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The End Time - How, When And Why

By G.S. Chiappalone
Doctor Of Metaphysical Science
You Know My Motto Well - Take It Or Leave It

Today I will attempt to highlight, explain and expand on some of the points made, and also hinted at, in the first playable video on this site I posted yesterday:

It is the one showing a static line of women before the video begins and is some 2 hours 37 minutes long. The first half is the most informative in my view.

First of all let us address questions I have discussed in detail in my books.

What is Evil? Evil is a Cancer in the True Creation that arose from an experiment by Light Beings. It is a temporary aberration that must not continue for it would, like a fatal, feral virus, destroy everything with which it comes into contact. It is contained in the Physical Universe and its sub-dimensions which the Principle of the ‘Cancer’ created inaccurately from stolen plans. These structures have been isolated by Evil to prevent its capture and correction, and by the Light to prevent its escape. In reality, by sealing itself off, Evil built a tomb for its own demise.

Who is responsible for the development of this Cancer? The Light takes full responsibility.

Do Evil Beings know what they are doing? In reality, the answer is “NO”. They were created with the energy of the Error (the Evil essence that arose within and expanded from the Error) and behave the way they do for they know no other way. They are created to take Divine Energy from Divine Beings anyway they can, for they cannot exist without it, and they have none of their own. Evil modifies that energy to suit its purposes. That it cannot do with the New Green Energy I have written about. Therefore, the Evil Beings, everywhere in the Universe, including all the evil extraterrestrials, are exploitative thieves and murderous hypocrites as Jesus stated in John 8:44.

Do they really have Freewill? The answer again is “No”, for their creator, the Evil Mind, a temporary artificial mechanism, that arose from activation of the Negative Balancing Principle in the Error created them as servants. There are, in reality, 3 classes of Evil Beings.

The first batch were robotic beings created with some Divine energy from the ‘Divine Mother Principle’. It is some of these that responded to the Light when they were given a choice (follow Good or evil) for they recognized Good and Evil and their differences, due to the fact that they had some Divine Energy within them. On Earth they are the 9% I have referred to in the past.

The second batch is of Robots made entirely with stolen Divine Energy modified by the Evil Mind to be entirely of an evil intent. They cannot survive outside of this Physical Dimension and will perish with the third batch.

This last batch is the far more malicious line, called Demons, that were created in order to control both types of Robots and the trapped Theomorphs, and to maximally exploit any being or situation at all costs.

The Demons, with far greater powers than humans, are the ones incorrectly called the Fallen Angels in ancient non-Gnostic texts. The ‘War in Heaven’ refers to the separation of the Evil Essence, and all its structures, from the Divine Realms, once war on it was declared by the Light Beings.

If you examine the irrational behaviour of most world leaders even on Earth, you will see the distilled Evil Essence within them. They have no love, no compassion, no scruples. They are beings full of lust for Money, Sex and Power. They will destroy at will whomever they choose. More about that later, perhaps.

Neither of the latter 2 batches have Freewill. They act according to their physical and pseudo-spiritual genetics (which are of the Evil Essence).

What I have just written suggests why there needs to be a PHYSICAL Endtime?

From the very beginning, when the Evil Principle rebelled against the Plemora (the Divine Beings of the Higher Realms) and refused to conform by VOLUNTARY correction, its personification was called a doomed fool, Saklas, by the ‘Mother Principle’ that brings forth creative aspects and which took full responsibility for what had happened in the experiment that went awry.

After numerous attempts to appease the erroneous Principle, the Mother Energy gave up and stated clearly that there was only one course to end the travesty that had ensued: Total elimination of the Error and all its by-products.

In the meantime, the Error solidified into the Physical Dimension, entrapping many Theomorphs. Hence, the rescue of these was paramount before destruction of the cancer. Realize that from the beginning of this Horror, the Divine was concerned with the rescue of the Divine Centres which became trapped by Evil, regardless of what physical garments the Centres were wrapped in by force. This is an important point to consider, for the various structures such as amphibian, reptilian, animal, and human bodies were merely ‘clothing’, developed along the evolutionary pathways, everywhere in the Physical Dimension, in which to trap the Centres that were ‘spiritual structures’. Thus for example, the fact that more advanced evil beings such as the Annunaki could infuse higher grade DNA to morons on Earth millennia ago is simply a continuation of the physical development of the clothing for robots, demons and Theomorphs in this vicinity.

Consider the cardboard box millennia ago in earth as being a 2 cylinder vehicle. Along come more advanced beings and experiment with these vehicles of expression (physical bodies) till they get a V8 motor into them (always to their advantage, of course). The Theomorphs thus trapped were always the Divine Beings at their arrested state of development. It is that now they have a more advanced vehicle in which they are trapped.

Consider further the rapid growth of intellect and technology witnessed by Humanity in the last century. That has all been due to input by more advanced and evil extraterrestrials. Note it all led to more destructive and evil enterprises. This had occurred in cycles on Earth as ancient history reveals. Some of us are aware of far more advanced civilizations for we recall them in our twilight times and dreams. We have been there, done that. But the Theomorphic Centres remained the same ­ clothed in fashions of the periods with destructive knowledge being properties of the clothing, but awaiting rescue all the same from this Hell.

Some Divine Consciousnesses have also always come in to sustain the Viables with the Energy they brought down. But many Theomorphs got tired of waiting and sold their souls to Evil in exchange for the preferential treatment they would receive from it. They became as demons for the exploitation of others.

Many Theomorphs, and even Robots, have been traversed throughout the Universe. Some recall living in other Worlds and Galaxies, some more advanced than this Earth, some less advanced.

The Centres were also clothed in bodies of lesser classes, for maximizing exploitation of their energy, for their suffering would be increased. And so, many remember (especially under hypnosis) being in dinosaur bodies, in eagles, in whales, dolphins and so forth.

From the time of declaration of the intention for total annihilation of this illicit tumour, an Endtime scenario was envisaged.

Here on Earth, and in this Solar System and Galaxy, we are now witnessing the time for our Endtime. The Light Workers have been steadily working their way around the Galaxies of the Universe, cleaning up one neighbourhood after another. It is a massive undertaking. As I explained elsewhere over 90% of eh Universe has been eradicated. They Theomorphs who were trapped there are waiting in Intermediary Villages for permanent placement in Divine dimensions when 100% is eradicated.

Most of the Theomorphs on Earth had been rescued, as I stated in my essay in 1999, and the viable robots have been fully modified to exist outside the Evil Realm. The few Theomorphs still on Earth have specific jobs to do, right to the very End, as I have discussed elsewhere.

Why do we suffer? We are trapped in an exploitative system. There is no other way we can exist while in the physical. Existence in this system brings suffering, for it is a system of maximal exploitation. Those who support the system seem to be advantaged. Those why fight the system, as you well know, are targeted for maximal suffering and exploitation.

Karma is NOT applied justly. Evil cheats. What would you expect? Recall when you first awoke to this Gnostic Truth and the fact that you may be a Divine Being trapped in matter. What happened to your physical life? I dare say, like mine, it went down the drain hole and you had to fight as never before to try and prevent your physical and spiritual demise.

Everything seemed to turn against you, did it not? You may have lost your wealth, your health, your family, your friends, and so on. What other indications do you need to realize you were being held prisoner in a hostile, exploitative Hell? It was OK for it while you were asleep and allowed the process to maliciously, surreptitiously, quietly destroy your spirit in an environment everyone else around you took as being normal.

But the moment you started to awaken, you became enemy Number One to the System, for you could then not only escape the traps but also be a force to awaken others. Evil could not have that. Thus, now, you understand the fate of the True Gnostics.

Why does the Light not see our suffering and do something about it? It sees our suffering clearly. But the Light knows that suffering is an illusion that affects our physical and spiritual bodies. If the physical is exhausted or killed by the exploitation, nothing of importance is lost. As things stood, regular Theomorphs went to the Astral Dimension and then were forced to reincarnate into meat bags again to repeat the vicious, malicious cycle all over again. Each incarnation took its toll.

If the Theomorphs have taken the advice given to connect to the Divine, sufficient Divine Energy is given to them via the visiting Avatar and His/Her ‘splinters’ to be sustained, thus nothing of real value is lost!

If they did nt take precautions, they could lose enough energy to be thus unable to sustain a vehicle of their class. In other words, a Class 4 being (human) could lose enough energy as to be forced to reincarnate into a Class 3 (animal body) which required less centres (5 as opposed to 7) to function reasonably. But it would still know it was a class 4 being. If you recall I told you the story of meeting a Class 4 who was most distraught at having lost the energy to activate his 5 Higher Centres and was now in the vehicle of Class 2 as a tree awaiting the Liberation that the Endtime would bring.

Why would the Light be concerned about the state or suffering of any cardboard box? It’s not, of course, unless the malfunction via degeneration or some disease process interferes with the functioning of the special being using the box. If it is destroyed, that being may reincarnate into another prepared box, either from birth or as a walk-in. If time does not allow this, another is chosen to complete that particular mission.

If a being has an important mission, the Light usually helps it maintain the cardboard box in working order until its particular role is finished.

Generally though, the Light is not in the slightest bit interested in healing your arthritis or heart disease or cancer, etc., if you have no mission to accomplish or if you have finished what you have had to do on this level. Until 1999, It knew you would simply recycle after each physical death.

If you are a non-Viable, why would the Light worry? It doesn’t! If you are a Viable and have no mission to finish, it matters not whether you are in a meat bag or attending choir practice in your Astral Body in the Astral. The Light is only interested in the spiritual health of your Centres of Consciousness.

Whether you live in a cardboard box (meat bag) or in your Astral Body in the Astral is of no importance to It. The Light is only concerned about the viability of the Centres which are truly Divine. The cardboard box, the Emotional Body, the Etheric Body and the Astral Body are evil, rubbish appendages with which we are burdened in this realm. They have been forcefully imposed on us by Evil to drain us and reduce our spiritual effectiveness, awareness and viability. Thus, why would the Light want to heal you or any other Viable of conditions that would assist Evil in its role to exploit you and other Viables more easily of essential Divine Energy?

It will keep those who have important jobs to do in the physical for as long as it takes for them to complete their missions.

It is up to each of us to ease our suffering, and therefore lose as little Divine Energy as possible by noting the advice given to us periodically by the Avatar. We must always remember we are eternal beings wrapped in in useless costumes. What did Buddha say about attachment and emotions?

And here is Shakespeare, an Avatar’s Splinter for sure, in Sonnet VI:

Be not self-willed, for thou art much too fair (i.e. Divine, an Immortal Beloved))

To be death's conquest and make worms thine heir.


Why has it taken so long to correct the Error?

It is a very complicated process. Inspite of its brutal arrogance, Evil knew it was doomed from the beginning. In order to improve its odds of survival for as long as possible, Evil split Theomorphic structures in half and attached them to evil, robotic structures. Thus, the Clearing Process involved, from earliest days, the virtual separation of Theomorphs, one by one, from the evil ones. Just imagine how many there are in the whole Universe.

Scientists calculate that the Physical Universe is some 13-16 billion years old. Babaji told me it is closer to 50 billion years old. To answer this question of why correction has taken so long, we need to understand the Nature of Time.

Time, like Gravity and Distance, are interdependent properties of a dimension, once it forms. Outside of that dimension, there is no specific Time, Gravity or Distance. Note that if there is no Time, there can be no Distance. If there is no Distance, there can be no Gravity!

(This concept of Time, Gravity and Distance - and Mass - came to Galileo as he listening to a boring sermon in Church one hot summer’s day. It was 1582 in fact, and he created his formula by watching the swinging motion of a chandelier in the Pisa cathedral. Thus, he integrated the concept of Time, Gravity and Distance in his formula for the Periodicity of a pendulum, long before Newton’s claim to having discovered Gravity! Newton came up with his “discovery of the Theory of Gravity” exactly one hundred years after Galileo used it in his formula. Isn’t History wonderfully accurate and precise? Ha!)

What did Galileo, the Father of Modern Physics, use to define his formula and how did he know the value of G for Gravity? His belt buckle you say? No, it is clearly a case of contact with the Supra-Mental Plane, for he was the Avatar of his era. His had been Chris Columbus who had visions of a round Earth! Remember, regardless of what Consciousness was within them, they (He) had to express through an ignorant, recalcitrant, evil cardboard box as all of us, not of Evil, have to.

Time is also a variable, as are Gravity and Distance which can alter with changes in the dimension. Thus, we are now seeing the acceleration of Time as this dimension fragments. I have discussed this in more detail elsewhere.

(BTW, as an indication of the imperfection of this Physical Universe, consider the value of Pi. It has no precise value which means the whole physical system was doomed, from its inception, for terminal decay. That is why physicality is a danger unto itself!)

Thus, if you have understood that Time, Gravity and Distance are properties peculiarly of, and within, a dimension, and do not apply outside of it, it is easy to accept the notion that, no matter how much time has passed within this Evil Dimension, for the Beings effecting the Correction, no time has, in their Reality, passed. This is a most difficult concept to appreciate. Just take my word that this is so.

Thus, Time is an illusion, emotional suffering is an illusion and Evil is a temporary illusion. All of these illusions will pass in due course. In regard to our Endtime scenario, our physical deaths will also be illusions. It is just that most of us, thinking we are just the body, the cardboard box, the meat bag, cannot appreciate that it is so. Read Shakespeare’s Sonnet 6 again in its entirety.

So, after such a lengthy introduction, what is it that we can decipher from the above video?

Let us start with the 3 prophecies of Fatima.

The first was reported as being a view of Hell: a sea of fire and noxious fumes below Earth. All visions are translated in the lower mind with the acquired interpretation of the resident knowledge. Thus in ancient cultures, spacecraft were described as fiery chariots or as flying, smoking serpents; beings in spacesuits were angles, or gods, etc. A vision of a beautiful lady to Christians is the Virgin Mary, a male is Jesus; For Jews it is Moses, etc.

If you read what has been published as the visions, you will note they have a preponderance to favour Catholicism and the Papacy. What were released are forgeries just as the message of Medjugorje is. The dishonest Archons who manipulated the Messages want all of us to convert to Catholicism and fall under the yoke of the Papacy, the most evil of Evil’s instruments on Earth.

In the first vision the children were reported as seeing Hell. In reality they saw a vision of a fiery and noxiously effusive Planet X, situated below the Earth! It will indeed manifest to us, still living in the Endtime, as the fires of Hell. Thus, they claimed (according to the evil manipulators) that they saw Hell.

The Second vision was not of WW2 but of WW3 in which a third to one half of the population of the planet will perish. Mother Shipton refers to this, as does Revelations. What has been delivered by the Papacy is timely nonsense, for its benefit.

The third vision has been withheld. The way the Vatican, Popes and Cardinals handled this third vision, which was to be shared with Humanity, demonstrates the absolute hypocrisy and evilness of the Papacy. We can extrapolate what this third vision is about from:

  • The timing of the approximation of Planet X to Earth according to the Annunaki records;

  • The postulates of Mother Shipton;

  • The comments about the Last Pope from St Malachi;

  • The Prophecies of the appearance of the Blue Star signifying the End;

  • The assurance given to me in April 1985 by Beings in another Dimension involved in the Correction of the Error that Earth would be destroyed no later than 2035 in order to liberate the remaining trapped Viables on it.

Many other Extraterrestrial groups, apart from the Annunaki and the Zetas, have attempted to warn Humanity of the coming cataclysms throughout history, but the recipients of the messages were, in the main, ridiculed as fools. But these warnings were of a prosaic nature only, with no spiritual acumen or perspective and were thus useless other than to cause Panic on whose liberated energy the Extraterrestrials fed.

The third vision of Fatima was a vision of the End, full stop!

It was some time after my meeting with Them, which I have described elsewhere, that information filtered through of how great this Opus of Correction was, how the whole Solar System we are in is to be dismantled, and how, in fact, the time has come for this whole Galaxy, the Milky Way, to be liquefied! The percentage of the Universe thus corrected was eventually revealed.

Mother Shipton was a Theomorph, as was Edgar Cayce. It’s comical to read Cayce’s reaction when he introduced incarnation, while in trance, as a fact in his readings. He, being a staunch Christian, thought he was being deluded at first. He soon woke up enough to accommodate the truth beyond the fallacy of what he was taught as a so-called Christian.

Mother Shipton gave as a superb timeline for the End, as did St Malachi.

In essence, she said that those who survive the century of Movies, Submarines and Airplanes, will wait in the last Days for the End.

Generally speaking, Movies were developed in the same year as the Wright Brothers flew the first heavier than air machine ­ 1903.

Although the submarine was in some form of development from the late 1880s, it is generally agreed that an acceptable functioning and useful form was introduced in 1914.

Thus, from her prophecy, we entered the Endtime Days THIS YEAR!

Revelation 8:13: Then I looked and saw a lone eagle flying across the sky. It was shouting, “Trouble, trouble, trouble to everyone who lives on earth! The other three angels are now going to blow their trumpets.”

She states half the world will be in blood. I take that to mean the Nuclear WW3 which will kill, as I previously said, one third to one half of the people on Earth in a very short space of time indeed. There is no stopping it. The Destruction of this Hell is mandatory!

Thereafter, will come the harbingers of Earth’s Death: Stones from the sky (meteors ­ which have already begun in abundance) Earthquakes, Volcanic eruptions, Fire from the Sky (this could mean the iron oxide clouds which will appear to be as fire in the sky) an increasingly heated Earth, and the appearance of the Red Dragon with its 7 heads.

The Red Dragon is Planet X and the seven heads are the seven planets that orbit around it. The ten horns are the moons of those planets. Revelation 12:3New International Version (NIV)

Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads.

Apart from the account from the Annunaki, when did some people know about the appearance of Planet X?

As you heard, Aliens that crashed at Roswell in 1947 told the US Military that Planet X was coming. What did those people do to prepare Humanity? Absolutely nothing, as did the Vatican in 1917!

But the Military and Elite began trying to save their own skins by commencing the building of underground shelters, implementing Alternative 3 (bases on Mars once flight was adequately established via Wernher Von Braun from the knowledge he and the Nazis had been given, again by aliens, and by searching the world for Stargates and the physics of Wormholes as mentioned by the Annunaki and other visiting aliens. Now you know where the trillions missing from the US budgets went!

But just consider how futile these exercises are. The Stargates and Wormholes are simply physical structures that can be used, by those who know how to operate them, to go from one part of the physical dimension to another. They are simply doors and passageways in a condemned house. What is the point of going from the kitchen to the lounge room in a totally sealed and condemned house like this Galaxy is? There is no escape, not in that doomed house, not in this doomed Galaxy.

They are evil fools attempting to avoid Correction. They cannot escape their fate. No evil being can.

As things became desperate, the search for the Stargate that the Annunaki used in Persia some 3600 years ago became intense. Hence, the War against Iraq where the Stargate was thought to be. As a byline, all the oil was stolen and millions mercilessly murdered. Evil Archons have no conscience and no scruples. They will not be missed when they are totally eradicated. But, there is a price they have to pay for their maleficence. Perhaps I shall reveal what that price is in detail soon.

Evil ones have used this technique to escape collapsing Galaxies in the past. That is why we have so many aliens in and around Earth and so many Star Children being born into the physical at this time (after 1999), They are escaped demonic class beings from Galaxies that have collapsed in the past. Most are from far more advanced civilizations and that explains the technical wizardry they possess and which we observe. After a time in this polluted backwater called Earth, they become dumbed down by the severity of the mental pollution found here. Could they do it again and escape this doomed Galaxy? It is a small possibility. But, it is futile for them to run. Sooner or later they will again be cornered and transmuted. No non-Viable will escape the Process of Correction.


Once Planet X is close enough to destabilize the physical poles (and there will be signs when that will occur) we then have 7 days before the END! In other words, once the Earth falls on its axis, one week of Earth time will remain.

Why is this episode of Planet X’s proximity different now to the previous ones? Planet X has passed by Earth many times.

It is different now because it has been declared the Endtime! That may sound tautological, but let me explain.

All structures in the Galaxy are in a state of Terminal Decay as they will be in all the remaining sectors of the Physical Universe. This is obvious to us as Earth decays also. What do you think all the volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, erratic, murderous weather, etc. etc., mean? The Sun is also dying, as are all the planets. The whole Solar System, in fact is heating up as a result of this decay.

Planet X is burning up. It is a torch! It is much hotter than ever before. As I said above, that is the lake of fire the children of Fatima saw. Its planets are heated in the extreme and many of their former inhabitants are already out of the physical. This fragmentation is due to the Terminal Madness affecting all beings and structures of Evil. It is due to the lack of Divine Energy with which they can sustain themselves, due to the malevolent actions of the evil ones, and the presence of Special Divine Beings who are to see that the end of all heavenly bodies occurs, just as is the case on Earth. Orbits are being manipulated, erratic behaviour ensues, destruction is sequenced.

The fragmentation not only affects their orbits which will become erratic but it will also allow a bellicosity to express in alien inhabitants which means space wars of an unimagined magnitude. We on earth may suffer as a consequence before the End. Aliens from the Inner Earth (Yes, the Earth is hollow and inhabited) who had warned the demons in human form who developed the Atomic Bombs not to use them again may retaliate on what remains of Humanity after WW3 starts. We are aware of their capabilities as attested to by the carnage suffered by Admiral Byrd’s expedition to the Antarctic in 1939.

You will note in all the videos about Planet X, and other videos of impending disasters to which Humanity may succumb that there is absolutely no spiritual perspective whatsoever.


Timing from History

The last Annunaki visit was in the middle of 1600 BC, just after Nibiru’s approximation to Earth. It was very close to 1640 BC. Adding the periodicity of Planet X (3657 years), we get the closest point to Earth as being 2017. As some of its planets will be in rotation around it, any of them or their moons can crash into Earth before or slightly after that date. Of course, massive changes as I and many others have written about will occur before the Impact date: meteors, magnetic fluxes, heat, iron oxide dust, deadening of the seas, volcanic eruptions, massive earthquakes, tsunamis, polar shift, etc., etc.

Thus, it could all end in the next 2- 5 years. Don’t forget, WW3 is to commence shortly too.

You will note that the arrival of the RED DUST, iron oxide, from Planet X is to signify the End. That dust has already made its presence felt. So, I guess we are in the last 7 years (max) according to my calculations.

The red dust will be most pronounced some weeks before the Pole Shift. So, how far away can that be?

Remember, this is not about the survival of the Physical. No one will survive physically.

It is about survival of the Spiritual by Viable beings.

Most humans are not viable. The rats attempting to hide underground or on the Moon, or on Mars, or any other place within the dimension, or its sub-dimensions via Stargates and Wormholes, if they can find and operate them in time, are fooling themselves. No one will survive physically, not even the evil aliens who are virtually everywhere.

One final point that may have relevance in all this, and especially the timing of the End: I was told repeated that his cardboard box that I inhabit has to be here till the Final Day of Earth.

Inspite of my asking, I was not given an official reason for this assertion. I speculate that it may be to do with the New Green Energy or another energy, of which I am aware, which flows through this cardboard box.

I have no reason to doubt ‘Their” this assertion seeing ‘They’ have been so accurate with their information to me in the past.

As coincidence would have it, this cardboard box is genetically limited by processes which make it somewhat unlikely to last another 5-7 years. It is even more unlikely it could last 10 years. Thus, we could speculate and say the End is going to be sometime within the next 5 to 7 years. I have previously written the outermost date as given to me for the End was 2035. I do not think we will reach that date.

As all things are possible according to Quantum Theory, I could be completely wrong about all this, and I could end up being another Methuselah with some ‘magical’ changes to this cardboard box (God forbid) thus postponing the End indefinitely. But, I very much doubt that will happen. I am in as much of a hurry as any of you to finish my assignment and get out of this Hell and go back Home.

The only other major question anyone could possibly ask is this: What if nothing happens? What answer can I give?

Too late! It’s too late to ask that silly question. All the destructive mechanisms have begun as you can aver if you have been paying attention, and all the postulates of the End’s timing, both old and new, are there for all to decipher!

I think you and I have read the above information correctly. It’s the End folks!

Think about these things and prepare well, as I have advised you to do previously.

PS You can take this as proof that the Galaxy we are in is being dismantled, as have been most of the others in this evil Universe”
Read this:

And this:

Dr G S Chiappalone
Copyright November 10, 2014


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