Coronal Airbourne Objects
Observed - What Are They?
From Ralph Westmancoat <>
I read recently about the videotaped objects and process of catching them via the corona of the sun (John Bro's 'Technique').
Intrigued, this weekend was quite clear and hot unlike England usually is, so, I went into my garden and observed some strange stuff.
I adapted the video technique to view through binoculars - very carefully and with UV protection.
I just sat there and panned the sky...what was I observing? I, too, saw objects, luminescent, drifting from west to south mainly at bizzare speeds and velocity. I focused on cumulus clouds I estimated were at 13,000 ft. These were moving from south to northwest without any visible traces of heavy wind movement.
There were many objects, some very quickly disappeared and some stayed in view long enough to pan and track across the whole sky. I even saw an object which was quite dense but luminescent track across the sky, go behind a cloud, and when it came out had attached itself to another object which then tracked across the remainder of my view until they simply dissapeared.
There are objects of many styles and sizes. When I focused on them they appeared to have denser areas but no definite shape. Some were almost T-shaped; some were dots and some almost resembled the classic bird flying 'V' shape only moving sideways and no wing movement.
As the objects drifted they seemed to be turning and twisting. For a size comparison I observed two crows flyng at fairly high altitude, at about 1100 ft and I had to back-focus to get them sharp.
I would say that the larger objects respective to the approximate crow size of 24" span and apparent height against the estimated cumulus height...the objects appeared to be about a half to two thirds the size of a crow. It is possible that these objects are around 4-5 ft across.
The sizes are estimated...but the facts are there.
I am an average guy with aviation and geographic intrests. I observed something very unusual which does not correspond to my knowledge. The objects could not be seen with the naked eye. and were viewed at a random part of the sky on two consecutive afternoons.
Can anyone shed some light on the objects I have seen? Have other people seen them?