Replicate Your Pet Within 5 Years
Dog lovers may soon be able to have clones made of their favourite pets.
Scientists say a commercial service offering identical animal replicas could be available within five years. They reckon that once the process is refined, a pet could be duplicated for £5,000.
It follows the cloning of Dolly the sheep who was the first mammal created in a laboratory. And it comes in the wake of fertility expert Richard Seed's claim that he is on the brink of duplicating his wife.
Scientists in America have spent two years trying to clone a mongrel called Missy, left.
The rescue-home dog's rich owners paid £1.1million for the research to be done.
They want an exact copy of the border collie-cross to replace her when she dies.
The Missyplicity Project has generated orders for duplicated pets worldwide.
Many British people have paid £750 to have their dog's genetic tissue stored, ready for when the technique is perfected.
The project was inspired by Dolly the sheep who was cloned three years ago in Edinburgh.
The highly-respected genetic unit at A&M University, Texas, picked up a challenge from Missy's owners to make a replica of her.
If they succeed, other copycat agencies are expected to spring up.
Researchers are studying the difference in genetic make-up between sheep and dogs to learn how to adapt the process used on Dolly for Missy.
Cloning involves taking DNA from an animal and injecting it into an egg whose nucleus - the gene-carrying centre - has been removed.
An artificial process similar to fertilisation then stimulates the egg into growing and the embryo is planted into the womb of a surrogate mother.
The clone would look almost identical to the original, possibly with slightly different colouring.
But their characters could be entirely different, even though they have the same genetic make-up, just like human twins.