Personal Statement From
Amargi Hillier Regarding
Dr. Hawass, Etc
Nazlet-el-Samman, Egypt
Yesterday I was forwarded the statement released by John Anthony West and Graham Hancock (attached below) as it appeared on the sci.archaeology usenet group and various mailing lists. It also appeared on the Art Bell website.
Like many of you, I was intrigued by the line up for the 'debate' on this Alaska Cruise. It was interesting to see who was to attend and who was not invited. This says much in itself. Like a tired tourist trying to find a public bathroom on the Giza Plateau, where there are none - something is not right in this picture.
I am quite surprised that instead of asking Larry Hunter or myself to speak about these issues as well, that only Dr. Zahi Hawass is asked about this suspension. Of course, Hawass needs to be questioned and he has a right to answer. Our news flash stated on April 12, 1998 this was a "secret" document ordering the suspension of Dr. Hawass. Also, we stated that Hawass was not complying to the order. To me, and I am only speaking for myself, this suggests something hidden is going on. Thus, why would Dr. Hawass admit to it and why would not the investigators be brought to question too? The only scenario I can sum this up in is this: Police to thief: "Did you steal the money?" Thief: "No." Police: "Oh... OK... you can go then."
We had stated quite clearly on our news flash that Dr. Zahi Hawass did not want you to know about this suspension order made by the high government official. Upon being asked about this, which is a very serious matter indeed, Hawass reveals on the cruise that this suspension was not true. Now do we leave it as that or do we bring in the investigators and question them as well on what they know?
John Anthony West and Graham Hancock are fine and skilled authors. Of all their material I have read, although not necessarily agreed with everything presented, they have proven to me they are able to research, document and stylize their findings into an easy-to-understand format. Their attention to the details of their research is clearly seen within the pages of their books - where we explore high ancient sciences and missing clues to the secrets of ancient Egypt.
What doesn't fit, considering the skills of these authors, is an apparent lack of attention to a simple detail in a six paragraph news flash. Was it too difficult to read? The paragraphs are not long and quite easy to read. Surely they have dictionaries at hand if they cannot understand anything. Quoting from their statement, "The posting had been written by Larry Hunter and Amargi Hillier and asserted falsely that Dr. Zahi Hawass had been fired from his post by the Egyptian government."
Nowhere in our news flash did we ever say that Dr. Zahi Hawass was "fired". "Suspension" and "fired" are two different things. Yet a simple detail seemly confused by two well published and successful authors. If this is aspect is confusing, they should visit any local high school and a student there will be able to tell them the difference between 'suspended' and 'fired'. I wonder if Mr. West and Mr. Hancock even read the news flash itself. Or why would them make a public statement without reading our news flash first? Perhaps they just made a statement based on the question Art Bell posed to the debate. If this was the case, why didn't Art Bell - who is an experienced interviewer - read the news flash word-for-word to the people of the debate? Red flag.
While focusing on details, our news flash never stated Dr. Zahi Hawass was actually suspended. This is an assumed conclusion by the reader. We were only reporting what was told to us by this high government official regarding a document that orders the suspension and that Zahi Hawass was not complying with the orders. Remember folks, this is an investigation. We are presenting pieces of a puzzle as they come to us. Whether these pieces change or not, time will tell as we dive deeper into this investigation. With what we are finding out about Dr. Zahi Hawass, God forbid any of these hidden events are true. I pray that it is not, for humanity and history is suffering a great loss.
West's and Hancock's statement also mentions that Boris Said is a friend of Hunter's. "We are aware that this posting is one of many by Mr. Hunter and his friend Boris Said which have misrepresented the truth concerning Dr. Hawass and indeed slandered him." Although you cannot know this, I am telling you now - Boris Said is not a friend of Larry Hunter. Nor does their research connect up other than the fact it relates to the Giza Plateau.
As we continue through this statement released by Mr. West and Mr. Hancock, I feel like I am road heading towards a construction site. Lots of red flags. There is a paragraph that begins with the explanation of the differences and misperceptions previously felt between West, Hancock and Hawass. Perhaps thinking this qualifies them to "set the record straight", they try to do just that on an issue that does not involve them, but rather involves Hawass, Hunter, myself and our government informant. What does reconciling differences with Hawass have to do with what we have found out?
Also, West and Hancock set the record straight by saying our statements were false. Remember, we reported only what was told to us, and our post was the truth of what was reported to us. We should not be held accountable for the conclusions drawn by readers from based on the information we are reporting.
Their paragraph ends with the issue of evidence. If we were trying to prove a case, then yes we would need evidence. But as stated above, we are only reporting what our investigation has uncovered. Evidence to prove or disprove this suspension order will come in time, and I hope it does. As a viewer one of the largest websites in the world on the subject of Egypt mysteries, would you prefer that I report our findings to you as they happen or after the fact, perhaps months or years later? I welcome your thoughts.
I am communicating with people in the village of Nazlet-el-Samman who have been questioned by the police about myself. Why are they being told not to talk to me about the things they know? Tomorrow I will be meeting with a member of the Egyptian press who has new, rather startling, information about this suspension order. These findings will appear shortly on the news flash page. Yes, we are getting closer to evidence, but as a service to you... I feel you deserve to follow the investigation as it happens. Just as we reported as another news flash of what was said during a phone call with Ahmed Fayed, a close friend of Dr. Hawass, we will continue to post new news for you. Ahmed Fayed also confirmed the suspension order but worded it in a different way... he called it a "promotion" to sound and light. How you consider being director the plateau to being promoted to sound and lights show is beyond me.
Details of this phone call are on our news flash page. By the way, if you haven't read our news flash, as many of you haven't since you were forwarded West's and Hancock's statement via e-mail or usenet - then you can read our news flash in full here:
Art Bell did make a call to the office of the person whom told originally told us about the suspension order. Some of you are aware of this. What you don't know is that Art Bell thought he was talking with the person we spoke with, when if fact he was talking with another person in the office. Art Bell, perhaps still unknown to this fact, experienced what many foreigners experience when communicating with other from a foreign country... the fact that English is not the native tongue here in Egypt. Thus dialogue can result in mixed messages if one speaker is less fluent in the language used for the dialogue. I am well aware of this from living in Egypt since last August '97. Not everybody speaks English well. Those who don't speak English well are being asked to understand what is being said in English and are asked then to answer back in English. A responsibility that goes unnoticed by most not experienced with people here.
Art Bell, upon reading the news flash, called Larry Hunter on the telephone. They talked and Hunter gave Bell the phone number of the high government person who we had met with that told us the news of the letter ordering the suspension. Art Bell called Egypt to this government official's office. Due to this language problem, Bell was speaking with somebody else in the office but thought it was our government person. This person whom Bell spoke with said he knew nothing about a suspension. Following this phone call, Bell contacted Hunter and told Hunter what he was told. Hunter discovered soon after, upon a phone call to the same office, that Bell never in fact talked to the government official we met with. Hunter e-mailed Art Bell about the error but Bell never followed up.
Personally, I am surprised that Art Bell has not brought Larry Hunter on air to question Hunter about these issues. We may hear the people tell reports of a car falling from the sky, to a "widget" man who claims to have a time travel device, to a woman who says she has sex with reptilian aliens. Why Bell has not put Hunter under the probing spotlight on air, regarding such a serious issue, is a mystery to me. Red flags are going up everywhere on this journey.
Many people have asked us why we have not revealed our source of this information. The high government official who told about the suspension order asked us not to... it is that simple. The government in Egypt works differently then elsewhere. Here you may be jailed or fired if you speak the wrong thing. This government official risked much to tell us what he knows and we promised to protect him. But due to the nature of what we are investigating, no doubt in time, the truth will be revealed completely.
Equating our investigation with child pornography is very irresponsible and is in very poor taste. Here is what they wrote: "But in our considered opinion Larry Hunter's postings are the Egyptological equivalent of child pornography and are a great disservice to all of us who genuinely seek to unravel the mysteries of Egypt."
I am disturbed that two successful authors would even make a relation of our reporting about Hawass to that of such an act of violence. This statement of theirs really speaks for itself as a reflection of whatever they are trying to gain by making such a statement. Child pornography is a very serious matter that results in many victims, both the family and the child themselves. Child pornography should not be used as an example in a clearly personal attack against our investigation and our postings online. I would expect that victims of this crime could easily explain to West and Hancock of the non-relation between an investigation about an Egyptologists vs. the violence of child pornography. God forbid any that readers who read West's and Hancock's statement are not victims themselves. Talk about adding insult to injury.
Follow this absurd statement, John Anthony West and Graham Hancock suggest that we are a "disservice" to all of you who genuinely seek to unravel the mysteries of Egypt. If you, as a viewer, feel this way... then I am sorry. Simply never come back to my website as a solution. But if you do not feel this way, and you feel we are providing a very important service, then perhaps contact West and Hancock and tell them not to speak for you. John Anthony West can be reached at the following e-mail:
Within their statement, Mr. West and Mr. Hancock offer us a challenge to find evidence of the corruption with Hawass. Challenge accepted, and herein you will find part one of our investigation into the secret life of Dr. Zahi Hawass. As the investigation continues, the evidence will start forming right before your eyes.
We leave it up to you, the worldwide public, to discern the truth from fallacy. You - not Art Bell, John Anthony West or Graham Hancock - will determine who is right and who is wrong. That decision cannot be made my myself, Hunter or people who wrote the statement trying to decide these things for you. You have your own mind and need to hear all the sides before coming to these types of conclusions. I am quite surprised that West and Hancock did not talk to us to find out our end of the story. Really folks, there are so many holes in their ship - it is sinking like the Titanic. And everybody on board is going down too.
The only conclusion we can draw is that John Anthony West and Graham Hancock don't like the message being reported upon by us. So what they want to do is kill the messenger through the character assassination of comparing us to child pornographers.
May God bless those who seek the truth, and burn those who choose to keep it from the world. God is taking charge now and I warn everybody involved in this scenario to think clearly and seriously about the choices they make with regards to the truth about God's ancient monuments at Giza.
Amargi Hillier May 21st, 1998

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