RenseWorld Bringing
Thousands To A Limitless
New Reality
Note - Our sincere thanks to Mr. Lehmberg for this truly masterful Ode which was posted to the Updates list today. He captures the dynamics and unending potential of RenseWorld as well as words can. You are all cordially invited to visit this mind-stretching new's free and only a couple of mouse-clicks away. Prepare to be amazed.
It's HERE and it satisfies _all_ of your fantasies.
Existing as promised it lives and it breathes! The WORLD existing inside a computer that won't be constrained by the *man*, if you please.
It happens real time as you walk through it's walls, survey people's houses, their bedrooms, and halls. You can FLY, you can WARP, you can TELEPORT _cheap_; the touch of a button, and you soar and you cleave!
The physics won't matter -- you turn on a dime, defying proud gravity, a new paradigm! And _you_ are at _home_ in this wondrous space. You have an air castle you've built in this place!
It's built like your dreams, and it lays as you'll have it. It soars and it sweeps like you're Franky Lloyd Wright. It is built to reflect the desire inside you that soars with the eagle, your_passionate_ right.
Nothing's denied you, it _all_ can be done! Buttresses flying, one builds on the RUN! Laying real floor like it's paint from a brush, the levels confusing -- the tree's are so lush!
Fine gardens constructed to pleasure the eye! The beauty so REAL (there's a tear in your eye!). Import your own art from a site that you own and expand _inside_ space to a new cyber zone!
It boggles the mind, it's potential is huge. There's all of the promise that *contact* imbues. It's _all_ of the knowledge that lives in a record we have as raw data, collected like checkers.
It's all the great minds at your beck and your call. Asking tough questions, it's a party -- a ball. Speak with your fellows that *live* there with you; make some new friends, (safer enemies <g too).
More democratic, it planes and it levels - it's all in your mind so your weaknesses shrivel! You're whole and you're moving in spite of an illness. You have no disability, appearance is silliness.
You are who you _would_ be, irrespective of gender. You're gallant, self reliant -- if you like (?) a pretender. I'm scratching the surface of what this could be. Just up from all fours, it still crawls on it's knees.
The ground floor is open for all that it's worth. There are shops, and fine stores here awaiting their birth. Think of the savings that live in this place, a fraction of payment to work in this space.
It's full motion video, it's bright and it's airy -- it's pictures all hooked to a cart you _don't_ carry. You see and you're moving -- a stroll in a mall, but sitting quite naked at home; make your call.
The sellers are robots or folks (if you will), not having to travel, they save on _their_ bills. The *store* of the future -- it beckons us on! It's sane, and earth friendly -- it's a better, new song.
And who do we thank for the grand inspiration? Who bought in _early_ and showed it to US? Who put the word out securing attention of what may have changed all the rules it will bust?
The spotlights come up and they're searching the floor! They weave and they dance as they figure the score! Shining right through in a beam clear and dense, and standing up slowly, we see it's Jeff Rense.
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Note - The following is Alfred's message of invitation to Updates list members:
You've _got_ to come see my gallery in this place. As big as any museum -- there are around 200 pieces of original art -- hanging as in any art house. "" has all the information on how to VISIT that world (the best part) -- AND it's free. See my gallery in Dreamworld at Coordinates 9North by 58 West -- look for the teleport!
Forgetting how much fun one can have in a more fully-featured "quake" world that talks back, and allows you to build in it, it's applications are truly ENDLESS. A teacher can put up a continuous, dated blackboard, a student can review solutions to problems, a college professor can display all his notes at different locations in a building of _any_ design.
It's _cheap_ building space; an entire office building is confined to a desktop computer. It's a memory aid the students can build themselves to help them categorize and internalize information. It's the kind of thing that children (of all ages) will flock to because it can be so _safely_democratic. It's a school or library IN A BOX, and it's only going to get better. Moreover, it's a world that can flout proud physics, adding to its "anything goes" edge that is _very_ attractive.
It can also be a full-featured, very visually appealing (and effective!) STORE in a box. The first guy to make a million from applying this throwme a damned BONE, will you?
This is not a mere _web_ site (it fact it uses the web site as a repository tool); this is a much more cost effective physical location. As real and as satisfying as anything else in our phony baloney world, I think it likely we can wrest a more efficacious reality FROM it!
Restore John Ford!
-- Ponder the Wit & Wisdom of Ching Chow! View "Unstill Life" -- Animation . . . and more. Consider Matter, Mind & Movement. See the current HTML "Apology to MW" with illustration. Take a ride in the Teleporter.
Explore "Alfred Lehmberg's Alien View" at his Fortunecity URL. <Updated 11 May
John Ford Restoration Fund -- Send your checks and money orders to _me_, Alfred Lehmberg (cut out the lawyers, they got their's) at: 304 Melbourne Drive, Enterprise AL, 36330. Strict records kept. $350.00 pledged -- $150.00 collected!
"I cleave the heavens, and soar to the infinite. What others see from afar, I leave far behind me." - Giordano Bruno, burned at the fundamentalist's stake.