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Neocons Hate Real Democracy,
Too Accountable, Too Messy


By Karl W. B. Schwarz


This is still on the subject of what will be a massive expose of the Neocons through this and next year leading up to the 2016 US Presidential race carnival. However, this one is to lay a little groundwork and educational background so that people better understand what a despicable version of ‘democracy, freedom and liberty’ the Neocon Business Plan represents and promotes.

Before you read on ponder this question. If the USA is not a democracy anymore (and it is far from being one) exactly what is it the Neocons are marketing to other nations that they want them to emulate about America?

Political Lies? Violence? Corruption? Fraud? Militarism? State sponsored terrorism? Fascism? Convincing others to meddle in USA affairs like we interfere in their nations and internal affairs?

I remember well having to take a class in 8th grade junior high that was named ‘Civics’. At age 13 that was sort of ‘ugh’ for every teenager in the class until we were ‘sentenced’ to spend 1 hour a day, 5 days a week for the entire school year with an excellent teacher that inspired us to know what government is supposed to be at all levels from federal to state, county and municipal. What the Declaration of Independence said and means, and why, and what the Bill of Rights and US Constitution actually mean because the contents really do matter to a true republic form of democracy.

What are the true purposes and separations of power between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government, and why? Most Americans younger than age 35 to 40 cannot answer that question anymore. Truly, depending on age Americans went from knowing the correct answers to not knowing a damned thing in about 20 to 30 years.

It had never occurred to me until 8th grade why the US as a nation has a Constitution and the States have a constitution, too. There were just as valid reasons for states’ rights as there are for separation of church and state because neither is to be the overlord of the other.

The US Constitution is a brilliant document that has the intent of limiting the power of a centralized government and prevent it from turning into a tyrannical despot as we have now.

By the time my son was in the same level of school that class had been eliminated from the curriculum. Sadly, America has been in a downhill slide ever since due to a voting electorate that really has no real grasp as to what government is supposed to be.

I have met many people from Russia, Europe, Asia and South America that truly know America and what democracy really is better than most voting Americans. In some ways I find that to not be surprising and in other ways to be a sad statement on how blind Americans have been as the very essence of what it means to be American, to have true freedom and liberty has been stolen with ‘eyes wide open’ and apparently most in the USA missed the thievery as it occurred.

One of the Founding Fathers and the principal architect of the US Constitution had a very clear grasp on what the proper role of the Federal government was supposed to be.

That quote includes the intent of the Founding Fathers that welfare and entitlements were not the intent nor the proper role of the federal government. Nor did the federal government have the right to just make things up as they go because what they are not empowered to do in the Constitution they are supposed to be barred from doing.

Neither was centralized and dictatorial control from Washington DC the intent or allowed in the Constitution. The intent was to keep the Federal Government from sucking the life out of the local state economies for its self-empowerment and war follies.

It was possibly said best by Vaclav Havel, the first president of post USSR Czechoslovakia that the proper role of government is to unleash the potential of its people; not crush it under the weight of a cumbersome, over-bearing, detached and obtuse central government serving the elite and not the average citizens.

However, to put that James Madison quote above into a larger context as to what the principal architect of the Constitution of the United States of America meant, read the larger statement below that comes from The Federalist Papers when they were debating the contents and intended meaning of the document.

Note the wording carefully above because what these weasels in Washington DC have done over time through slow, deceitful, underhanded and surreptitious actions has been to steal away the powers of the states and you as a resident of that state. It was never intended, nor needed, that Washington DC would assume the role of being the ‘be all, end all’ of the United States of America.

If you take that thought one step further it is easier to grasp how absurd it is for Washington DC to collect taxes on every level and ‘thing’ they can dream up and then dole out money in reverse to the states on political whims more than based on population or real needs at the state level.

There are many instances where the Federal government has used this dole out system to literally extort states to stay in formation and kneeling to DC but it is supposed to be the other way around.

We the People are America, not Washington DC. We the People are citizens of the United States of America but we are residents of the states we live in. It was intended to be that way until Washington DC decided to steal all power for itself.

The old saying ‘all politics is local’ meant that where you live is where the political action and decision making should occur; not centered in Washington DC under the boot heels of a government that blows through money like drunken sailors in a Bangkok whorehouse, plastering their names on all of the federal monuments they build with YOUR MONEY, and having your life being run by a group of puffed up morons that are completely detached even from the states and representative districts they were elected to serve.

In high school I also had to take “Business Law” and “Economics”, both now eliminated from the US teaching curriculum as well. It is not hard for me to understand why younger Americans have not one damned clue how government is really supposed to work, or the economy, or even businesses, ethics, morals or integrity. They have not one clue what America is supposed to be or how the governments are supposed to function at the various levels.

At about the same time they eliminated ‘civics’ from the school curriculum was when the NEA, the useless US Department of Education (that I personally think could not teach dogs to poop outside) and other special advocacy groups started this push to dumb down America and move away from true democracy to what is now a fascist plutocracy ruled by American oligarchs, corporations and special interests, for their benefit and your detriment. A government for corporations, elite, wealthy, and Special Interests because they pay the Big Tab for the US election carnival, but representative democracy it is not.

Government by lobbyists and who can fund the most (not the 51%, only the 1%) is not a democracy by any stretch of the imagination or political spin to put the lipstick on the pig.

According to the US Supreme Court money is free speech, but what has evolved is not a democratic form of governance by any stretch of the imagination. At that point democracy turns into fascism and mob rule where the 51% tries to hold onto power (now financed by the 1%) by shouting down or discrediting the 49% as stupid and un-American, unpatriotic, etc.

The Supreme Court ruling that money is free speech opened the flood gates (tsunami if you prefer and is more accurate) to big money taking over the entire US political process and your needs or rights be damned.

They now call this phenomenon the Politics of Hate, smear campaigns, mudslinging, personal attacks to discredit, and when necessary just outright lie to win a public office to DC. Get into that office and create all of those ‘favors’ the 1% wanted and demanded in return for the big political donations, again to your detriment.

I have been watching who the Big Money is backing and they are literally the second-rate scum of America and many of them not worthy of holding any public office or public trust. They are investing in the Neocons, since no one has derailed them yet.

That same 8th grade year was when I first learned about “Democracy in America” by Alexis de Tocqueville, the Frenchman who saw the US democracy much clearer than apparently any political leader the nation has had in the past century. I had to wait until 10th grade and the ‘required reading of War and Peace’ to have had to read a bigger book than “Democracy in America” and survive a barrage of tests on its contents.

Alexis de Tocqueville was only in America from 1831 to 1833 and wrote this classic book about our new nation and new form of government. It was published in two parts in 1835 and 1840. However, in those 2 short years he traveled extensively and apparently paid close and astute attention to what he saw and heard, and discussed with Americans on the scene.

He seems to have seen every potential and every peril that democracy presented even in the early years of our nation.

I never bought off on the ‘Reaganomics’ as it was called because human greed is too predictable. It was Reaganomics that started this downhill slide into corporate fascism and wealthy elite control of the political process in Washington DC. It was accelerated to absurdity under the GHWB Administration on one side of the aisle, and then by Clinton on the other side of the aisle.

Once GW got into office, well… we know what a national calamity looks like in our time and can better appreciate what our parents and grandparents were talking about regarding the Great Depression. Even with the traffic light definitely ‘red’, well… Obama proved his unfitness to lead by stepping on the accelerator and we can all now clearly see what a nationwide train wreck looks like.

I agreed with Reagan in that Big Government is the antithesis of freedom and liberty, a true economy killer as we can all now see. However, it was Reagan policies that set the stage for the end of freedom and liberty in America. That crack in the dam has now been exploited by the past 4 presidents and all of the elected and appointed weasels to the point America is bleeding to death due to stupidity and lousy governance from Washington DC.

They have been so intent on these underhanded machinations in DC that the Patriot Act that most sane Americans hate was actually started by Clinton and the Department of Justice under Janet Reno. The Bush Administration could not have even dreamed up the Patriot Act and drafted it so fast after September 11, 2001. Bush and his minions were too busy planning to attack 7 nations in 5 years, according to Ret. General Wesley Clark due to what he was told inside of the Pentagon weeks after September 11, 2001.

They planned their “Pearl Harbor” for a long time, even how to ‘sell it’ to Americans. Go Shop!! Just pretend that Mighty Mouse GW Bush is defending America.

As Bush was quoted in mangling the English language as he often did, it was a ‘strategery’.

Most of my life the debate appeared to be all about ‘democracy and capitalism’ versus ‘communism and socialism’, at least until September 1991 when there was no longer a USSR. With the exception of the growing civils rights issue for non-whites since the 1950’s, that ‘us versus them’ debate of capitalism versus communism consumed most of the political discourse up to September 1991.

Bear in mind that the following quotes from “Democracy in America” by Alexis de Tocqueville are in the book he had published in 1835 and 1840, not the 1950’s, 1960’s, 80’s, 90’s, or post September 11, 2001.

Now we have been forced to trade freedom and liberty for the appearance of Uncle Sam’s protection. However, America has also become very much an abominable hybrid fascist and socialist state that is literally cracking at the seams and drowning in debt. This Washington DC lust to ‘be all, end all’ is killing America.

The ruling elite want every American beneath them in complete servitude to DC and this new phenomenon of the Idiotic Neocon Business Plan. The Neocons are terrified of democracy, freedom and liberty because they would lose the control they plotted for over 30 years to achieve.

That their ‘moment in the Sun’ has cast nothing but darkness on the US and beyond will be how history really remembers them. They have completely redefined what “Ugly American” truly means.

For a nation to claim greatness it rings rather shallow when about 43 million Americans need government assistance just to get by (socialism and servitude to Big Brother) and the ranks of those living under the poverty line has grown steadily since September 11, 2001. There is no greatness in a nation at all when 1 in 5 children live in poverty and veterans of their Folly Wars are homeless or jobless. The real cancer has appeared with 22 US military veterans per day, one every 65 minutes are committing suicide after their ‘service to the 1%’ that sent them to be maimed, or killed or discarded when they came home.

So much for the ‘Hero Parades’ when they got back home and found out how much damage the Neocons have done to America.

Think about what is wrong with that picture for a minute and all of the US government claims of how robust and growing the US economy is. All the chest thumping about how great America is yet cannot even care for its own population, and loves to stick its nose into the business of every other nation on Earth.

Yes, it is yet another political lie and manipulating of the numbers so you think everything is just Hunky Damned Dory in La-La Land America.

This next de Tocqueville citation from his book pretty well sums up the general attitude of people like Soros, Adelson, Koch Brothers and the Neocons that think they are the modern day American Royalty, which also encompasses the Bush and Clinton families and the likes of the John McCain, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and others that defile America every day.

That sums up the Bush and Clinton families so succinctly it is hard to imagine that it was observed on our shores and written before the 1835 publishing of ‘Democracy in America’. That is the attitude of the America elite and the Neocons towards other Americans. They ‘love America’ but hate Americans.

It does no good to talk to the Neocons about the human rights abuses they are guilty of within the United States itself. They view the power of DC as their means to rule the entire world from their Ivory Towers in DC. That they failed so miserably in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Ukraine are untidy little details they hope you do not pay too much attention to.

Their precious ‘think tanks’ are lined wall to wall with people more concerned about their empowerment and could not care less about America itself or other Americans they arrogantly consider to be beneath them.

The following is a clear statement on where things are now in that there are ‘formed classes’ where the 1% of the US wealthy have made most of the money since the market crisis in 2008-2009. All of that greed on public display while the rest of America is for the most part sinking like the Titanic. Many of that same 1% have made colossal amounts of money due to September 11, 2001 and that was a Neocon policy change they desired, sought and then implemented.

The Neocons care not how much they have to lie to you while they rearrange the deck chairs so you do not notice the ship is sinking. Part of their ‘code of ethics’ is tell any lie to get their way.

The architects of that new direction for America were the Neocons and why I will never kneel to them, honor them or respect them. I detest liars. They are the clear and present danger to America and world peace, and they are the terrorists we all need to rid America of at the earliest possible time.

That was exactly the coup d’état and the business plan the Neocons wanted.

If you do not understand that, go read again the PNAC [Project for a New American Century] manifesto calling for US military supremacy and military domination of the world, but they needed the “Pearl Harbor” event of September 11, 2001 to even launch such an idiotic and stupid scheme.

Now that they have utterly failed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine, it is time to evaluate and reject their failed business plan and chart a new direction for America.

The following quote from ‘Democracy in America’ is a lesson the Neocons need to learn. I for one will not hold my breath either waiting for them to learn the lesson or admit to even one of their massive pile of mistakes that now have the USA in more than $18 trillion in debt due to their follies, myopia, stupidity and lack of understanding that everything has a cost, including even their stupid ideas.

Just with the admitted to $6 trillion the not at all brilliant plans for Afghanistan and Iraq have cost the US taxpayers, most of the problems inside of America itself could have been fixed over the past 14 years.

The Neocons could not care less if such staggering problems ever gets fixed because that would deprive them and their minions of money to push forward with the Idiotic Neocon Business Plan.

That those debts were heaped on the back of Americans without their consent for the most part is another matter they need to be held accountable for, as well as the Orwellian police and spying state they installed to maintain absolute control over Americans and other nations.

If they think I am going to give up any of my freedom or liberty for their stupid ideas, they are even dumber than I already know they are.

Afghanistan and Iraq are by definition ‘protracted wars’ and their callously named Global War on Terror apparently has no end in sight until they either subjugate the world or America crashes into ruins chasing their idiotic Neocon scheme.

James Madison was also quite clear as to his opinion of a central federal government racking up public debts, pretending they were doing what Americans wanted them to do. As we all know, Washington DC could not care less what Americans think about how DC wastes money and squanders the future of our children and grandchildren while crushing economy we depend on to make a living and have food, shelter, utilities, and raise a family, etc.

Even when every public opinion poll has said ‘NO’ to the Neocon interventions, Washington DC did the exact opposite of what the general population wanted. One finally has to come to the realization that DC talks; they fail to listen to any voices but their own.

This is where Reaganomics and the failed leadership of George H W Bush, Slick Willie Clinton, the Village Idiot GW Bush Jr. and Obama have managed to lead America.

I have said it many times in writing and on radio shows, DHS is not protecting any American from any terrorist. The creation of DHS was a fascist police state move to protect the US government and their 1% elite benefactors from Americans and a Second Amendment armed America. Thomas Jefferson wisely spelled out specifically in the Declaration of Independence why the US Constitution needed the Second Amendment.

We can thank the Founding Fathers for realizing that Washington DC might be as bad, or worse, than what prompted the Declaration of Independence that started the Revolutionary War. In my estimation, Washington DC is about 1,000 times worse than that British monarch piker King George ever dreamed of being.

If you have never read the Declaration of Independence, please take the time to read it in its entirety. Including the part where if ‘a government no longer serves the purpose’ for which the people put it into place, they have the right to replace it with a government that works. That is called freedom.

I remember in the Mel Gibson movie “The Patriot” a classic line when South Carolina was debating a declaring of war on King George and Great Britain with the rest of the colony states: “What is the difference in a tyrant 3,000 miles away and having new tyrants just miles away?”

The problem now is the real tyrants and the real terrorists are in fact homegrown and their base of operations is Washington DC.

Just recently DHS has declared that the greatest terrorist threat to America are “Domestic Sovereign Citizens” that apparently have had their fill of this total nonsense Washington DC calls ‘governing’. You will not see this in the US main stream media, but there are succession movements in all 50 states and just to prove a point on how pathetic Washington DC truly is there are also movements as “Putin for President” to demonstrate to DC what we think of the current day scoundrels and pathetic leadership in the White House and US Congress.

The Feds and local police recently raided a secessionist meeting in Bryan TX. The mood across America has begun to move from disgusted to way past fed up with Washington DC arrogance and spendthrift attitude that is bankrupting the current and future generations.

No, ISIS / ISIL is not the biggest threat Americans have to worry about. The Neocons and Washington DC are the clear and present danger to every man, woman and child in America. Many Americans are finally wising up to that reality.

The last 2015 Gallup poll I saw showed Congress at 20% approval (overrated) rating, Obama at 46% (overrated) and Putin at 85%. There are reasons Putin scores higher because he is a leader and gets things done without all of the political lies and Fourth Rate Theater of Washington DC.

If you do not know who in America think they are aristocrats, hmm, the Neocons, Congress, White House, Bush family, Clinton family, the 1% that control the actions of our government, etc., just to name a few.

If you go back and dig deeper it is not hard to learn that almost every law Congress has passed since George Herbert Walker Bush was president they have conveniently put in provisions that the ‘new law’ does not apply to the US government and US Congress. Imagine that, lawmakers presuming they are immune from the laws they enact for other American citizens.

When criminals pass laws, isn’t that a convenient way out? They even did that regarding the Patriot Act and Patriot Act 2, FISA and NDAA as if they are the only patriots in America. That is so asinine it is beyond laughable when traitors, domestic terrorists, human rights violators, and war criminals exempt themselves from the laws they expect every other American to obey.

When the CIA Torture Report came out in this year, Congress and the White House rushed to grant blanket immunity to everyone involved. Thus far the only person to serve prison time for the illegal torture is the CIA analyst and whistleblower John Kiriakou that leaked that it was going on in violation of international law, the Geneva Conventions, and even common decency.

We were the terrorists and pointing that finger of blame at anyone the US chose to do so.

Washington DC is on no moral high ground whatsoever, but you would not know that from their bluster, press conferences and lying minions in government and MSM alike.

But Americans have another problem regarding how to conduct themselves in a ‘participatory representative democracy’. I have not seen the figures since I moved out of the US in June 2006, but when I announced for President in May 2005 for the 2008 campaign there were 71 to 72 million eligible voters that do not participate. It seems then and now they would rather bitch and whine about the election night results on the Blue States and Red States, and then the blowback of pathetic leadership rather than get out and do something about it.

That is more voters than either the RNC or DNC parties get for a major election every 4 years when the President, one-third of the Senate and the entire US Congress has to stand for re-election. Frankly, I cannot see one person in the White House, Senate or US House that deserves to even be there, much less ever be re-elected. I have never been a fan of rewarding mediocre to pathetic politicians, or liars, with my vote.

Apparently, even back in the early years of America, real voter participation was asleep at the helm and still is. Most Americans with a few brain cells working have at least heard of the Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776, still a national holiday) and there was a Revolutionary War because of it.

What far too few Americans know is only about 5% to 10% of the Colonists stood up for the fight that created the United States of America. The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson, one of the most remarkable documents ever written and only 5% to 10% picked up a gun and pushed Great Britain out.

The other 90% to 95% were just too worried about himself. To think that more than one-third of all eligible US voters take a powder on Election Day and then bitch and whine about the end results is a major problem that will not get fixed until they get off their butts and get engaged in fixing what is wrong.

The Neocons are why there is now no difference whatsoever between the RNC or DNC when it comes to US foreign policy and creating more and more ways to deprive you of the God given and constitutionally protected freedoms and liberties that America purports to stand for and wants the rest of the world to model itself on.

The Neocons stand for tyranny; not democracy, not freedom or liberty.

The above quote is telling and is what the problem is in Washington DC. I started off as a Conservative Southern Democrat but switched to Republican when Ronald Reagan came along, as did many of the conservative Democrats in the South. The reason we switched was two-fold.

First, Jimmy Carter and his policies did considerable harm to the US economy and his idiot of a National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski convinced Carter to create Al Qaeda as a means of stirring up dissension in the Islamic CIS region of the USSR that is now referred to as The Caspian Basin. That was the Neocon target and reason for September 11, 2001.

They lost and still trying to figure out how to resuscitate that 14 years dead idiot idea.

I guess if he tried Zbigniew Brzezinski could probably dream up a dumber plan than Al Qaeda and his idiot book “The Grand Chessboard” that the Neocons think is so cool.

My second reason is I could clearly see what the Clintons were up to and knew the Far Left in America was headed in the wrong direction.

Now I am neither Republican nor Democrat because neither party represents what is the true America where the rest of us live. I will always be a conservative.

Ron Paul may have said it best with “there are two political parties but only one policy”. The Neocons wanted it that way, and those who are behind them.

The Neocons and even the inner elite of Washington DC do not want real leadership. They want a hand puppet President and Corrupt Congress Critters that will continue to undermine the very fabric of the American democracy.

The following insight by Alexis de Tocqueville was already apparent even back in 1831 to 1833 when he was seeing America up close and personal.

There are real leaders in America far more qualified than Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush, but the only choice the voters are given are people that deserve no public office and no public trust. Trusting people like John McCain to do the right thing is akin to giving a hand grenade to a 3 year old and hoping for the best and the same applies to Hillary and Jeb, too.

McCain’s recent shallow apology where he said on Face the Nation he was “ashamed of our country, and our president and himself for not doing more to help Ukraine” rings very hollow and shallow since McCain was all for the illegal regime change in Kiev that led to the civil war. McCain was not apologizing for the deaths such illegal DC Neocon actions caused, just that we did not arm Kiev and pass out more hand grenades to 3 year olds.

So that my readers clearly understand why I have decided to put everything on the line and wage a media war against the Neocons is for the following two reasons.

That was the objective of Neocon Business Plan 101, but it has failed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine. Neocon Business Plan 201 is trying to lure Europe into arming and war with Russia.

The Neocons are so arrogant than cannot envision a world where there are more than one Superpower. That China, Russia, the BRIC and even EU and an arising South America gaining in power and economic influence is why you see them now grasping and lashing in every direction.

The entire world is not the enemy, the Neocons are the enemy.

That statement above from “Democracy in America” is exactly why the Neocons have pushed not only for their Idiotic Business Plan but parallel with that undermining in every way possible the entire concepts of freedom and liberty. The Neocons are for the most part Zionists, too, and are after total subjugation of the American people; freedom and liberty be damned.

For that, we all have the Neocons to blame for this policy coup that has done irreparable harm to America at home and abroad.

By my estimate, it will take at least 2 generations to fix the damage done and the debts that have been heaped on Americans with a Neocon game plan that is totally insane. That is if Washington DC were to stop right now and change directions, but I know all too well they will not stop, change directions or even contemplate doing so. They are too arrogant to admit how tragically wrong their brain fart has been.

They will keep at it until they have destroyed America before they will admit to even one lie or one mistake, or one error in judgment, or one wrong they have done.

However, this is my biggest grievance against the Neocons because they have destroyed the esteem that America was once held in due to it being in the past a model to emulate on freedom and liberty.

America is no longer great because America is no longer good, a quote and a warning dating back to 1835 about our nation. It now stands for nothing that is honorable, ethical, or has a character worth emulating.

For that, we can all point the finger of blame at the Neocons as the guilty parties of who wanted and connived for such changes in the nature of America, and is why I say they have to go. Every one of them needs to be kicked out and focus on fixing the damage they have done.

Many of them deserve to face charges of treason, human rights violations, willfully aiding and abetting terrorism, illegal unjust (and inexcusable) wars of aggression, murder, illegal regime change and war crimes. That is exactly why Obama and Congress have scrambled to issue immunity for many of the key Neocons after the CIA Torture Report came out.

So, the history lesson is over and in the coming months myself and an entire team of people will expose these Neocons as the despicable subhuman Americans they are.

Do not be surprised as this effort includes exposing who the Neocons are in other places like Israel, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Brussels and the EU itself, the Pentagon, NATO and now in Ukraine. They are even trying to plant (regime change) other Neocons in places like Syria, Russia, Brazil, Venezuela, and India as part of their effort to pull their train wreck out of the river.

These clowns are not invincible, they are just hard to clearly identify. My team will provide that information so you can see them better and know who are the real enemies of democracy, freedom and liberty and even peace and prosperity.

They have destroyed a nation that was worth admiring and have turned it into the pariah of this world. No one should forgive them for that vile act.


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