Reality Check - Paranoia Running Rampant As We Slide To 2000
By Ron Bach
Ashes to Ashes
Dust to Dust
If Y2K doesn't get you
Asteriods must!
Grim as it may sound, the world is coming to an end. At least that is the message around the world from Hi-Tech Corporations, UFOlogy, and Conspiracy circles. Throw in the Anti-Christ and it gets real scary.
Everyone knows that sex sells. But so does fear. In fact, fear has sold for centuries under the disguise of religion and insurance. Just last week, I was approached by a missionary who handed me a brochure with an image of a man burning in Fire. Join us, he said. There is no other salvation from the coming calamity.
For those who are not religiously inclined, several Web Sites on the Internet claim that a huge Asteroid is on a collision course with Earth. The so-called Asteroid will impact Earth either in June 1999 or November 1999. These Web Sites urgently insist that all ground based and space based telescopes must be directed towards the Taurid Stream of Meteors, for an early warning.
Prominent astronomers disagree. According to them, even if there were an Asteroid or a Meteor approaching the Earth, it would be invisible to the telescopes until too late. This is especially true for the Asteroids or Meteors in the Taurid Stream, where such large objects, say about the size of a football field, would be well hidden in the dust surrounding them.
So how do these groups on the Internet know that such an Asteroid is scheduled for a collision in June 1999? Well, for starters they are not offering any proof. Even if they have proof, which is doubtful, they claim that should they disclose the proof or their sources, Black Ops would execute them within 48 hours!
Millions of people around the world have caught on to this hysteria. Either they are busy storing enough food, water, and medicine or are busy purchasing the more luxurious generators, crank radios, and flashlights. Not that such precautions are totally unnecessary. For all we know, Y2K could disrupt the normal life for a couple of weeks. In that aspect the above precautions are well justified.
However, if the objectives of preparations are geared towards an Asteroid hit, then it is in vain. Any one, who has recently seen Hollywood movies such as Deep Impact or Armageddon, should understand the power of such large Asteroids hitting the earth. A thousand-foot Tsunami or a devastating Earthquake could get you even if you were underground with your supplies.
In a worst case scenario, such a catastrophe could probably bury you even deeper under the rubble making your escape impossible unless you carried a Bulldozer with you. Probably you would be much safer sitting with food cans and water bottles in a boat in the middle of the Ocean, provided you had enough time to row out that far! Sadly, the cans and bottles would not last for a year.
Scary as it seems, the Apocalypse scenario falls apart when one steps back from the hysteria and thinks rationally. For example the same group that prophesizes the Asteroid hit, is busy studying an ancient Mayan Circle in Florida. Headed by Richard C. Hoagland, the group claims a strong connection of the so-called Mayan Circle to Stonehenge.
One wonders that if this group is so sure of an Asteroid hit in June 1999, as they boldly state on their Web Site "The Enterprise Mission", then they must have nerves of steel spending two weeks in Miami taking pictures of an ancient Mayan Circle from a parking lot!
However they are not an exception in making ludicrous claims. Another group CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) headed by a Dr. Steven Greer goes a step further and claims they can attract Extra Terrestrials, just like you would call your friend out for dinner. This group also sells the so-called Do It Yourself kits that can attract ET's to communicate with you at a designated time and place.
And if that does not suffice, Dr. Greer also claims to have hundreds of decorated military and intelligence personnel who at one time or other have worked with ET's. Reportedly, Dr. Greer also has video testimonies from these so-called witnesses who will step forward and verify their claims. That has not happened yet. Why? Well, these witnesses are apparently under an oath and are waiting for the US Government to pardon them before they step forward. Right!
The question then is, if people like Dr. Greer are capable of communicating with the ET's, and if people like Richard Hoagland have proof of an Asteroid hit in June 1999, why don,t they ask the ET's to take them to a safe place? Like maybe a distant Galactic Planet? Or why doesn't Dr. Greer request the ET's to blow up the Asteroid for the good of humanity in the first place?
On the contrary, when people like Robert A. M. Stephens, a NASA Sub Contractor, known as RAMS in UFOlogy circle, try to argue the validity of such claims, he is mocked at and framed as a Covert Government Operative.
Although there is every reason to worry about natural and manmade calamities, think about what if these prophecies do not materialize? For financially well off families that would not pose a problem. But if you spend your last dollar on that flashlight, you certainly will be under the poverty line in the new Millenium.
May be it is time for a Reality Check, Now.
Copyright notice: You may reproduce, distribute, publish, or forward this article as long as the contents are not changed and proper credit is given to the author. Copyright (c) 1999.
Ron Bach
Hong Kong
+852 2688 6231
Reality Check - Paranoia Running Rampant - Pt. 2
By Ron Bach 2-16-99
Further to my above article, I am stormed with correspondence where personal reply to each individual is difficult if not impossible. Especially when most are repeatedly demanding similar clarifications. Let me address the clarifications in public for mutual convenience alongside historical and archive purposes.
1) My choice of the words "ludicrous", "so-called", "claims", "pardon", and "oath" in my article.
If my usage of "ludicrous" has led to any misunderstandings, then I offer my sincere apologies to Richard C. Hoagland and Steven Greer alongside their respective organizations and supporters.
Until we have public acceptance and proof regarding an approaching Asteroid, Meteor, or Comet from either Civilian Organizations, Public Organizations, Private Organizations, or Extraterrestrial Entities (if you like), I will unabashedly continue using the words "so-called" and "claims".
To the best of my knowledge, there is a debate amongst UFO community with regards to just how many "Security Oaths" and/or "Agreements", the witnesses are bound by. Hence my usage of generalized word "Pardon" rather than "Immunity" and "Oath" rather than "Security Oath".
2) Do I doubt that these witnesses exist?
Again very little information is publicly disclosed regarding the witnesses, their experiences, and their testimonies. Certain UFO groups have more access to that information and I am not a member of those. However, considering the sensitive claim, and the fact that it may be impossible for Steven Greer or other associated organizations to disclose evidence at this stage, I will neither completely doubt nor totally believe. Hence the word "claims".
I am aware about the Washington D.C. conference, in that such a conference took place. Again, I am not aware about the specifics of that conference at this stage.
3) My choice of heroes to back my claims, especially Robert A.M. Stephens (RAMS).
Nowhere in my article have I used any quote, reference, or question raised by Robert A. M. Stephens to back my claims (I did not make claims). I Just mentioned his name since in my opinion some of his questions addressed to Richard C. Hoagland were legitimate. Unfortunately, those questions remain unanswered.
However, since none of Robert A. M. Stephens' questions were directly addressed with regards to the approaching Asteroid, Meteor, or Comet, I indirectly put forward my question regarding the proof of approaching Asteroid, Meteor, or Comet in my article.
Realizing my error of not specifically asking this question(s) to Richard C. Hoagland, I have decided to further research Richard C. Hoagland's Asteroid hypothesis in order to seek further clarifications or a set of questions.
4) Do I believe that the Miami Circle in Florida is very important?
A resounding YES. Whatever the circle really may be, it is unwise to ignore it. However, if an Asteroid, Meteor, or Comet will collide with Earth in June 1999, then Miami Circle's priority would be downgraded.
5) Do I believe in Martian Faces, Lunar Anomalies, Masonic Conspiracies, Black Ops, etc.?
Sorry, but I have not mentioned these anywhere in my article or in my posts. Neither do I wish to be dragged in these matters at this stage.
Forgive me for being one track minded, but if we are going to perish -- probably by June 1999 -- then I don't give a damn to any of the above.
6) Why did I select Sightings - Jeff Rense World to post my article?
Since many in the UFO community by now will know that millions of people received my article for public posting at the same time, obviously, I did not SELECT Sightings.
On the contrary, Sightings was the first site that publicly posted it as they considered it to be newsworthy. Since majority people who correspond with me refer to Sightings, I am very grateful to everyone at Sightings for their support.
Considering the amount of mail I receive due to Sightings, obviously Sightings is one of the best sites that provides timely informative news from all sources around the world without unnecessary claptrap.
7) Comments and Replies:
As of writing this announcement on February 16, 1999 11:50 p.m. (Hong Kong time), I personally have not received any flame from either Richard C. Hoagland, Steven Greer, or their respective organizations. To that extent, I appreciate their integrity and apologize if my wordings have insulted them.
On the contrary, I have received hundreds of abusive, insulting, and content-free correspondence and calls from their apparent supporters. I kindly suggest those people to refrain from derogatory insults and abuse. You are always welcome to suggest your opinions and comments. I have always kindly replied to such correspondence and will continue to do so provided you restrain your emotions. Think about it. If we are going to die pretty soon, why bother with trivial insults or abuse?
Finally, I wish to extend my hearty thanks to the countless people who have send me supportive mail and taken the necessary time and effort to correct me and debate me where ever necessary on these matters. It really does show you care when you go through the trouble of doing it with a positive attitude.
Copyright notice: You may reproduce, distribute, publish, or forward this article as long as the contents are not changed and proper credit is given to the author. Copyright (c) 1999.