Binge Drinking Said
Tied To Full Moon
By Allan Hall in Berlin

The Moon has long been credited with powers to pull the tides, awaken werewolves and inspire romantic novelists.
Now a study by German scientists suggests that it is responsible for binge drinking.Researchers in Baden-Württemberg studied police reports for 50 new and full Moon cycles.
They say that a definite pattern of increased consumption occurred, resulting in more arrests for drunkenness and of motorists driving while under the influence.
Hans-Joachim Mittmeyer of the University of Tübingen and Norbert Filipp from the Health Institute of Reutlingen suggested that the lesson to be learnt from the findings was to "leave your car keys at home when the Moon is out".
In an essay entitled Alcohol Consumption and the Moon's Influence, the team say that they studied the police arrest reports and blood-alcohol tests of 16,495 people.
More of those with an excess of 2ml of alcohol per 100ml of blood inside them - drunk, according to German law - were caught by police during the five-day full Moon cycle.
On average 175 drink-drivers per day were caught in two German states two days before a full Moon, 161 were caught during the full Moon cycle and the figure dropped to about 120 per day at other times.
"The results show there is a definite correlation between new and full Moons and the amount of alcohol consumed," Herr Mittmeyer said. "There are too many parallels for it to be just a coincidence."
Wolfgang Meyer, an astronomer from Berlin, agreed in part with the findings of the report, saying: "The idea of the Moon influencing alcohol consumption is not a false one. But I don't know whether this is an absolute law."
Herr Meyer added: "Perhaps there is another element to it - that the Moon has some effect on the police forces and makes them more alert to catch drunks."


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