Amateur Astronomer Says
Enormous Ship Clearly
Visible On Moon
(Note - We suggest you listen to the Archive rerun of the Ingo Swann interview from Saturday night, 3-6-99, hurried in as a substitute to the David John Oates Reverse Speech show due to David's flu illness.)
From J. R. GREEN <
Hi Jeff.....listened to your show Saturday night (special encore of the 3-2-99 program) with Ingo Swann...really enjoyed it. I tried to call in, but could not get through. I wanted to share a lunar sighting I had in September, 1996.
I set up my powerful 10" reflector scope on a Sunday evening, just before dark, to view the lunar craters. The best time to see detail of crater is to catch them in the umbreth or shadow.
Looking down, as it were, into a crater, I observed a very large rocket-appearing device, sitting vertically in the crater. The main body was the tallest, with a 'booster' (?) on each side. The entire craft was white, like pvc pipe, so it was outstandingly beautiful...just sitting there.
To me it looked like a gigantic transport of some sort. I was flabbergasted and looked around to see if a neighbor was available to look, but none were home. I then summoned my wife (a skeptic) and she saw it, too.
I have seen several objects orbiting between earth and moon, but this was the first thing actually ON the moon.
Thanks, J.R. in Tupelo,MS.
P.S. My scope is a dobsonian not suited for photography, therefore no pix...
Note - For an enormous compendium REMARKABLE anomalies on the surface of the moon extending back to the 1500's, go to:
As an amateur lunar anomaly expert I have a problem with Mr. Green's report. One: he doesn't give out any hard data as to the location of his sighting so that researchers such as myself can confirm his sighting by at least looking at the crater/area to see if there's anything there that may resemble what he thought he saw. He doesn't tell us that he kept any hard data on his observations before or after his alleged sighting. Some amateur. His powerful telescope, regardless of size and power, cannot give him nor anyone else the views that I have in my NASA photo "journals". I've seen enough amateurs reports where the resolution was not sufficient to come to any conclusion as to what was seen. Trust me. In the early 1980s I dealt with similar thinking individuals who were ALL wrong in their assumptions.
Then, Mr. Green gives us the pitiful excuse that his telescope is a Dobsonian, therefore no pictures. I say bull! If you can see it you can photograph it. I'm also an amateur "astronomer".
Mr. Rense, I will appreciate that in the future, reports such as Mr. Green be filed and not given the prominence you have provided him. He didn't provide anything but a hearsay-type of report. In this case a photograph was demanded. It was not provided. Ergo: worthless.
Edward Lopez,