Freemasons Set To
Reveal Secrets On
The Net m
LONDON - A group of British freemasons " a secretive society famed for its men-only membership and behind-the-scenes influence " is set to reveal the world of the secret handshake on the Internet.
Members of the freemasons' Bradford lodge in northern England said on Friday theirs was the most sophisticated Web site of the United Grand Lodge of England and believed it was the first to broadcast footage of their meetings on the worldwide web.
They hope that by selling a video of their meetings they will help rid the organization of its reputation for secrecy and unusual traditions.
"It's very important to let people know there is a positive side to the freemasons when there has been such negative comment over the past few years,'' said spokesman Keith Madeley.
"We're in the process of dispelling all the myths and misconceptions surrounding our organization. The film removes the veil of secrecy which is said to exist around freemasonry.''
The Bradford Web site also has interviews with freemasons and answers some of the questions frequently asked about the secrecy of the organization.
Surfers can visit the Web site at