies in the UK deliberately turn off the wind mills at certain times in order make it appear as though they are not properly producing energy, only to later turn around and manipulate the statistics in their favor. According to this source, the EDF (UK energy company) intentionally blocks reliable stats about the potential of wind power from getting into the hands of the BBC, so that they might report fairly about it. The public then believes the propaganda that wind power is not viable and that we have to relied on good ole nuke power, alas. He assumed the situation would be similar in Japan regarding Tepco and NHK.

Stop Grazing And Look Up

Another aspect of climate and weather issues that is rarely mentioned by many of those involved in the debate is the reality of “chemtrails.” In case this is news to you, just look out your window and watch patches of jet trails that sit in the sky, gradually disperse and turn the sky into a white haze. This did not occur in years past and these are definitely not condensation trails which consist of moisture. Chemtrails are full of particulate matter, probably a combination of harmful chemicals (14; 15; 16; 17).

A friend in Japan wrote to me the other day:

I've been seeing a lot more chemtrails recently. This is getting scary. What's really scary is that no-one else sees them! This morning Yahoo news said there was going to be a lot of rain, and then it hardly rained at all. Then I thought back to yesterday when the sky was full of artificial clouds. Those chemtrail produced artificial clouds must make weather prediction very difficult. What look like rain-producing clouds are just chemical-filled clouds. It's so depressing to see them. I've never seen any chemtrails in Taiwan, and this makes me think more about moving back there.”

I personally witness chemtrails nearly every frigging' day in the the Tokyo area, and I travel to a variety of far flung destinations. Where is the outcry? How the liberal “environmentalists” who write for the Japan Times can't notice sewerage in the sky left by jets is beyond me. I have a friend who writes for the State of the Nation website and he recently sent me this explanation of the denialist mentality:

Those who deny the existence of chemtrails are either willfully ignorant or dangerously arrogant, or both; therefore, why bother debating with them? Of course, there are those who run Facebook pages who are paid government agents or corporate shills with a vested interest in the multi-billion dollar global chemtrail program. Then there are the simple folks who refuse to believe because of a bad case of lifelong cognitive dissonance, or an unshakable faith in trustworthy government, or a serial neglect of skywatching (as in never looking up at the sky).

Lastly, there are the legions of scientists and academics, researchers and writers, from whom the faculty of human reason has completely fled.

These pseudo-scientists are not only devoid of common sense; they lack the ability to apply objective and unbiased critical thinking. For many of these lost causes, years of university study have force-fed them incorrect science theories, taught them flawed scientific methodology and encouraged their blind allegiance to defective scientific paradigms.

These PhD types have often been exposed to years of intense and purposeful indoctrination. Erroneous information and incomplete knowledge, that is incessantly reinforced by professors and reference books alike, ensures that they will never leave such an intellectually-challenged reservation. They also know quite well who funds their various grants and scholarships, and how not to put them in jeopardy. Furthermore, the relentless doctoral conditioning and/or post-doctoral brainwashing virtually guarantees that they will always side with the 'system' ” (18).

And yet, “[i]s it still just a conspiracy theory if public officials admit it is true? Air Force Admits Weather Control via HAARP and New Tech Geoengineering” (19).

One prolific internet commentator, John Friend, offered a useful explanation. On his podcast radio show he played a clip from a Russian commentator who noted that people are now so demoralized that no matter how much truth you shower upon them in the form of factual information it has no effect. "Exposure to true information does not matter anymore” he said to Mike King, a brilliant and prolific author who debunks the lies of the New York Times at his website. Mike noted that otherwise scientifically astute people will accept the absurd and officially sanctioned government explanation for 911. “Most of our fellow country man are not just misinformed, they are insane" (20). Let's hope there was a bit of tongue and cheek going on here and that we will still win out!

Corporate Media: The Filth Estate

Nevertheless, the media plays an important role in deceiving people. A top communications person at General Electric admitted in a public internet forum that he can control the media.

I have solid relationships with reporters and producers at the country’s largest media outlets like CNN, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, NBC’s Today Show, the AP and others. I have placed front page, A-block stories in these and other publications and, as importantly, kept my clients off the front pages of these same publications… My crisis experience includes post-Fukushima reputation management, commercial and general aviation aircraft accidents and incidents, national security threats and the U.S. government’s response (including 9/11, the August 2007 liquid explosives threat) and others” (21).

I’m shocked, just shocked to find gambling going on here, Rick. Oh, and thank you for my winnings by the way.

Of course, GE which built the flawed nuclear reactors that exploded on 3/11, is also a major weapons manufacturer and as long been a cheerleader for war since every bombed dropped on a third world village wedding ceremony is money into the pockets of GE stock holders. And the massive propaganda behind 911 has convinced many people that 911 was a Muslim terrorist attack on the US, when the facts show it was a false flag terror event.

Japanese Prime Minster Abe is an astute student of the scientific mind control system and buys good press coverage in order to hoodwink and double cross the Japanese public:

Japan’s mass media have become PR organs of the national government regarding major political issues such as the consumption tax increase, revision of the Constitution, and Japan’s joining in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade pact. In the background lies the close relationship between media executives and Prime Minister Abe Shinzo.

Abe has repeatedly dined and played golf with chairpersons and presidents of media companies since he took office. The following are companies whose top executives dined with Abe since March last year: the Yomiuri Shimbun, the Asahi Shimbun, the Mainichi Newspapers, the Sankei Shimbun, the Nikkei, Kyodo News, TV Asahi, Nippon TV, and Fuji Television Network” (22).

In Japan Abe’s control of media has allowed him to deceive the public into a false sense of security while expanding his military plans. A recent meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu led to an agreement between Japan and Israel to “join hands on defense and internet security” (23).

Considering that Israel is the world’s leader in spying and false flag terrorism such alliances do not inspire confidence for the future stability of Japan.

Furthermore, the casino mogul, Sheldon Adelson, who donates millions of dollars to fund presidential campaigns in the US (now that billionaires and corporations completely control the “election” system) is attempting to move into Japan's political arena. Apparently even the CIA-run Japan Times has now become an “antisemitic conspiracy rag” as witnessed by the following editorial:

If Adelson’s casinos were allowed to operate in Japan, he might seek to influence Japanese politics by spending vast sums of money here, too” (24).

I expect the Japan Times will be a target of boycott by the Anti Defamation League sometime soon for publishing such “hate speech” against such a worthy pillar of the global community.

That “Sheldon Adelson Wants Nuclear Strike on Iran” (25) and that “Republicans Grovel before Sheldon's Billions” does not inspire confidence in the man's sanity or his sense of fair play (26; 27; 28).

Another well known anti-semitic conspiracy journal (probably to become a target of an ADL boycott), Newsweek magazine, published an explosive story, “Israel Won’t Stop Spying on the U.S.” It reported that:

Israel’s espionage activities in America are unrivaled and unseemly, counterspies have told members of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees, going far beyond activities by other close allies, such as Germany, France, the U.K. and Japan. A congressional staffer familiar with a briefing last January called the testimony 'very sobering…alarming…even terrifying.' Another staffer called it 'damaging.' The Jewish state’s primary target: America’s industrial and technical secrets. 'No other country close to the United States continues to cross the line on espionage like the Israelis do,' said a former congressional staffer who attended another classified briefing in late 2013, one of several in recent months given by officials from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the State Department, the FBI and the National Counterintelligence Directorate” (29).

Newsweek has just discovered the six pointed starred tip of the iceberg!

Although one must credit US President Barack Obama for not bowing to pressure from AIPAC (American Israel Political Action Committee) to attack Iran in an all-out war in the way a Sheldon Adelson or Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu would like, Obama has carried out a series of devastatingly destructive interventions in the Middle East and destabilized the world and built a domestic police state beyond what his predecessors were able to achieve (30; 31).

The last man to be president and not become a psychopath and carry on his life with enduring integrity is Jimmy Carter, who has spent his post presidential life in humanitarian activities such as building houses for the poor, ensuring that elections abroad are fair (but not in the US); criticizing the Zionist power configuration (and being shunned by his own Democrat Party for it); and speaking out on behalf of the rights of the world's women (32). Carter also recently stated that the US “has no functioning democracy” (33).

I actually voted for Jimmy Carter in 1980, the first time I was able to vote in a presidential election. He may have indeed been an imperfect manager for the country (as with the economy etc.), but he had some degree of integrity, his brother brewed beer (a big thumbs up from me) and at the time I had no idea of the machinations working against him (Reagan and “Iran Contra”).

In the meantime, as Fukushima radiation pours into the Pacific and Godzilla hibernates waiting for this time to arise again and rage, the US military empire continues to expand its activities to every corner of the globe. The environment and human health suffer but US power appears to have no accountability (34). Let's hope the talented Mr. Putin can throw a BRIC in their path to stop them.

* Richard Wilcox is a Tokyo-based teacher and writer who holds a Ph.D. in environmental studies and is a regular contributor to the world's leading website exposing the Fukushima nuclear disaster, He is also a contributor to the dynamic Activist Post website. His radio interviews and articles are archived at and he can be reached by email at


1. Record high radiation in seawater off Fukushima plant

2. TEPCO: Diverted Fukushima groundwater to be released into sea next week

3. The Art of Deception

4. Fed Up

5. Abe seeks to dispel radiation concerns stirred by Japanese manga

6. Fukushima Thyroid Cancers Increase Again

7. Diet surrounded in human-chain protest Anti-war rally takes Abe to task on Constitution

8. Facility on edge of 20-km nuclear exclusion zone to become Olympic training center

9. Abe in Europe busy selling Japan’s nuclear power plants

10. Nuclear Power pretext of "low carbon" is BIG LIE

11. Climategate: What They Aren't Telling You!

12. How Japan Plans to Build an Orbital Solar Farm

13. Technology And The Coming Global Totalitarianism

14. The Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated

15. Five Chemtrail Planes Spraying In Formation!!! - YouTube

16. Who's Mucking With The Weather?

17. Does the Airline You Fly Spray Chemtrails?

18. CHEMTRAILS: There is No Debate!

19. Air Force Admits Weather Control via HAARP and New Tech Geoengineering

20. The Realist Report - Mike King: The Talented Mr. Putin

21. Fukushima Fallout; GE Explains How They Manipulate The Media

22. Japan’s media bathed in ‘Abe color’

23. Abe, Netanyahu agree to join hands on defense, Internet security

24. Casino gambling bad bet in Japan

25. Sheldon Adelson Wants Nuclear Strike on Iran

26. The Line to Kiss Sheldon Adelson’s Boots

27. Kissing the Zionist Ring: Sheldon Adelson Considers Who To Buy for the Next Election

28. Republicans Grovel before Sheldon's Billions

29. Israel Won’t Stop Spying on the U.S.

30. ObamaNation: Where Lawlessness And Moral Depravity Prevail

31. Obamanation’s Private Army

32. Jimmy Carter slaps Amnesty International for backing 'slave masters' in sex trade

33. 'America has no functioning democracy' - Jimmy Carter on NSA

34. The Militarized Pacific: An Anniversary Without End


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