Editorial Correction Of
'Sedona - Vortices, Auras..' Story
Joseph Trainor - Editor <>
UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 4, Number 14
UFO UpDates-Toronto <>

Note - We deleted the article after the Glode error was brought to our attention and we are following through with this final notice of correction.
From Celinas Ruth Attorney and Legal Counsel for Gabriel of Sedona and Aquarian Concepts 4-5-99
As closure on the matter of the misinformation printed by the Boston Globe which you later reprinted in SIGHTINGS called "Sedona - Vortices, Auras, UFOs, Abductees, And High Prices:"
I received a telephone call from Dean Inouye from the Boston Globe who wanted to correct their error. Therefore, on February 25, 1999 the following was printed in the A section on page 2 of the Boston Globe:
"For the record:
"Because of reporting errors, an article in the A section of Feb. 7 mischaracterized Gabriel of Sedona's relationship to the members of his group. He is a leader of Aquiarian Concepts, which houses its members in homes scattered around the Sedona area of Arizona. The members of his group do not believe any human being is god. Gabriel is not a member of the Sedona Chamber of Commerce; Aquarian Concepts is."
I thank you in advance for considering likewise to correct your error.
Celinas Ruth
Attorney and Legal Counsel for
Gabriel of Sedona and Aquarian Concepts
PO Box 3641
West Sedona, Arizona 86340-3641
Telephone and Fax: 520-204-2818