Oklahoma Man Survives
Ride Inside Tornado
By Anne Thompson
NBC News
Gutherie, Okla - Tornadoes are one of nature,s most powerful forces. Imagine being swept away by the winds of a funnel cloud, helpless and out of control. That's what happened to 57-year-old Paul Kiespert. "It took me out of there. I don't know how it done it. You know ... but ... I mean, you,re helpless," Kiespert said.
It took less than four seconds. With Monday evening's giant storm fast approaching, Kiespert took cover in his hallway, lying on the floor of his house in Crescent, Okla. In a flash, the tornado ripped the 98-year-old home off its foundation.
"It twisted to the left and twisted to the right, and three or four seconds after that, it was all over with," Kiespert said. Then it exploded.
"When I started to move, I thought to myself, 'I bought the farm tonight,'" the mechanic said.
Caught up in a funnel cloud, Kiespert began spinning with all sorts of debris, including two barbed wire fences and a mulberry tree. He says he flew through the air, landing over a quarter of a mile from where he started.
"I'm just bruised up, banged up, beat up," he said. "Took a pretty good whooping."
Neighbor Vicky Davis found Kiespert and tried to make him walk. He told her was he ready to lay down and die. Finally rescuers arrived. Paramedic Teresa Steinberg cut off Kiespert's clothes to treat the wounds.
"Inside his overalls was lots of weeds and dirt that were all inside and inside his boots," Steinberg recalled. "It was shocking."
Paramedics brought Kiespert to Logan Hospital in Gutherie. He was so caked with mud and blood that his wife, Linda, couldn't see his skin. The former Marine, with three broken ribs, stitches in his head and hand, and too many cuts and bruises to count, knows he's lucky.
"The good Lord was looking after somebody," he said.