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Will Trump End Obama's War On Syria?

By Stephen Lendman

Following months of planning, Obama waged war on Syria. It’s no civil conflict as falsely reported - one of many Big Lies about what’s ongoing.

US-supported jihadist death squads are used as imperial foot soldiers - supplemented by Pentagon-led “coalition” terror-bombing of government sites, vital infrastructure, civilian targets, and at least one willful attack on Syrian forces.

Trump earlier said “we’ve destabilized the Middle East and it’s a mess.” Will he end US aggression, partnering with Russian and Syrian forces to combat ISIS and other terrorist groups?

Assad called him a “natural ally” if fighting terrorism instead of supporting it like Obama - adding, “for us it’s…dubious whether he can…live up to his promises…That’s why we are very cautious in judging him.”

If he’s “genuine…of course we are going to be a natural ally…” His political and media advisor Bouthaina Shaaban said Damascus is “read(y) to open channels of communication (if he’s) balanced and sensible.”

“We are currently observing and studying…(W)e are not making any judgments now, but the signs so far are good.”

Shaaban expressed concern about Washington reneging on cessation of hostilities and conflict resolution terms with Moscow. “How can it open any files with others,” she asked?

Syria wants international law observed, no one interfering in its internal affairs, and outrageous media bias ended.

“Few companies are in charge of Western media, and 90% of Arab media are owned by Saudi Arabia,” Shaaban said. They’re “targeting Syria and want to destroy it. That’s why we have to find media and research centers that are not controlled by Western media.”

Candidate Trump said America should focus on fixing itself, not “nation-building.” At the same time, he indicated a willingness to deploy military power “(i)f there’s a problem going on in the world” America can solve.

He called Obama’s intervention in Syria ill-considered. “We cannot go around to every country that we’re not exactly happy with and say we’re we’re going to” fix things, he said.

“It hasn’t worked.” No US intervention succeeded. “Look what happened in Iraq. (It’s) a disaster…” Trump called ISIS the enemy in Syria, not Assad.

Will incumbency change his position? Will his national security team push him to continue aggression? Will he keep campaign promises to go another way geopolitically or continue policies he opposed while campaigning?

We don’t know and won’t until after he’s inaugurated. Changing longstanding US policy isn’t easy for any president - no matter how strong-willed.

A Final Comment

According to Syrian military expert Salim Harba, Russian operations against ISIS and al-Nusra fighters in Idlib and Homs provinces are part of a larger-scale offensive to include eastern Aleppo.

It’s “also aimed at blocking aid to terrorists (under siege) in the city, he said. Meanwhile, reports indicate government forces began attacking parts of eastern Aleppo ahead of a larger-scale offensive to begin in days.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at

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