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Defense Of Civilization & The German Crisis


By Jan Welenc


Donald Trump presented a vision of politics in Warsaw that is quite different from that presented by European leaders. The US president has repeatedly referred to the concept of "our civilization" and the need to defend it.
"Civilization" is a key concept, quite different from such terms as "human rights," "prosperity," or even "peace."
The concept of civilization means, according to Polish historiographer prof. Koneczny - "method of the collective life system." Civilizations differentiate - according to him - the relation to health, wealth, good, truth and beauty.
And in Warsaw, in the speech of the leader of the greatest power, there is the concept of civilization, and it is based on the diagnosis of the causes of the crisis, and the definition of the recipe for the defeat.
The western civilization, for defense of which President Trump calls is based on values such as God, family, country and truth. In the name of these values, victims must be sacrificed, and for good reason, the President of the United States - has set us Poles as an example of a nation that understands the meaning of these values and has given an example of a struggle for freedom in all its history. The Polish threads in Trump's speech were not just occasional courtesy to the hosts. He was conscious of showing Poland and our history as an example to the rest of the world. The world that has to defend its civilization if it does not want to die.
It was certainly very kind to us Poles, because we sometimes even doubted the meaning of our struggles, uprisings, etc. And here the leader of the Western world shows us as an example of the "rotten West" which lost its faith in its mission and which has its rockets, tanks, but do not believe in our values. And without regaining that faith, these tanks and rockets do not matter.
For the first time we could also hear the leader of the greatest power referring to God. Great surprise! You could never hear such appeal either in Angela Merkel's or Junker’s speech! Such content would offend the unbelievers and in Europe it is banned.
Meanwhile, President Trump recalled that when in 1979 John Paul II spoke to the  millions of Poles, the million did not demand wealth or privileges but called: "We want God!" - We want God! That was it!
These are, in my opinion, the very essentials of President Trump's speech to Warsaw: the need to defend our civilization, the return to God, the family, the freedom and the definition of the front line: we fight another, aggressive civilization.
In the context of the world situation, there is no doubt who is aggressor in this fight.  The "external" aggressor is Islam producing criminal terrorism and we have to mobilize against this religion or rather, ideology dressed in religious robes. We have, however, also an internal enemy. It was revealed on the streets of Hamburg in the form of left-wing militant groups, sparking a regular revolution, robbing shops, setting fire to cars and homes. This is an "internal enemy" who, other than Islamic causes, also strives to destroy our world.
The Russian theme is also prominent in Donald Trump's speech. Contrary to Russophobia, popular in our country, Trump did not put Russia in the enemy camp. He criticized only the actions of Russia, which in his opinion destabilize politically Syria and Ukraine. It is clear, however, that in view of the threat of civilization, Russia - in the vision of the President of the United States - is a potential ally - what after Trump Putin's talks resulted in a truce in Syria. A compromise has also been drawn up on Ukraine, which has long been foreseen for all, except for our Foreign Minister.
The only country in which Trump's policy may feel threatened is Germany
The Three-Sea (Tres-Maris) idea, initiated by Poland, supported
economically and politically by America, will constitute a growing counterweight to the German hegemony in Europe today. But are German
problems also our concern?
Janusz Sanocki
Germany and Islam
Many people are shocked that Europe's Emperor Angela Merkel massively has brought Muslims to Germany and EU, including extremists, representatives of Salafi and Wahhabi Islam. Many people are shocked that the German president publicly celebrates Ramadan when he is not allowed to publicly celebrate Christmas and Easter in Germany, and that he can be dismissed for wearing a cross.
Perhaps not everyone knows that the political links between Germany and Islam were very rich. By the year 1914 the Second Reich worked closely with Ottoman Turkey, which fought on the part of Germany in the First World War. In Berlin, Turkey was called "Orient Prussia". German officers - Turkish army advisers - inspired Turkish genocide on Christian Armenians in 1915.
Also the Third Reich worked closely with Islam. Hitler and Himmler met in 1941 with the great Mufti of Jerusalem Muhammad Amin al-Hussein and made an anti-British alliance with him. The main purpose of the great Muslim uprising against Great Britain in the Middle East was to open Nazi army gates to Asia. The defeat of Afrika Korps at El Alamein thwarted these plans.

Muslim Waffen SS "Handschar", one of the cruelest SS divisions, fought in Yugoslavia on the side of German Nazis. Together with Ustashe Croatian extremists, they performed many bestial massacres on the Serbian Christian population. Pro-Nazi Muslim Youth Organization took part in creating of Handschar. Alija Izetbegovi (1925-2003) - the first president of Bosnia and Herzegovina - the country cut out in 1992 from Yugoslavia after Germany initiated division of this country in 1991, was member of that organization. The second Muslim Waffen-SS division, formed from Bosnians, was “Kama” Mountain Division.
Germany together with USA in 1991-2006 led to disintegration and liquidation of   Yugoslavia and proclaimed two Muslim countries Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina on its ruins. Screaming about ethnic cleansing by Serbs, themselves patronized ethnic cleansing by Muslims on Serbs, especially in Kosovo. Why do Germans bring Muslims today to Europe? In order to conquer it, because Germans never gave up of the conquest of Europe. Once they conquered it in the name of German nationalism and conquest of the "living space", now they do it in the name of globalization and interests of global corporations. This conquest serves the so-called. "Relocation mechanism".
The contemporary political objective of Germany and globalists standing there is  political, economic and ideological unification of EU countries, ultimately towards the elimination of their national character and full subordination to the political and economic center in Berlin. The euro and Schengen area proved to be too weak tools to achieve this goal. In this situation, it was recognized that this goal could be achieved through the intensification of multiculturalism.
Muslims have therefore been reached - a political tool from which Germany has repeatedly benefited in its history.
Bohdan Pitka