Effects Of Scary Movies
Can Linger For Years
DETROIT (AP) -- If Jaws scared you out of the water or Psycho changed your shower habits, you probably aren't alone a new study suggests.
A survey of 150 students at the Universities of Michigan and Wisconsin found that one in four had some lingering "fright" effect from a movie or TV show they saw as a child or teenager.
Some people who saw the thriller about a man-eating shark never went into the ocean again, said Kristen Harrison, a University of Michigan communications professor who co-wrote the study.
And Psycho?
"There are people who shower with the door open, even though they're quite sure there isn't a killer in the house," Harrison said Tuesday.
Ninety per cent said they were scared by a TV or movie from their childhood or adolescence and 26 per cent said they still experience "residual anxiety."
The younger children were when they were frightened, the longer the reaction lasted.
Ranny Levy, president of the Coalition for Quality Children's Media in Santa Fe, N.M., said her own 27-year-old son was frightened about taking a swim in the sea a few years ago and blames it on seeing Jaws as a boy.
"He had to force himself," she said. "He really identified it with watching Jaws when he was little."