The Third Secret Of
Fatima Confirmed??
From Adriano Forgione - Futuro Snc <>
To: Updates <>
Subject: The Vatican And UFOs
Date: 4-19-99
Dear Researchers,
Last Saturday and Sunday I was in Ancona, here in Italy, for a National UFO Conference.
I had the chance to interview Monsignor Corrado Balducci, famous priest of Vatican that is studying UFOs.
He said to me that he is working only for a personal interest and his involvement in UFO study is not by Vatican command.
We know that Balducci is involved in the Third Secret of Fatima. Most of you know that there is a test that is circulating by 25 years but was never confermed officially. To my question about the test of Third Secret of Fatima, Balducci said:
"Yes, that test is correct. The Secret speaks about a Third World War before the end of this millenium that will be a fight with nuclear weapons. The living people will envy the dead, probably for the sufferings of radiation. The secret speaks also of a doctrinal crisis of the Christian Church. But that the events will be happen only if the Humanity don't mend and don't change their violent minds".
This is the first time that the Third Secret Of Fatima has been confirmed by a member of Vatican.
With me there was Paola Harris.
Adriano Forgione
Editor-in-Chief of UFO Network and Dossier Alieni