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How I Came To Love The Führer


By James Bigglesworth


During my formative years, along with all my chums, I was presented with  images of the Second World War, which convinced me that the German people, spent most of their time screaming,  Achtung! Achtung! Achtung! Wieder tun, und Sie werden erschossen!

Despite this mental bombardment, which at my young age, was received as being a truthful view of the German character, but which was in reality a perversion of the truth of which I was totally unaware, I was touched, in spite of it, by Marlon Brando in the Young Lions and I have had a lifelong admiration for Field Marshall Rommel,  other than that I just accepted everything with which I was presented without question.

Nowadays, what remains, as a result of this insidious propaganda,  is a totally conditioned gullible generation of self-righteous parrots, most of whom have never taken the trouble to check out the voracity of their strongly held "opinions" despite, Twitter and Facebook and what is more frightening is the fact that should those beliefs be challenged, they respond in anger, as if there is no other side to the tale.

I sat through films, such as "The Longest Day", watching John Wayne winning the war with those adorable Yankee boys, - he did it from a stretcher - with the accompaniment of triumphal music but  what was never made clear, was the fact that the "Allies" were in the process of destroying, French towns, will-nilly by the score and killing French people, without a qualm.

The Allies had already bombarded Le Havre and other towns in Northern France, in readiness for D.Day. in the process,  they dropped half a million tons of bombs, throughout the war, Germany dropped a mere fifty thousand tons on the UK.

At Le Havre, at least five thousand French people were killed and the town itself reduced to rubble. The Allies later claimed that they believed that the towns-folk had been evacuated.  The British Military, when they took Le Havre, were aghast at what they found, saying that they would have had no trouble "liberating" the town without need of the bombardment.

The Allies, particularly the American, are detested in the North of France, where more French people were killed and women raped by them, than had been by the Germans all rthrough the war.

Much of the Allied invasion of France,  would qualify as a War Crime, had it been carried out by the Germans. There has never been any accusation of the systematic rape of women made against the Germans, similar to that which was common practice amongst the Allies.

What has  never been made clear to those whom even now, continue to celebrate the Allied victory and accept without thought, the enormous cost of lives during the fire bombing of the civilians of Germany, an act of incredible horror, which had young children, trapped in tar melting from the heat on the roads,  being burned to death.

These realities of war, along with the undignified task, which was awaiting  up the road, for those heroes, as presented by Hollywood, where they would do battle with the desperate vestiges of the German Army, mostly children and old men, prepared to die, to save their country from the wrath of the Jews.

Those brave men and boys almost whipped the Yanks at the Battle of the Bulge," before being sentenced to death in the Swedish Jew Eisenhower's Rhine Meadow Death Camps, where one and a half million, prisoners, were left to die, in the cold of winter, in their own excrement, without food or water.

In keeping with "Allied" justice, the only Western General with "true grit" Gen George Patton, was himself murdered, for daring to treat German prisoners of war, as human beings. He wanted to go straight on to relieve the Russian people from the Bolshevik Jews.

That is how events were taking place on the Western Front , at the behest  of International Jewry,  which had declared war on Germany in 1933, followed by a total blockade against the National Socialists, who were attempting to resurrect Germany,  from the ruins of the Weimar Republic, which had been installed at the end of the Great War, to make sure that the threat of German competition against British Industry was destroyed.

Germany, under the heel of the Weimar Bolsheviks, was then transformed and  became Sodom and Gomorrah, which is where we, find ourselves right now, in surreal  resurrection of the Berlin of Christopher Isherwood, amidst the sort perversions, which were so offensive to Adolf Hitler.

On the Eastern Front, where the Germans were left to fight alone, having been stabbed in the back by the gaggle of Jews who were put in place in London, to solve the little difficulty of Chamberlains treaty with Hitler, which was called "appeasement" but which was in fact a well composed peace treaty with Germany, which made any war with The National Socialists, unnecessary. Chamberlain died shortly after he was forced out of power.

At this point, in order to discover any truth about the fashion in which Germany fought the war, we must sort out exactly of what the Germans were accused.  It would be prudent, would it not, to ignore any behaviour, which is common practice amongst the Allies, whom decided, for themselves, that only the Germans' could be accused of War Crimes.  So what does that leave?

Well, according to the Jews, it leaves  the Greatest Crime in History, and the charge was levelled against Hitler. The so-called holocaust. Unfortunately, this "huge crime" left very little trace of its passing. In fact it left no trace whatsoever, that is the tragedy of the whole affair.

 Far more competent researchers than me,  have spent years, trying to dig out even smallest piece of evidence in support of the claim of the crime, for which the German people are still, seventy years on, being force to repatriations.

Many men were hanged, after being tortured, of course, which involved having their testicles crushed and other little party tricks which it is not necessary to explain. Forcing confessions out of men whom had no idea of what they were being accused.

Most of the current propaganda is to be found in Wikipedia, where you will be informed that Hitler, wanted to murder anybody and everybody, of  whom he disapproved, this presents a slight problem. I searched for evidence that he had carried out a genocide against homosexuals for example.

What you find is that Hitler set about dismantling the sordid Academies for Homosexuals, which had been installed by Jews, to encouraged an invasion of homosexuals, Rent Boys and mother and daughter pairs of prostitutes, to ply their trade on the streets of Berlin.  Jews have now introduced the rest of us to the same delicacies and there are many people who disapprove., as did Hitler, there is however no evidence that he ever killed any of these people. Mere talk and insinuation.

Well let us accept, that there is no real evidence that Hitler killed  homosexuals or Gypsies, he did however, continue for a while, the practice which had sprung up in the US,  of the euthanising of seriously mentally handicapped people.  A practice which continued in several European countries into the 1970's. That appears to be true, but Hitler's people did not take it any farther than did anybody else, which is implied. There is a documentary doing the rounds, which suggests that he even did the killings in a gas chamber, what else.

One of the crimes of which the Germans were accused and for which many were executed, by the Nuremberg Military Tribunal,  was the Katyn Forest massacre, where thousands of Polish Military were tortured, murdered and buried. This was a pack of lies, which was finally exposed when the Russians admitted that Stalin had been responsible.

Stalin was also responsible for the transformation of an air-raid shelter at the Auschwitz work camp, in an attempt to make it look like a Gas Chamber.  Those whom carried out this task, were obliged to "invent" the appearance of a Gas Chamber, because nobody had ever or have ever, seen a real Gas Chamber.

Stalin's boy's did not even have the advantage of the Hollywood version, which suggested that it was installed in the shower rooms, so they invented the hole in the ceiling method, and a couple of Jew brothers, told the world how Germans in gas masks, dropped pellets of Zyklon B on top of the victims inside. I think we can safely put that rubbish into the folder marked bullshit.

The incongruity of the war is that Hitler was a Catholic, he had served at Mass as a child. He possessed a sense of honour and fair play. He was fighting against Satanists from Hell. He had watched the Jews in Russia annihilate 65 million Christians. He knew what was in store for Germany if the Jews returned to power.

It was the supreme example of the Soldiers of Light, fighting a Holy War against the Dark Forces of Evil, who came with overpowering Battalions of stooges and whom finally claimed the glory of victory and hanged all of the honest men to shut them up.

They have continued to smear the children of these heroes for seventy years.  Denying the German people the simple right, to honour the brave men who gave their lives for us all.

When the darkness descended on Germany from the East, it was truly hell on earth.  The Commissars gave their Mongolian savages the right to rape at will any female between eight and eighty, they made a super-human effort to not only rape, the entire female population of Germany but to brutally torture and crucify many of their victims.

This presents a good contrast with the Hollywood idea of the invasion in Normandy, where it would never have allowed a character like those portrayed by John Wayne oir Tom Hanks or any of the other brave GI's who won the war, to be exposed  as having raped young children and old women to death. The Allies retained their allure of honour and chivalry, with a Hershey bar in every pocket to tempt French women.  Despite this, at least a dozen GI's were hanged for rape and murder, most of them Black.

What the Bolshevik Russians ordered their Forces to inflict on to the Germans, was so demonic as to confound belief.  The very idea that the folk,  whom have been involved in an interminable number of ceremonies in recent months, including the Jews with their "last remaining example of a gas chamber door," in remembrance of their brave exploits during the war, actually fought, that war, alongside this Bolshevik filth, to destroy what General  Patton described as the finest people in Europe, is a sad and shameful perversion of good and evil.

None of this has been explained to the good folk of Western Europe. They have no idea what the Bolsheviks carried out behind the Iron Curtain. They have retained the Hollywood version which presents, to this day, the Germans as murdering barbarians.

Every day, I awake,  I listen to the News and I can be sure that within minutes there will be a disparaging remark about Hitler. Occasionally, after a quip on Sky News, I receive an Email with a link to some evil act from the past which is blamed on Hitler or is indeed compared to some thing he is alleged to have done. The average man in the street, has come to believe that alleged to have, means guilty of, should it refer to Hitler.  There is nobody else in history who has been castigated in such a manner, for such an extended period of time.

What have they all got to fear from Hitler?



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