The Great Giza
Conspiracy Challenge
From Amargi Hillier <>
Just a quick note for your readers regarding the new 'alien in the pyramid' rumors.
I checked the current issue of the "Rose El-Yussuf" magazine in Cairo. There is no such article talking about an alien found in the pyramid. Although it is a waste of my time to look into this nonsense, I do feel it necessary and important to end these silly rumors quickly.
I am now issuing an internet-wide challenge on TDG for any person or group in one month to come up with evidence of covert goverment cover-ups at Giza with regards to antiquity theft, secret chambers, aliens in the pyramid, cathedrials under the Sphinx, cities under the plateau, black helicopters flying around, and all the other conspiracy nonsense out there.
I challenge ANYBODY on the entire planet - researcher, author, radio personality, reporter, journalist, govt person, police, wanna- be messiahs, newspapers, magazine, tv shows, scientists, etc.... whoever has the guts to take on my challenge... to come up in one month with evidence of illegal wrong-doings at Giza.
I can refute ANY claim made and prove that EACH rumor is unfactual and void of evidence. I will take on EACH and EVERY Giza conspiracist out there who has the guts and/or ability to face this challenge.
Giza conspiracies have been rampant for about 5 years now. This surely has been plenty of time to come up with evidence. I think one more month is suitable, after which I hope this issue will be dead and over with and Giza conspiracies will be proven clearly to be complete and utter nonsense.
Amargi Hillier
From Matt Ridgway < 3-13-00
I would like to quickly comment on Amargi Hillier's challenge recently posted regarding Giza conspiracies.
First, Amargi should be commended for his continued propogation of and appreciation for the Egyptian culture. Yes, it may be infinitely more interesting to read yet another 'wacked out' pyramid theory than what passes for accepted science,but this doesn't mean hard questions shouldn't be asked, nor fringe theories examined.
I'd like to issue a challenge of my own to the Egyptian people: If your ancestors truly built the pyramids, at the behest of some bygone pharoah for no other reason than a spiffy burial site, exactly how did you do it?
I'm sure a construction project of that scale, accomplishing an architectual feat still unmatched to this day, would be the kind of tale passed down from generation to generation. Surely the ancient ancestors of current Egyptians passed down legends of the particulars of how this great structure was accomplished. How? Please fill us in, the world has been dying to know. Until we are told, uncategorically, how it was accomplished, we are all prone to conjuring up ideas of our own.
I'd like to say for myself, perhaps if people like Zahi Hawass weren't such blatant, self-aggrandising attention hounds I might be a bit more amenable to what I perceive as his rather limited understanding of the site and it's history.


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