Most Intelligent Children
Postpone Sex Longest
By Grant Hodgson
Teenagers at schools, colleges and universities who achieve the highest grades are more likely to wait longer before having sexual relationships, new research showed today.
A study found that adolescents of average intelligence started experimenting with sex the earliest.
Bright teenagers not only delayed losing their virginity, but also postponed other forms of sexual activity such as holding hands, kissing and heavy petting.
The American researchers were surprised to find that the least intelligent adolescents also avoided having sex at a young age.
A possible reason for this was that less intelligent, and therefore vulnerable, teenagers were more shielded from sexual contact by their parents.
Professor Carolyn Halpern, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US who helped carry out the research, said: "An adolescent who scored 100, which was the average on the test we used to measure intelligence, was one and a half to almost five times as likely to have had sexual relations compared with teenagers who scored 120 or 130, depending on which age and sex group was considered."
The association was the same for black and white teenagers, but stronger for boys than for girls and also for older teenagers.
The researchers analysed information from two separate studies of adolescent health and development in the US.
One included data on about 12,000 teenagers enrolled in the seventh to 12th grades. The other, which contained more specific information on different levels of sexual contact, followed the progress of about 100 boys and 200 girls in a single North Carolina county.
Both involved detailed confidential surveys of teenagers and their experiences and attitudes. The researchers controlled factors such as teenagers' self-described physical attractiveness, grooming, personality and whether the subject had a romantic relationship in the previous 18 months.
They found that the association between high intelligence and postponing sex existed even for behaviours with no obvious negative consequences, such as kissing or light petting.
Previously it had been assumed that the link between good grades and delaying sex may be due to a teenager's desire to safeguard future goals, such as going to college.
Prof Halpern said: "Our results suggest that this is not the whole story. It is hard to believe that teenagers avoid kissing because they see it as the start of a slippery slope to sexual intercourse and possible pregnancy."
The other surprise was that teenagers of low intelligence were also likely to postpone having sex. "We thought the relationship would be linear that teenagers on the high end would be least likely to have sex, and teenagers on the low end would be most likely," said Prof Halpern.


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