Neuro-Technology Revolution -
Mind Machines Doing
Many Things
Self-Induced One-ness or Euphoria or Behavior Modification
From Fouche Media Associates
Brain Waves Can EASILY Be Measured, Tracked, Changed and Induced--from the hyper-alertness frequency of Gamma, to the normal consciousness of Beta, to the relaxing calm state of Alpha, to the vivid imagery and creativity of Theta, to the sleep range of Delta--using machines and software based on the latest technological discoveries. Excellent proven machines and software range from $50 to $300--amazingly inexpensive, considering the enormous R&D investment and effectiveness of this technology.
Don't You Wish a Computer Could Motivate You To Achieve Your Goals, prod you to make long-overdue behavior changes, and help you relax or be more creative when you need to? Significant advances in the understanding of the human brain have been achieved in the last twenty years. A simple overview of brain wave states and neuro-technology is important, so you can choose which revolutionary state-of-the-art process or technology is right for you.
Research, With Amazing Results, Using Light & Sound or Mind Machine technology (Entrainment, Photic, Brain Wave Synchronization, and EEG driving systems) with patients suffering from depression, ADD, dyslexia, autism, PTSD, stress, sleep disorders, and many other medical and psychological disorders, is on-going. This research is being conducted by the National Institute of Health, National Institute of Mental Health, VA, and by a number of universities, institutions and researchers. Entrainment is the ability of human brain waves to synchronize with external stimuli such as specific flashing lights and pulsing sound at brain wave frequencies.
Neuro-technology Refers To Non-evasive Techniques and Devices Which automatically produce change in human brain wave states. Intelligence level, personality type, motivation, or physical condition are not relevant factors in achieving a stress-free environment, increasing your learning and memory potential, opening channels of creativity or problem solving, or meditating at will. You can experience deep restful sleep, stress relieving relaxation, change dysfunctional thinking, and change your behavior all simply by putting on a pair of Light frames, or you can do similar things and work on your goals and behavior modification using specific software.
Ancient Cave Dwelling Peoples Were Mesmerized by the Flickering of Fire Light and twinkling stars, and myriad traditions and myths sprung from this mystical reverence. Shamans evoked chants while whirling torches or dancing in the fire-light, inducing trance-like states in believers. Harner, a noted anthropologist, reported that drumming frequencies in the Theta (4-8 cycles per second) range were predominate during the Shamanic Initiation State.
The Ensuing History of Changing Brain Waves With Audible Beats or Flashing Lights (at two to thirty cycles per second) evolved from these meager beginnings. In 125 A.D. Apuleius discovered that rotating a potter's wheel with a light behind it caused a flickering light that produced a rare form of what is now called photosensitive epilepsy. Ptolemy reveled in the discovery of a form of euphoria produced from a slow spinning wheel with sun light flickering through it. He documented feelings of euphoria in observers, which was accompanied by their experiencing visual patterns and colors appearing in their eyes. Pierre Janet, a French psychologist, experimented with a rescripting process using flickering lights to reduce hysteria and anxiety in patients.
From Chanting Came Prayer, Typically Used to Focus and Calm the Mind, promote healing, or invoke the blessing of a deity. In virtually every culture and religion throughout history, there has been a tradition of some kind of meditation or chanting prayer. The repetition of simple actions and or phrases, or swaying, dancing, or chanting, or the repetition of rhythmic sounds, are usually part of this process. The devotee continues the process or mantra until a change in consciousness or higher state of spiritual awareness is achieved. These type rituals successfully effect a relaxation response and a feeling of euphoria in dedicated practitioners.
We Westerners Are Usually Too Impatient to Achieve Oneness' From Meditation,although some claim this existential leap through prayer. Our unfocused, impatient, and wandering consciousness and instant gratification and expectation' mentality is unarguably the flaw. What is needed is a process where oneness' or euphoria' can be induced extraneously in a person by outward means so that these states can be achieved.
Scientists Experimenting With Strobe Lights and New Brain Measuring Technology in the 30s and 40s observed they could alter brain wave levels and activity in subjects using electronic strobe lights at specific brain wave frequencies. Repetition of flickering or strobing light stimulation caused brain waves to follow the observed stimuli frequencies. This effect of frequency following' by brain waves is now called Entrainment.' This scientific phenomena is the foundation for Light & Sound devices, Mind Machine technology and Neurosync software.
A Primitive 'Dream Machine' Was Developed, and States of Relaxation, graphic visualization, trance-meditation, feelings of euphoria, and intuitive problem solving were all observed and associated with specific flashing frequencies. Five brain wave states were discovered; Delta Waves producing sleep, at .5 to 3 cycles per second; Theta Waves producing imagery, reverie, and meditation, at 4 to 8 cps; Alpha producing relaxation, problem solving, and creativity, at 8 to 12 cps; Beta producing alertness and concentration at 13 to 30 cps; and Gamma producing hyper alertness at 30 cps upward.
CIA and DoD Covert Human Experiments and Research Promoted many of the early advances in Mind Control Neuro-technology.
The CIA Discovered That Each Brainwave State' Can Be ALTERED and directed by external stimuli, including: Light and or sound Entrainment', electromagnetic fields, radio and micro waves, extremely low frequency waves, radiation, and resonated frequencies. In the early 1950s, the CIA engaged in an extensive program of human experimentation--using drugs, psychological, and other means in search of techniques to control human behavior in search of a Manchurian Candidate.'
Senate Hearings Revealed That "the CIA Engaged In a Program of Domestic Human experimentation from the 1950s into the 1970s." and "As appropriate to investigation under the MK-ULTRA charter, including radiation, electroshock. various fields of psychology, sociology, and anthropology, graphology, harassment substances, and paramilitary devices and materials." (Quotes from: Interim Report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments)
MK-ULTRA, PROJECT ARTICHOKE, and BLUEBIRD Were Programs "...concerned with research and development of chemical, biological, and Radiological' materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior" while testing various narcotics, chemicals, microwaves, magnetic energy and hypnosis. Unfortunately, the program included unwitting experimentation on humans. Executive orders by Presidents Carter and Reagan now prohibit non-voluntary experiments on humans.
Headlines Read: "Mind Expansion Criminalized," "LSD Research Halted," "Hallucinogen Use Increasing." Consciousness explorers and Professional Researchers in the 60s and 70s began experimenting with the mind-altering properties of hallucinogenic drugs. Phenomenal Successes In Treating Substance Abuse, Autism, Depression, Aggressiveness, and similar disorders were documented in clinical trials in California during the 60s-70s on tens of thousands of voluntary patients. In spite of this, the government banned all Hallucinogenic drugs and classified them as having NO MEDICAL VALUE--then pressured other governments to do the same. Consequently, during the previous two decades there has been very limited research on mind-expanding drugs, as scientists and researchers find it almost impossible to procure FDA approval for continued research in this area. However, any school- age child can easily acquire numerous varieties of mind expanding drugs.
Ways Of Producing Altered States Without Drugs Proliferated Alongside Drug experimentation in the tumultuous (Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out) 60s and 70s. Dr. J Kamiya at a California Neuro-psychiatric Institute heralded in the Alpha biofeedback age, while others explored the psychedelic effects of pulsed light and sound. Conscious mind control of autonomic responses was demonstrated by Jack Schwarz during his investigation of the phenomena of brain's frequency following effect and hemispheric synchronization, or Entrainment.' He produced ISIS, one of many prototype mind control devices which use changing flashing lights and pulsed sounds at brain wave frequencies to produce targeted brain mental states.
Advances In Microelectronics Allowed Scientists to Build Many Mind Machines with preprogrammed mental states, allowing users to change brain wave states quickly and effortlessly. Third and fourth generation mind machines and software are now available.
Brain Waves Are The Electrical Wave Patterns Generated In Every Person's Brain. Your brain is a biochemical neurological processor that gives off electrical signals, or Brain Waves, as tens of millions of electrochemical circuits open and close each second. Brain wave states are observed as patterns detectable with an electroencephalograph or EEG. Brain electrical patterns and voltage changes that are similar in general rhythm or pulsation rate are categorized as specific brain wave states--Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma--which fluctuate on conscious, subconscious, and unconscious levels. Every brain wave state is produced consecutively with one predominate state at each level of consciousness which can be entrained using Mind Machines. Each brain wave state is distinctly different, as is its association with perception, processing, storing, retrieving, and using information.
With the Appropriate Behavioral Modification Software or Mind Machine You Can Change Your Own Brain Wave States. Researchers not connected with the government discovered that many of the positive beneficial effects of hallucinogenics were achievable without drugs. Covert hypnotic and tranquilizing procedures that blurred or erased memories were rejected in favor of safe and open user-controlled, personal mind exploration and expansion' devices.
Users Discovered They Could Effectively Target Specific Brain Wave States At Home or in clinical environments using Mind Machines, and easily experience bliss, memory enhancement-recollection, increased creativity and problem solving abilities, emotional and physical healing, and enhanced athletic and sexual performance. Learning self induced control of involuntary physiological functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, immune systems, body temperature, and hormone levels is possible once specific brain wave states are achieved.
Reports Made the Cover of Forbes FYI Magazine and Labeled These Entrainment Experiences "Brain Cocktails," while other news articles have referred to them as; Mind Massage,' Braintrainment,' User Controlled Mind-Expansion,' Brain Gain' Tripping On a Chip,' Behavior Modification R Us,' and a brain spa.' These Mind Machines are known by various names: Light & Sound Devices, Entrainment Machines, Brain Wave Synchronization, Neurosync M.I.M.E.Behavior Modification Software, and Photic Stimulators. Decades of clinical and experimental testing have scientifically proven that a wide range of mental and physical benefits can be achieved with regular use of these aids.
Take Up To Twenty Years To Learn How To Meditate Like a Zen Monk-- Or Us the new generation of portable Light & Sound machines and innovative software programs now available and discover how can control your own Brain Waves like a Zen monk in minutes.
Brain Machines 'Entrain' Your Brainwave Activity With Flashing Light and Sound stimuli provided by computer generated programs. This enables the user to create desired brainwave states at will within minutes. Software programs such as Neurosync operate while other software programs are being used, allowing beneficial effects while you work or play. Neurosync is the only product that uses both visual entrainment and sublimingl messaging.