Human Genetics, The DOE,
Lockheed Martin, &
Nuclear Weapons
By Frater Mendel
Most people have heard of the Nazi Waffen-SS' interest in the south of France and the Holy Grail. As well as the Waffen-SS' murderously obsessive quest for genetic purity and so forth.
Well, check out the following URL:
This is from Oak Ridge National Laboratories in Tennessee, a division of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), run by Lockheed Martin, the humongous aerospace conglomerate. As you may know, the Department of Energy is carrying out a massive human genome sequencing project, along with the National Institutes of Health. A great deal of the work is being done at the National Weapons labs run by Lockheed Martin for the DOE.
What do nuclear weapons labs, Lockheed Martin and the DOE have to do with human genetics? Hey, you got me! But whatever the connection is, they are heavily into genetic research, super-duper industrial heavy into it!! And Lockheed Martin has developed the "GRAIL" software for sequencing the human genetic code. Along with another software package called "genQuest". Get it? A "genetic quest for the Grail"! And from within the bowels of the military industrial complex. Look at their Grail logo-- the double helix of the DNA is the vertical axis of the Grail cup, running up the stem and into the cup.
There is something very unique and special in the human DNA, and the wizards and warlocks at the highest levels of the US government, academic and corporate worlds are trying to decipher it. This is a huge effort on a par with the push to develop the atomic bomb.
So what is there? -- I suspect they are after data, specifically the AKASHIC record, or racial memory banks that contain the true history of the human race going back millions and millions of years -- genetic memory, racial memory, stored holographic-like in our genetic code and passed on via sexual procreation through the ages. It is the reality that yogis and mystics access naturally, via spiritual and mental means-- but these spiritual thieves want to force their way in, artificially, and see what is there.
And then seal it off permanently, via genetic engineering, so as to deny the masses access to their own human racial birthright-- to delete our own precious genetic heritage, that is the common heritage of all humans. At any rate, that is my guess.
Of course, it will all be presented to the public as benevolent scientific research that paves the way for the cure of dread diseases. But read Edgar Cayce's reports on the genetic engineering that went on in the latter days of the Empire of Atlantis to find out how badly things turned out the last time our self-annointed genetic wizards set themselves to tinkering around with the human genetic code. That was 15,000 or 20,000 years ago. And now the same technologies are being developed again. Do we never learn?
Take a look. I presume there is a great deal more going on beneath the surface. But I think Lockheed Martin and the U.S. Department of Energy have left a huge "GRAIL - genQuest" calling card for those who have eyes to see.


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