Disabled Lead Way
To Amazing 'Cyborg' Future
The athletes who take the field in next year's Paralympic games are among the pioneers showing how technology - from prosthetics to sophisticated robotics - can be melded with the human body to improve performance. Hari Kunzru reports
AS competitors get ready for next year's Sydney Olympics, preparations are also underway for the Paralympics, which start soon after the mainstream competition finishes. Four thousand athletes from 125 countries will take part in a sporting event that, even more than its able-bodied sibling, demonstrates the effects new technologies are having on the human body.
It has become fashionable to call sports stars the first cyborgs. Scientific training regimes, diet and specialised equipment are all ways of augmenting human performance through technology, and despite the Olympic ideal of "pure" physical competition, the temptation to improve performance by chemical means is becoming too great for many athletes.
But although able-bodied sports people find themselves in an ever-closer relationship with technology, the true cyborg pioneers are the disabled. In such events as swimming, competitors must not use "artificial devices", but in many others, notably wheelchair sports and amputee track and field events, participation would be impossible without high-specification prosthetics and other equipment. It is no exaggeration to say that in many Paralympic events, entrants compete as amalgam of human and machine.
The growing prestige of the Paralympic movement is primarily based on the performances of disabled athletes, which have improved dramatically over the past few years. American track and field star Aimee Mullens had her feet amputated at the age of one, but recently set an unofficial 200m record of 34.06 seconds (Florence Griffith-Joyner's two-footed world record time was 21.34 seconds). Seven times world discus record holder Shawn Brown says: "I can throw farther now than when I had two legs." His throw of 54.2 meters is still less than the world record of 74.08m, but considering Brown's left leg is amputated below the knee, it is a substantial achievement.
Underlying Brown's performance is a lot of training, mental toughness, and a significant technical development. The complex turning and spinning motion required in discus throwing is made possible only by an extremely sophisticated prosthetic leg and foot assembly, a rig that owes more to the aesthetics of The Terminator than the "peg-leg" of popular cliché. Peter Pan pirates aside, prosthetics have come a long way from wooden legs and hook hands. The equipment used by high-scoring Paralympians depends on advances in CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing), 3D modelling and biomechanics, materials science, and hydraulics. It may even incorporate robotics, embedded computers, and that staple of science fiction, true interfaces between flesh and machine.
To illustrate, let's build a cyborg leg . . . The first issue is to decide how to connect the leg to its wearer. A hundred years ago, fitting a socket involved some leather straps, a piece of hardwood and a lot of chisels and sandpaper. Prosthetic legs were either bought "off the shelf" with a more or less round socket, or if you were lucky, had some degree of customisation, involving a little shaving here, a little sanding there.
The result was often excruciatingly painful for the wearer, and tended to cause the stump to atrophy. Now hi-tech prostheticians can put a patient's residual limb into a 3D scanner, gaining a complete computer model that is used to design a socket as individual as the wearer. The design is also modelled on computer, then output directly to a robotic milling tool, essentially the same operation as getting a print-out of a word-processor document.
Instead of wood, it is more likely to be made of less rigid plastics that allow the remaining limb muscle to grow and distribute the weight evenly over its surface. Straps still play a part in keeping some legs on, but various types of suction cup are also in use. In a recent development, some European doctors have begun to attach prosthetics directly into the thigh bone.
Next, to the knee. Artificial knee-joints - themselves an advance on jointless wooden or metal legs - once consisted of a metal hinge and a couple of rubber pads to absorb impact. Fine in theory, but the friction of strenuous activity could cause the whole assembly to melt.
The knee's movement is also far from being a straightforward one-dimensional bending. Today's prosthetic knees are designed to minimise friction and allow the user to walk naturally, using cushioning and bearings. Here, the technical advance lies less in the object than the design process. Biomechanics, the study of human motion, has become big business. Computer games designers, cinema special effects houses and sports shoe manufacturers all have a stake in it.
Architects, designers of cars, factory production lines, furniture and computer equipment also use detailed information about the way we move. This information is gained through video and computer analysis, and the same data that drives prosthestics design is likely to be animating the goons in the next SF flick you see, and dictating the height and position of the pedals in your new car.
The knee bone is, as they say, connected to the shin bone, and it is here, in this seemingly straightforward part of the leg, that one is most likely to find embedded intelligence. The sub-discipline of biomechanics known as gait analysis has shown that the swing of our lower legs when walking is radically different from that when running, and a slow walk is different from a fast one.
Until recently, artificial leg-wearers had to "kick" their lower legs forward to get a greater swing, creating an unnatural and unstable motion. Now hydraulics can produce far better motion, and it is here that computers come in. When fitting a leg, the prosthetician programs a chip embedded in the shin cylinder to sense changes in speed and adjust the leg hydraulics accordingly.
The shin mechanism connects to the foot, which, being the contact with the ground, has to work hard. As with many aspects of prosthetic design, war has played a big part in driving foot design forwards, in this case the use of landmines in Vietnam. It was in response to the poor quality of the rubber and plastic feet available to the huge population of active young veterans disabled by such weapons that American doctors turned to carbon fibre. A simple curve of carbon fibre provides a remarkably efficient foot mechanism, returning up to 95 per cent of downwards energy, which reduces fatigue and improves athletic performance. The artifical legs used by top Paralympians are integral to their performances.
This is just one aspect of current prosthetics technology, which now extends to optical aids for the blind, artificial arms controlled by electrical impulses from the wearer's muscles, and robotics for the severely disabled. As we inch towards the augmented human-machine hybrids of the future, disabled people are leading the way.