America Disintegrating -
First Grader Kills Schoolmate
In Classroom
MT. MORRIS TOWNSHIP, Mich. (Reuters) - A 6-year-old boy armed with a stolen gun on Tuesday shot and killed his classmate, a girl his age, with a single bullet through the neck, the latest in a series of shootings in American schools.
Police and witnesses said the boy showed off the .32 caliber handgun to other students while the first grade class and the teacher were leaving the classroom. He pointed it at another boy, then whirled around and shot Kayla Rolland once through the neck.
The boy then ran out of the classroom and into a nearby bathroom, pursued by a teacher and others who recovered the gun from a trash can. Law enforcement officials said the first graders had quarreled the previous day, and parents said the boy had a history of fighting with other students.
"I think it's sad. She wasn't old enough to die. She didn't have a life yet," said Amy Lamoreaux, 15, who baby-sat Rolland and described her as a happy child who liked to play with baby dolls.
"If it can happen in elementary, it can happen to the other schools here," Lamoreaux said. She said she would ask her parents to take her out of the local school district.
The shooting at Buell Elementary School, located north of Flint, Michigan, in a working class neighborhood, prompted President Clinton to challenge presidential candidates to make gun control a bigger issue in the upcoming election.
"The child was six years old, how did that child get that gun? Why could the child fire the gun? If we have the technology today to put in these child safety locks why don't we do it," Clinton said at a fund-raising lunch in Manalapan, Fla.
The boy is believed to be the youngest gunmen in a spate of school shootings in the United States in recent years.
In April 1999, two Columbine High School students in Littleton, Colorado, went on a shooting rampage, killing 12 other students and a teacher before committing suicide in the worst school shooting in U.S. history.
A month later a student opened fire at Heritage High School near Conyers, Georgia, injuring six schoolmates before being taken into custody.
Police said the gun used in Tuesday's shooting was reported stolen in December from the Mt. Morris area, hit hard by cutbacks in the area by the automotive industry. Authorities were still investigating how the youngster obtained the gun, adding that the owner of the firearm could face felony manslaughter charges.
Flint television stations reported that the shooter's father and grandfather were in prison on gun-related charges. Late Tuesday, police confiscated guns and ammunition from a house near the school. Some television stations identified as the firearms as belonging to the boy's mother or his uncle.
Prosecutors said an altercation took place in the playground between the boy and the girl the day before the shooting, which occurred around 10 a.m. EST.
"There may have been some sort of scuffle, or quarrel on the playground the day before the shooting between this little boy and this little girl," Arthur Busch, Genesee County Michigan Prosecutor told a news conference.
Busch said that because of the suspected shooter's age, he is legally too young to form the intent to kill and be held criminally responsible for his actions. The boy was in the custody of the Michigan Family Independence Agency.
"Obviously he has done a very terrible thing today, but legally, he can't be held responsible in the criminal justice system," Busch said.
The girl was pronounced dead about half an hour after the shooting, shortly after she arrived at nearby Flint Hospital. Officials would not release further details.
After the shooting, anxious parents rushed to the school, located about 65 miles north of Detroit.
"I just cannot believe it," said parent Darnisha Bristol, who has a 5-year-old and 6-year-old at the school.
From NewsHawk Inc. < 3-1-00
--"I just cannot believe it."--parent Darnisha Bristol, who has a 5-year-old and 6-year-old in Buell Elementary School, where the killing occurred.
First off, let me say that NewsHawk has received VERY LITTLE response about this horrific tragedy from our readers; who obviously are to some extent a sampling of the population as a whole.
Is this incident going to be the one which finally causes America as a whole to just "tune out" and cease to react like normal human beings to the unbelievable horror which occurred yesterday at Buell Elementary School in Mt. Morris Township, Michigan?
Have we as a nation become so numb, callous and uncaring that this MOST TRAGIC of all school shootings yet, due to the ages of the perpetrator AND the victim, doesn't even PHASE US anymore?
Because IF THAT'S TRUE, then our society is BEYOND the terminal stages of utter moral decay; and is IN FACT effectively MORIBUND: morally, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.
Here are some of the most disturbing aspects of this latest and by far most distressing school shooting in America.
Some of our very YOUNGEST children have indeed become death-dealing, conscience-less monsters, without the SLIGHTEST concept of respect for the sanctity of human or other life.
Some of our youngest children are ARMED with loaded, deadly weapons taken from their homes: homes where those and other weapons--in this case STOLEN ones--were readily ACCESSIBLE to small children.
Some of our youngest, most IMPRESSIONABLE children's entire world-view is STEEPED in the continual, endless, mindless and literally psychopathic violence infesting our ENTIRE culture: our sports, our entertainment, our news (ESPECIALLY TV!) reporting, our entire LIVES, morning till night.
How DETERIORATED our society has become, when parents are increasingly drugging their kids from age 4 and 5 onward; when in countless tens of millions of families both parents work out of the home every day; where vast numbers of children come from dysfunctional, broken homes; where the children are increasingly being raised by child care organizations, schools and the government; where vast numbers of children receive little or NO instruction in ethical, moral and spiritual values.
Make no mistake: these are the signs of a society in a rapidly-worsening, terminal spiral; a society beyond dysfunctional. A society which is in fact INSANE.
The 6-year-old boy who murdered his female classmate with a gunshot to the neck yesterday is a PRODUCT of our present-day American society in every way... and in the WORST way.
Both the boy's father and grandfather are currently in jail on gun-related charges.
The boy lived in a home with his mother and some "uncle"; both of whom CRIMINALLY allowed the youngster access to firearms.
Because of some argument the boy had with his victim the day before; because of the appalling, and DEGENERATE lack of fundamental moral and ethical values having been taught to the child; and because of the overwhelming influence of our violence-saturated culture, in which on a daily basis we constantly witness--via mass-media "mind-control" outlets--assault, death, destruction and dismemberment being meted out at the slightest provocation or at NO provocation, generally without any appropriate penalty or punishment being incurred; THIS 6-year-old child felt it was ALRIGHT to take a loaded gun to school and KILL his 6-year-old classmate.
America, WHAT do we have to say about this??
Because if we have NOTHING to say and even more importantly NOTHING TO DO about this, if there's no critical urgency to take steps NOW to halt this drastic downward spiral of our society and our nation as evidenced by this absolutely terrifying incident in Michigan yesterday, then our society is as good as finished; and the future of America, the future of our children, will indeed be a hell on earth.
We better ALL be asking ourselves this morning--HOW COULD THIS POSSIBLY HAPPEN; and be taking steps IMMEDIATELY in OUR families and in OUR communities to begin setting things right; to begin reclaiming our children from the nightmarish whirlpool which is threatening to engulf all of them, and all of us.
NewsHawk® Inc.
Here's one of the ONLY responses we've YET received (which is very sad in itself) from our readers on this terribly tragic event, from Val Valerian at Leading Edge International (http://www,
Val raises some crucially important points regarding yesterday's shooting. - - - - - - - -
Ultimately, the child had to acquire the logic that guns are a suitable solution to problems. That blame falls on the television media: cartoons, etc.
The media, especially television, is the programming factor here. Recall when television executives "tesified" before Congress in the same manner as the tobacco executives "testified". Both testimonies constituted the felony of lying before Congress, yet nothing was done to them either.
Thus, part of the blame lies with Congress for not acting to stem the tide of violence on television - had they done this 15 years ago, or even ten years ago .... I can't help but wonder if this crime and all the other 35 people who have died at schools would have happened at all.
From NewsHawk Inc. < 2-29-00
Without doubt, America's excessively violence-oriented culture, along with things like what's been called a rapidly-growing "toddler drugging frenzy"--which even the AMA concedes is out of control--regarding prescribing dangerous and destructive mood-altering psychotropic drugs to pre-school children, today have borne very bitter fruit in the most sickening, disturbing and just pain TERRIBLE and sad incident of school violence to date.
A 6-year old first-grade boy pulled a loaded gun from his pants and shot a female classmate point-blank in the neck today in Mount Morris Township, Michigan. The 6-year-old victim died shortly thereafter. The boy was held and questioned by police, then released to the state child welfare department.
We wouldn't be the LEAST bit surprised to find out this first-grade boy who killed the girl was taking prescription mood-altering psychotropic drugs.
The 6-year-old perpetrator's father is in jail and the boy has been living with his mother and an "uncle." Police found stolen firearms at the residence, and the handgun used in today's slaying had also previously been reported stolen.
The chickens are surely coming home to roost in a nation of people which, in addition to drugging their children into brain-damaged oblivion at increasingly younger ages, are drugging and anesthetizing both kids AND themselves with wildly escalating levels of completely disgusting, stomach-turning and truly deranged/deranging violence in virtually all forms of so-called "entertainment" inundating our senses from all sides, 24/7.
In addition, the slimebucket "state-run" mass-media outlets, especially the television news networks, pander to the same level of grotesque, morbid subhuman interest in presenting "news" which focuses obsessively, almost EXCLUSIVELY, on negativity, violence moral decay and social uproar/chaos/disintegration.
On top of this, we have tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee Republicrats and Democans all working for the same Trilateralist New World Order money meisters and turning America's most cherished and admirable principles upside down, manipulating our brains and minds with all kinds of hi-tech gadgetry and of course through "news" and "entertainment;" all the while using the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as toilet paper and having the IRS take away half our Federal Reserve "play money" in taxes.
Our society is in a tailspin. The unending orgasm of dollar-lust on Wall Street notwithstanding, the very fabric of our society is disintegrating before our very eyes.
The children of America today are literally in MORTAL DANGER: which means our ENTIRE NATION, and OUR FUTURE, is in mortal danger.
LOOK deeply and honestly at what has happened in one of America's schools today and tell me personally that this assessment is wrong.
Because THAT is how fundamental, how extensive and how SEVERE the cancerous disintegration of the American culture is today.
How MANY American families will send their child off to public school in the morning: a school where something exactly like what happened today in Michigan, or what happened at Columbine High last April 20; or what happened at Heritage High School in Conyers, Ga. one month afterward; or what happened in Pearl, Mississippi, Paducah, Kentucky and Jonesboro, Arkansas could very well happen again, at THEIR kid's school? Tens of MILLIONS of American families, that's how many.
As a AMERICAN CITIZEN, I must say this news from Mount Morris Township, Michigan today is about the most depressing, disheartening news to rock this country in a very long time.
This is indeed a low point for the united States of America; for the FAMILIES and for the children of America. Parents all across this country must ask themselves if they are willing to let our very future and our children's' most fundamental well-being to be ravaged and decimated as it now is in our country today.
Parents of America, we MUST stop this insanity now. We must take back our children AND OUR FUTURE!
From Matt Ridgway < 3-2-00
The Newshawk's comments were understandable, and mostly warranted. I myself have crafted more than a few diatribe's regarding the pathetic state of our great nation. Events are occuring that are so shockingly abberrent that I feel people truly are choosing to shut it out. It no longer pays to stay informed when the news is all bad, and speaking for myself, I'm finding it hard to maintain a positive mental attitude in the face of it all.
Our country is rotting from within. Like Rome before it, America has grown and progressed to such a point that stagnation and ruin is its inevitable path. As disturbing and outright offensive as the media is, it is merely a reflection of our own distorted psyche. Twenty years ago, children weren't bombarded with the content that today's kids are. There wasn't a TV in every room, mini radios strapped to every impressionable skull, violent games in convenient palm-sized game systems, et al. It has become more important than ever for parents to supervise exactly what their kids are exposed to, unfortunately there are few two-parent households to be found. I cannot number the times that I've seen impatient parents bum-rushing their kids out a video game store, completely unaware of what their kids are buying, or even caring but to move them out the door quicker. I have worked with people that sit and watch R-rated horror/slasher movies with their 3 and 4 year-olds sitting on the couch next to them. I physically grimmace when speaking with one of my brother-in-laws as he recounts how good his grade-school aged son is at games like DOOM, and Duke Nukem!
These people can barely rustle up enough brain cells to care for themselves, much less children. Kids are being raised by mental pygmies with little intellect and not even the most basic of social skills. Things such as common courtesy and polite behaviour are laughable notions of a bygone era. As adults are all out hustling to grab as much cash as possible,(because we all know success is measured in dollars and cents)or worse working themselves to the bone merely to survive, our children are left to be raised by dubious strangers in day care or are latchkey kids with no supervision at all.
Should it come as any surprise that these kids have no understanding, or any real notion , of right or wrong? It's easy to blame the games and the TV and the music, but these products are inert, and on their own, with no one to absorb them, their content would lie inert and useless. Games like DOOM are not designed for kids, nor are R-rated movies suitable for impressionable minds. Does it take some Presidential counsil to 'officially declare' that exposing children to violent content is assinine? Society is becoming clogged with the under-educated detritus of mankind, people who's damnable stupidity is being magnified in the unsupervised personas of their offspring. Kids whose notion of handling a conflict is to 'pop a cap' in someone's ass because that behaviour is glorified by their 'role models'. Parents aren't spending the kind of time with their kids that is the most valuable. When I get home from work some days, the very LAST thing I feel like doing is playing one-more round of hide and seek or any of the other things that I've done so many times I'm virtually numb. But you know what? It's not about me, it's about the kids, it doesn't matter what I'm doing, but the fact that I'm there with them,and that's all that matters to them, and me.
Parents today want an easy fix for everything. People somehow feel it's their RIGHT to feel good all the time, to never feel down, or bored or sad, but that life should always be 'fun' and 'up'. If a marriage is in trouble, they jettison it. If they want to 'connect' with their kids, they take them shopping. Buying things always gets their attention. No meaningful information is being exchanged. Unfortunately, living in a civilised society requires more than merely adherring to the letter of the law. Either we choose to elevate ourselves beyond our base desires, or we wallow in a sludge-pit of carnal servitude where carelessly murdering others over trivialities is viable because basic human respect means nothing.
We are reaping the fruits of our labors. My kids are sweet, wonderful little people who trust, laugh and smile easily because they know they have two rock-solid parents who are looking out for them. Of course, we have feet of clay, but these kids don't know that, and at least in this stage of their lives that's something they shouldn't have to be concerned about. When a kid get's up in the morning and Mom's been up late drinking with 'Uncle whoever' and she doesn't bother to make them breakfast before shoving them out the door for school, what does that kid know? What do they believe in? How will a parent ever instill concepts like mercy, compassion, discipline, love and respect when the parents are useless flesh-bags, or worse are in jail? I have a suggestion for the authorities in this case. The little boy who committed this act should be removed from the custody of his 'parents' and be placed in the home of that little girl's family. He should stay in her room, with all her things left intact, and he should grow up in that house, with those people, with what he did hanging over his head every single day of his life. Let him look in their eyes over breakfast every day, sit in silence in that girls room, live with the spectre of that child enveloping him at every turn.
I'm sure that girl's parents will. I extend my deepest sympathies to them. Though I can scarcely imagine their loss, I can well-understand their tragedy, as well as our own.
Matthew Ridgway


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