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Suffering Is Inevitable! Enjoy The Suffering!
Part 1

By Dr J S Chiappalone
My Motto - Take It Or Leave It


This is both a metaphysical and prosaic explanation of why we are all suffering more and more as time passes, and as we approach the End for this sorrow-filled planet!

Please note, this essay is somewhat esoteric in parts.

It would assist readers of my essays if they were to become familiar with my previous publications.

There are many essays and articles on the Jeff Rense Site and on my website.


Do not buy books purported to be written by me that are sold on

They are illegal copies, not authorized by me, not sold by me.

I cannot vouch for their content.

This criminal activity is the work of two Vulturite Reptilians, the most evil of the Reptilians, the vilest of demons, and they go by the name of Amitakh Ng and a felon, convicted in the USA, called Steven Bertch, who now calls himself Steffan Stanford. They are in collusion with 2 other demons called Cheri Fowler and Alan South.

They are to be transmuted very, very soon.



The entire Physical Universe, 96% of which has already been dismantled by the Sons and Daughters of Light, is an illegal structure that is very evil by its very nature and has acted as a prison for a number of Light Beings trapped in it by the illicit Evil Essence that spawned it.

Whether you believe this or not is irrelevant.

What is happening is happening for this very reason.

We are in the last 4% to be demolished, and your arguing about it is a definitive sign of utter ignorance and profound stupidity.

Such traits of Ignorance and Stupidity I found most prominent in the High Priests of Cultivated Ignorance who run the Allopathic Medical System in Australia,

In their frequent attempts to oust me, the Medical Board of Queensland, the state in which I now reside, described my writings about Aliens, UFOs and world changes as ‘outrageous, irrational and deluded.

Alas, everything I have said and written has proven to be true and these fools will shortly die physically and spiritually, severely regretting their idiocy.

I no longer have patience for fools.


All of us that incarnate into a physical body must undergo a process of spiritual awakening. As this body began to awaken long ago, my Friend in Higher Places (my Higher Self) said to me:

Suffering is now inevitable for ALL on Earth; enjoy the Suffering!’

In other words, this was told to me so that it would be taken as a sign that things can only get better for some of us after this terminating cycle of physical destruction,

Suffering is inevitable, as we realize, once we spiritually awaken even just a little to what is going on.

And to enjoy it, per se, is not the real issue.

The real issue is to enjoy the process in which we find ourselves, namely the End of Physicality and in the true meaning of Suffering and its termination in that process.

Seeing the ultimate END of Suffering is the only way we can, in a sense, enjoy the Suffering we must pre force undergo, even as it multiplies the more we awaken.

Those whom I have called ‘Viables’, the consciousnesses of people and beings, including all Consciousness in all Classes, who will spiritually survive what is about to happen to Earth (and to the entire Galaxy) will be attacked more and more when they are identified as the enemies of Evil!

Make no mistake about it, Evil built this abomination called the Physical Universe and in a moment of foolish folly, entrapped Light Beings within it.

Yes, indeed, there are Light Beings and Beings of Darkness that share this Universe.

We are to witness the resolution of the Battle of Light against Darkness, with the total obliteration of Darkness and all its structures and progeny, which includes various robotic beings, hybrids and the vilest of beings called Demons.

Today as I write this, the Human population consists of

  • 64% of bodies that have demonic infiltration,

  • 9% that are robotic Viables, and

  • the remainder are non-viable, evil-created robots and hybrids robots.

The number of True Beings (genuine Theomorphic beings) on Earth is only a few hundred. Most were evacuated in November 1999 as I reported in my essay called ‘Phase of the Shells’ at that time.

For more complete explanations, please read my website and/or my authentic books available as eBooks directly from me at


The fraudulent excuses for SUFFERING on this level are ridiculous and are part of the Evil scenario which we accept when we know no better.

Thus, Nature itself portrays a need for suffering in order to evolve.

That, of course, should never have been the case.

Why should any individual, regardless of its Class of Consciousness, be made to suffer in order to benefit another?

It just does not make sense.

And yet, that is (Evil) Nature’s way.

And we are taught to accept it from earliest days of our lives.

Many systems that appear ‘Normal’ in the Evil Illusion, and are thrust upon us as normal are, of course, Evil Mechanisms for Suffering.

Think of the Class Systems, Slavery, the Caste System in India, discrimination based on Race, Colour of Skin, Bank Balances, Education, etc., etc.

Only when we awaken to our Gnostic Wisdom (only few have this internal Divine Knowledge) do we see that Suffering is a conspirational mechanism for feeding the Evil Essence which in turn is a Pathological Parasite, greedily extracting energy from those that have it, in order to feed its progeny and sustain its existence.

If you are thinking of the movie Matrix, which was based on a Japanese Gnostic Comic, you are on the ball.

Suffering is inbuilt into the Evil System.

That is why it is unavoidable.

As you know, there are other Levels of Consciousness which spy on this one, and one of them keeps us under constant surveillance lest we awaken spiritually.

When we do awaken in the correct manner, mechanisms of greater suffering are initiated against the awakener in order to literally destroy him or her, for the individual has the potential to become an active participant for the Light against the Evil State.

Once awakened, many Light Workers are attacked severely.

Some are subjected to serious attempts to kill them via accidents, disasters, shootings, etc.

The Evil System could not progress without Suffering.

Have you realized that?

It needs its daily quota of energy, extracted from those that have it (the trapped True Beings and viable robots) in all the lower classes of Consciousness, in order to be stable, for it has no Energy Source of its own.

Not having an Energy Source of its own is the fundamental reason why Evil was doomed from its very inception, as we shall see.

This knowledge, that it can run out of energy and implode, is the knowledge of its inevitable Termination!

In previous writings, and above, I stated that as far as Earth is concerned, about one billion True Beings were spiritually evacuated in November 1999.

What that meant for Evil was a great shock and precipitation into a panic mode..

It reduced the illegal harvest of energy from True Beings precipitously.

But Evil (a real consciousness, an entity known as Yahweh, Jehovah, Saklas - the Fool, Yaldabaoth, Satan, the Devil, etc., has known all along from its accidental inception, at a moment called the Celestial Error, that it is doomed.

After 1999’s evacuation of the majority of True Light Beings, all the Evil Essence controlling this Planet could do under those circumstances was to increase the degree of suffering imposed on those that remained in order to sustain itself with the diminishing amount of pilfered energy, stolen from the few that remained on earth.

Thus, you will clearly note that from that date, SUFFERING, in the form of Wars, Starvation, poisoning of land, air and seas, ubiquitous oppression, and TERROR, has increased exponentially.

Of course, the Law of Diminishing returns applies.

The less the number who have the energy to be exploited, the less the harvest, and the greater the need to exploit even more often and more cruelly. And this is, in fact, what we, with eyes opened, have observed.

A classical example of this increasing exploitation and of imposed suffering by EVIL on peoples of Earth is the action of the Satanic Nation called the USA (it was dedicated to Satan at its inception in 1776). It is run by the most evil of the Reptilians, the Vulturites.

I declared the takeover of the USA by these Reptilians, the worst of the evil Reptilians, in a Radio Show with Jeff Rense in the later 1990s, just before George Bush Jr was about to take the reins.

His pusillanimous excuse for what he then began, the War of Terror, can be seen in this quote:

Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorist.”

Subsequent events have clearly shown the Bush Administration, with many other accomplices, including Zionists, was responsible for the carnage called 9/11 which allowed the spurious justification for the unilateral destruction of many Nations for the purpose of stealing energy, while the other shocked Nations cowered under their collective kitchen tables, too frightened to raise the slightest protest, inspite of the fact that they had evidence to show the USA , via the few in charge, murdered its own people for selfish gains.

Thus began the Reign of Terror and the never-ending imposed Suffering that continue to this day!

It all comes back to spiritual energy.

Without it, nothing can work.

And that is how EVIL is going to implode very, very soon!

If you are much like the New Age groups and don’t believe in Evil, I will categorically state that you are an idiot, a spiritual failure, and you will be soon destroyed in body, mind, and spirit. There is nowhere for you to go. You will be transmuted.

I reiterate, as soon as the Zionist driven Vulturite Reptilians took control of the USA, which had previously been under the control of slightly less brutal but still evil Reptilians, lies were created to allow destruction of many Nations with the subsequent wealth and energy harvest expected to keep the wheels of Evil on this level turning.

You all know the sequence: Iraq, Afghanistan, the Arab States, etc., etc.

The process of causing suffering to a maximal number of people had to continue for the energy harvest was lower and lower since there were fewer and fewer True Beings from whom to exploit the much needed energy.

Being nourished by the New Green Energy, which I have written about often, the Viables no longer needed supplies of the energy that Evil wanted.

Hence, no more supplies of it reached Earth.

Thus, not being able to use the Green New Energy, and being unable to access the energy it needed, Evil was, and is, obviously being starved to death.

But, the Evil Mind is as stupid as it is Evil.

Hence, it found more and more ways to increase suffering. But, according to the Law of Diminishing returns that I quoted above, the more it tried to exploit, the less it got.

The energy is just not there anymore.

Now you see why the great Satan, the USA, the largest consumer of energy, required ISIS to be created and cause more and more suffering!

That is why it orchestrated, via demons like George Soros, the inundation of Europe with mainly non-Viable robots and demons in the form of war refugees who would cause chaos, and much more suffering, to the nations that were literally invaded.

The USA is also a target for this, as you must know by now.

But these measures were still not enough to flush out the much needed energy..

So the Evil controllers on this level turned their minds to the captured people they held within their borders.

Thus, the many attacks and episodes of fragmentation that are occurring in the USA and spreading to other nations that support it, are deliberate attempts to make the people trapped within those borders suffer and expend energy.

Everything will simply get worse, especially for citizens of the USA.

Read what this article says about employment:

Based on income, I set the fully employed rate at 60%, and the marginally employed/unemployed rate at 40%”

Is the Evil Elite stealing money in the form of Pensions, bank accounts, mortgages?

Are they destroying housing, reducing jobs, sending jobs away to cheaper labour in other countries, cutting crops, charging exorbitantly for water (and soon they will charge for air ­ if there is time), collapsing industries, harassing the people with false stories of biological terror (Zika, Ebola, etc.,) and targeting them with deadly vaccines.

Here are 2 examples:

Experts Admit Zika Threat is a Fraud


West African Ebola Outbreak is a Hoax:


Murdered Holistic Doctors Discovered

Cancer-Causing Enzyme Being Added to All Vaccines

Vaccines Have Serious Side Effects - The Institute of Medicine Says So!




Thus we can clearly see that Suffering is a tool of Evil.

It is NOT a natural manifestation at all.

It is a purposeful, evil manifestation.


The Evil Essence manifests as a nasty, self-limiting fool!

This energy starvation process, by which Evil will be destroyed, imposed on it by the Corrective Procedure of the Light, is not limited to Earth by any means.

Thus, Evil finds itself short of energy in all sectors of what remains of the Physical Universe ­ the prison it built for itself and the True Spirits it captured.

I have told you previously, as early as 1985 in my books, that the major part of the Material Universe has been reduced to inert natter (Dark Matter).

We are in the last remaining 4% of the Physical Universe.

Evil, in its attempt to grasp what little energy it can in order to remain viable just a little longer, is sending out destructive, punitive measures to the remaining 4%.

Its actions are the last gasp of a dying ‘individual’.

What are those last attempts?

The dirty wind coming from the Centre of the Galaxy, our Milky Way, as I mentioned in a Radio Show with Jeff Rense in 2012, is a manifestation of these attempts.

These dirty winds, in the form of massive, punitive Plasma Waves, that are disrupting everything through which they pass, are destroying, little by little, everything that remains.

That is why the planets in our Solar System are being set aglow, with their Schumann Resonance rising higher and higher, as they heat up and have increased luminosity. It is a dying process, imposed on them, and this planet also, of course, by their creator, the Evil Essence.

It is stupidity of the greatest degree.

It can be likened to traumatizing a bedridden, dying patient in the hope the trauma will awaken him and keep him alive longer, when, in fact, the trauma is hastening his demise.

And the less energy Evil recovers from the suffering it imposes, the stronger the waves will be made, thus self-limiting the process even more and accelerating the fracturing process which we see all around us.

On Earth we see this suicidal action by Evil as the heating of the crust, and the subterranean lava, in the increasing volcanic activity, in the ever-increasing Earthquakes, and in the instability that spells DOOM.

These plasma waves are taking their toll on unprotected minds also. Thus we have Terminal Madness of the Endtime as a result of too little supportive energy for the Evil Ones, and the shattering of their minds by these all ­penetrating Plasma Waves that are meant to fracture everything they meet!

Viables are protected from this Terminal Madness by the aforementioned New Green Energy which many on the true Spiritual Path have been able to acknowledge.

Thus, even discounting the effects of Planet X, the Earth is doomed.

None of this will make much sense to the fools, the non-Viables.

But never mind, they will still be subjected to the horror they imposed on others.

There is no escape for Evil Failures.

They don’t deserve mercy, for they showed none to their victims, ever!

Even though my words may not make much sense to them at the moment, they will become acutely aware of the termination of their lives and the entire Physical Paradigm, in which they punished others and in which true spirits were imprisoned against their will.

In other words, by its evil actions in an attempt to stay alive, Evil is perversely destroying itself even faster than ever.

And the suffering from such action on all Levels of Consciousness is unavoidable.

The erratic nature of Planets, Constellations such as Planet X, Comets, Meteors, etc., now being witnessed, will bring local and distal destruction.

It is our lot, and Earth’s, to be destroyed physically by the Planet X Constellation and its contents, including its poisonous iron oxide dust.

Variability in its position, velocity and aggressiveness has not allowed an accurate estimation of its arrival into our neighbourhood. But it can be stated that anywhere between August this year, 2016, and September 2017 will see the horrendous physical changes that will liberate the Viables from this physical prison and send the non-Viables into the Termination Chambers (Transmutation Vats) which I had mentioned previously that serve to transmute them into nothingness.

The extremely evil beings should not take solace in the thought that they will be dust without pain or fear.

Their transmutation will include the process of having their minds trapped in an Eternal Moment of Horror, in which they will relive and suffer all the pain and misery they purposely imposed on others.

It is called Divine Justice.

Each will get exactly what it deserves.


Those of us to continue should willingly and joyously go through the suffering of the Last Days for we know exactly what all this really means:


Do not be trapped by the religious pornographers!

They claim they will save your soul, anybody’s soul, by uttering mere words.

"Gess-uss save me!”

Their account of the Christ is fraudulent.

All on this Earth were judged as Viable or non-Viable in 1999.

In other words, the Final Judgement has occurred!

There is nothing any failure can do to attain spiritual salvation.

These pseudo-religious conmen and fools are an evil mockery and part of the Illusion.

Don’t give them money.

They are after your energy and money.

As you will finds out shortly, your reaction to my words is a reflection of the Final Judgement of your spiritual worthiness.

I don’t say that lightly or jokingly.

You will all see soon enough the veracity of what I say and write.


What I have written about Suffering and the Finality that is upon us cannot be speculation, for the End is obvious for those with eyes to see.

Why do I know so much about this End and the process for Termination of Evil and Correction of the Celestial Error that spawned Evil?

I” was there before the Error occurred, and “I” have been involved with the destruction of the 96% of the Physical Universe which has thus far been liquidated.

Before you make a fool of yourselves by attacking me in your total ignorance, note that I obviously don’t mean ‘me’, this physical Body.

I” means the Higher Consciousness that uses this body.

You don’t like what I write?

My Motto is “Take it or Leave it!”

I won’t lose any sleep over your thoughts or words.

But, if you are a failure, you will lose lots of sleep over my words.


I should mention two other very important evil mechanisms of exploitation being used on this Earth.

  1. Pornography, specifically promoted by Hollywood and its controlling demonic creeps, is to extract as much energy as possible from the people trapped in that pastime.

  2. Hollywood movies with demonic content and their emphasis on brutality, violence, sex, revenge, and murder are also a mechanism for energy extraction.

Some years ago I predicted that Hollywood’s movies would become more and more demonic and non-sensically violent, and that has proven to be the case.



All levels of Consciousness, including Class 4 (Humanity) are involved in a Termination Process.

The remaining 4% of the Physical Universe, an illicit structure, is being destroyed and so are our physical bodies of expression. 96% is already gone.

This includes the Astral and Etheric Planes around Earth and each remaining planet.

Also being totally eradicated are the many evil Alien Groups, such as the Zeta and Pleiadians, etc., that have had a hand in our physical evolution.

This outcome, of total destruction of the Physical, and the judgement of all Units of Consciousness into Viable and non-Viable, was predicted at the very beginning of the illicit Physical Dimension some 50 billion years ago.

The fact that most people do not remember any of this is no excuse to deny what I am revealing here about the End.

The more severely we now suffer and the more clearly we see the unmistakeable fragmentation, the closer the End will be.

Governments and the Elite have tried to blind us to the presence of Planet X and its consequences. That was one reason for Chemtrail spraying ­ the blind people enough so the skies could not be seen clearly.

BTW, again on a Jeff Rense Show I predicted the occurrence of Chemtrails before they even had a name and before spraying began. That shows you I know what is going on and I know the outcomes.

Governments have tried to hide the significance of Plasma Waves which are fracturing our Sun even.

They have tried to minimize the significance of the massive numbers of Earthquakes, of volcanic eruptions, of sink holes, of lava temperatures rising, etc.

They have tried to minimize the significance of Earth’s Internal Warming and instead, in their greedy, evil ways, have wanted to blame people and human pollution, and to tax them for this spurious nonsense for their own gain.

Human efforts are useless in any attempt to alter this Process of Finality.

Most Aliens who have contacted Humanity’s leaders are themselves evil.

They are escaped convicts from areas that were previously erased.

No one can stop the Process of Finalization.

Time is flexible, but this Planet will cease to exist well before 2035, the date I gave as the outer limit in 1985.

Every Unit of Consciousness, regardless in which physical expression it finds itself, be it a molecule of a pebble or in a human, has been assessed as either Viable or otherwise.

That decision is final.

No one can barter the outcome for themselves.

This Process of Finalization, with destruction of all that remains of the Physical Universe, cannot be stopped.


J Chiappalone

Copyright June 8, 2016




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